Chapter 39 Rising Wind: Blood (1/2)

Ever since their relations.h.i.+p as 'sworn' siblings have been confirmed, Feng Luodi and Jiang Moyin had been interacting much more frequently, but a little differently. If they could be said to have been interacting politely as friends, they now spend their time together much closer to each other, as siblings do. Feng Luodi was an only child back in the 21st century, and she only has a much younger sibling yet to be born in this world. It was a completely new experience for her to be taken care of by an elder brother like Jiang Moyin.

With the entire Feng household busy caring for the expectant Second Lady as of late, Feng Luodi had sent Jet to accompany her mother daily, while she herself continued to search for information on the remaining nine Guqin.

It's already been half a year since I came to this world, and I've only just scratched the surface of what I came here to do. She sighed. The only good thing that has happened over the past 6 months is my compatibility with this body; I doubt I'll be fainting again any time soon. However, I need guidance from Phantom, but I haven't had the chance to talk to him ever since that time I pa.s.sed out in Manchun Tang. It seems as if the only chance I have of seeing him is by entering the circle of light when my soul is separated from my body like before. Is there no one else I can turn to?

”My apologies, Miss Feng. We haven't heard anything about the remaining nine Guqin.” The owner of a zither shop bowed as he apologised.

”It's alright. Thank you for your a.s.sistance as always.” Feng Luodi kept her disappointment from showing on her face. ”I'll have to trouble you again to keep an eye out for it in the future. As for the zither that I've chosen just now, one of my attendants would be coming later to collect and pay for it.”

”Of course, of course.” The shopkeeper smiled widely as he walked Feng Luodi out of his zither shop.

Feng Luodi turned and walked into another zither shop, only to leave again in disappointment. Just like the past few days, she dragged herself towards Autumnal Ombre, weary after having visited all the zither shops in Chang'an.

As she walked along the street outside of Autumnal Ombre, she noticed something was amiss. ”Isn't this supposed to be the busiest street in the whole of Chang'an city? Why is there so little people about? The weather looks fine, and it isn't time for people to be home for lunch yet!” Feng Luodi wondered aloud.

Indeed, Chang'an's most prosperous street was now almost deserted, and it was a long while before someone brushed past Feng Luodi, briskly heading in the opposite direction. Most shops were closed as well. I'm used to seeing this street bustling and crowded, I wonder what happened for it to be deserted like this.

”Fei, did something happen in Chang'an recently? Where are all the people on the streets?” Feng Luodi fired a question at Fei as soon as she walked into Autumnal Ombre, the latter sitting comfortably in a chair as there were no customers at the shop as well. Beside him, Scarlet sat on a small stool, mending some clothes. Seeing Feng Luodi, Li Tengfei quickly put down the book he was holding and brought a chair for her to take a seat.

”It seems that many people have been poisoned. However, despite their best efforts, the physicians haven't been able to find the source of the poison, and everyone is afraid that they'll be afflicted if they left house. That's why you barely see people on the streets anymore.”

”Poison?” Feng Luodi gasped. ”Something like this can actually happen in the capital? Shouldn't it be much safer?”

Scarlet leaned closer and answered for Fei. ”I guess I wouldn't call it poisoning. The people who are afflicted have exhibited symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting, and do not seem to be better even after consuming medicine prescribed by the physicians. It was from there that the rumor came about that the people were being poisoned, as opposed to simply falling sick.”

Feng Luodi furrowed her eyebrows. ”Sounds a little strange and creepy.” Her thoughts quickly flashed to two women in her family - her mother who was always weak and susceptible to illness, and the Second Lady who was currently pregnant. ”Has no explanation been given yet?”

Li Tengfei nodded. ”It is pretty creepy.” He gestured to the street. ”Most of the businesses in the streets have decided to close for a while, at least until this incident is solved. After all, n.o.body wants to get into any trouble if they can avoid it.”

”Hey! What are you talking about!” Scarlet shoved him aside in disapproval and looked at Feng Luodi. ”Young miss, don't listen to him. I'm sure it's only because of some minor food poisoning that everyone is not feeling well. Everything will be alright soon.”

Feng Luodi couldn't make heads or tails of the situation either, having never experienced anything like that in her own world. She nodded and patted Scarlet lightly on her shoulder. ”Be more careful out here. Close it down and head back home if the situation escalates any further. We can always open it again another day.”

Scarlet nodded excitedly. ”I've missed Jet a lot. She's always sleeping by the time I go back. Hmph!”

Suddenly, Li Tengfei called out beside them. ”h.e.l.lo Master Jiang! It's good to see you again!”

Feng Luodi got up from her seat and looked towards the entrance. Jiang Moyin wore a surcoat of vibrant colour today, a colour that reminded her of the blooming begonias of spring. It was a dark shade of pink, embellished with the patterns of insects[1. Patterns of insects, like the kind we know of today (yes, bugs), were often embroidered/carved/printed on objects in Ancient China.] and fauna, the ornamental threads of purple and gold that hung from the robe adding a hint of elegance to the luxurious robe. From his signature warm smile and the crown of white jade that sat on his head, it was not hard to see why he was the Second Gentleman of Chang'an. However, Feng Luodi's eyes were drawn to the cape around his shoulders. The cape was thick, the furry collar right around his neck, adding a hint of frailty to his image.

Today is neither windy nor cold at all, so why is he wearing such a thick cape? Feng Luodi quickly walked up to him. ”Brother, are you not feeling well? Why are you out on the streets if you aren't well!” She quickly motioned Scarlet and Fei to fetch the stove and some warm tea.

Jiang Moyin smiled. ”Situ and Yiqi were hunting outside the city grounds today and had quite the success. I knew that you'd usually be at Autumnal Ombre around this time of the day, and quickly brought some over for you.” An attendant behind him quickly stepped forward and took out a couple of roe deers and wild rabbits, all freshly skinned and cleaned.

”You didn't have to come yourself, brother.” Feng Luodi gently supported Jiang Moyin as he sat down, and quickly pa.s.sed him a cup of warm tea. ”You're supposed to rest at home when you're sick, Moyin. You're not even supposed to bother yourself with the matters of the court, let alone something as trivial as this.”

Jiang Moyin cupped his hands around the warm tea and laughed. ”I never thought that having a sister would be like having another steward to nag at me.” He turned to his attendants. ”She practically copying Fu Bo at this point.”

The attendant laughed as well. ”It's in your good fortune to have her, Grand Tutor.”

”Hah! That's a witty one.” Jiang Moyin praised his attendant.

”I'm sure he learnt that from you. Your way of words has been even been praised by his Majesty himself.” Feng Luodi rolled her eyes.

”No way! You always seem to have a better comeback up your sleeve!” Jiang Moyin quickly defended himself.

Both of them laughed. Feng Luodi looked at Jiang Moyin, and asked in a much more serious tone, ”What did the Heir Apparent think of your teachings and ideals about the policies for the kingdom? Did he write to the Emperor about it?”

Jiang Moyin shook his head. ”A few of the older officials in court stopped the Heir before he could write to the Emperor. They'd felt that the economy of the kingdom is currently in a slump, and the suppression of agriculture in favour of commerce might lead to unrest amongst the people. The Heir saw the logic behind their words, and agreed to think about the issue before he acted again.”

”Oh? Is that so?” Feng Luodi knew nothing about the matters of court, but she felt that it was definitely a bad sign if a country relies too heavily on agriculture at the expense of commerce. ”Isn't the Xuan kingdom affluent and powerful?”