14 Chapter 14: Celebration (1/2)

Mercenary System RisingDoom 27160K 2022-07-19

Hearing it, Razlov let out a hearty laugh.

{Congratulation Host for completing the mission.}

{The system will now be giving the rewards for completing the mission}

{Starting of transferring CP to host}

{Transferring!...Transfer complete}

{Host receive 100 CP}

{Starting of sending supply box to host}

{Sending.... Supply box sent... Supply box receive}

{Listing the items that host received}

{20x AK- 47 Assault Rifle}

{3x SVD Dragunov Sniper Rifle}

{20x Beretta M9 Hand Gun}

{300x M67 Frag Hand Granade}

{20x M67 Practice Granade}

{10,0007.62×39mm rounds}

{2,000 7.62×51mm rounds}

{5,000 9mm rounds}

{200 gold coins}

{All weapons and ammunition will be transferred to the Armory, while gold coins will go to host inventory}

{Transferring.... Transfer Complete}

{Host can check the transferred items when you go back to the island}

Seeing the weapons that the supply box contain, he knew that those were for the new recruits. Since their battle style was of the modern they would need the appropriate weapons.

Good thing though that the system reward was weapons for the recruits. The price of the AK- 47 assault rifle in the Item shop was 50 CP, making Razlov unable to purchase the right amount. In an army it is a must that every soldier must have their own weapons, making him relieve of the problem regarding the weapons, plus there is also frag grenades which Razlov consider a bonus.

Razlov also check his inventory. The 200 gold coins is already in his inventory, plus the remaining 276 gold coins totaling 476 gold coins. With all the gold coins he have he could already be called a rich man in the common peoples view, but he knew that he should not spend to much because he has 30 mouths to feed.

Razlov left the guild to return to the Inn. On his way, he thought that he should at least celebrate now that he completed his mission. Thinking that way, Razlov immediately run to the market to purchase meats, vegetables, and other things that is needed.

'I would just let Rosy cook the dishes and I have to reserve the Inn tonight' Thought Razlov

He immediately bought all the things that is needed for the celebration. He went to an empty ally and put all of it to his inventory. Then he went back to the guild to know if the Crimson Cloud are already back. Since they said that they have a mission to do at the City of Garbel which is the capital of Viscount Garbel territory.