24 Chapter 24: Firearms Training (1/2)

Mercenary System RisingDoom 28770K 2022-07-19

Razlov's leadership training has been successful, he was able to achieve what he wants to see. There were 4 people, 3 young men and 1 young woman who pass this training and these 4 people are Adam, Mark, Nelson, and Lesia. From his observation, these 4 people are the most suitable to become a leader of a fireteam so he decided that after this training when they graduate, he will immediately promote them to 'private first class'.

He knows that jumping ranks will be unfair to others since all of them should be rank as 'private' after they all graduate and then move to 'private second class' before becoming a 'private first class'. But Razlov has no choice since the organization had just been formed and he needed immediate leaders for different fireteams or squads.

These 4 people have different personality and attitude but they all have qualities of being a leader.

Adam was the first to join Razlov when he was recruiting. Adam is a little bit timid making the other saw him not suitable for being a team leader but what makes him exceptional is, he listen to others opinion and make the best course of action to be taken.

Mark is one those decisive fellows that follows what he thinks is right making people thinks that he is a reckless person. But he is not, he is actually a cautious person that does not tolerate mistakes. He makes his subordinates follow his orders absolutely right what and where he wanted them to be.

Nelson, well you can say that he is a person with natural charisma. People execute what he told them to be making the team's teamwork work in order. He also encourages his subordinates which keeps their morale high. This what makes him more of a good leader since morale is important in the army.

Then there's Lesia, Lesia is a person who is always calm no matter what situation she was in especially in dire circumstances. As she is calm in any situation, it makes her have a clear vision of what she should do. It made her actions more precise and thorough at accomplishing things.

Razlov is satisfied with the abilities and personality of 4 people he deems to be a good leader. Although they have some deficiencies, all of those can be achieved through training and experience that will make them a good leader.

Then after the additional week of leadership training, they move to firearms training.

But before they moved on he first congratulated them for passing the physical and mental training. He then told them why he's being mean to them and keeps calling them with abusive and provocative words, that although it's just for a show its also for them to prove that they are not what he called them to be.

”And if in the future that we have to recruit again and needs to expand our organization, I will personally select someone to be the drill instructor to train the new recruits.”

Hearing what Razlov said, almost all of the recruits or cadets were overjoyed at what they heard that they couldn't help but yell in 'YES!'.

Razlov intent on saying that was to ease their resentment towards him. As he understands what they are feeling just like him when he was back on earth at the military academy or college. He also experienced what they experienced and it was even worse than that, that's why when he was finally got assigned to instruct a class of juniors he made them suffer to vent all his frustration during his junior years. That's why he understands their feelings, and just as he expected.

”Haha, I'll make all those newbies suffer!”

”I will finally get my revenge!”

”Idiot! you have to be selected first before you get to make the newbies suffer. That's why I need to be the one who should be chosen.”