Chapter 91 (1/2)

Chapter 91 Remembrance: All That I Want

Before Zhang Xin left the tent, Feng Luodi voiced a doubt that had been in her head for the past few days. “General Zhang, do you know about the cooperation between Situ and the Crown Prince of Xianbei?”

“Of course.” Zhang Xin saw no reason to hide it from Feng Luodi, knowing that Situ trusts her completely as well. “What will you like to know, Miss Feng?”

“Why did Situ choose to join forces with the Xianbei?” Feng Luodi was perplexed. “Is it only because of his personal relations.h.i.+p with the Crown Prince?”

Zhang Xin smiled and shook his head. “That is only a small part of the reason. Situ is not one to let his emotions guide his actions, especially when these things may affect the future. He chose to help the Crown Prince because of an agreement between the two of them. Or, more specifically, between him and the future King of the Xianbei.”

“What agreement are you talking about?”

“Xianbei will not join forces with the other countries to attack the Xuan kingdom, so long as the Crown Prince is King. Out of all the neighboring kingdoms, the Xianbei is the closest to Yunzhong Pa.s.s, and hence poses a great threat to our lands.”

“But I'm sure that the other kingdoms will not just sit by and let the alliance form so easily.”

“You're correct. However, both the Fuyu and Sushen's militaries are weaker than that of the Xianbei, while the military of the Huns is stronger than that of the Xianbei. If the other three kingdoms form an alliance, Xianbei will have no choice but to seek our protection.”

Feng Luodi was amazed. “That is a great way to balance out the powers in the North indeed.”

“Situ is the one who came up with it.” Whenever Zhang Xin spoke of Situ, his eyes shone with admiration. “We were all in awe when we first heard the plan; a plan which he executed perfectly.”

“Perfectly indeed.” Feng Luodi smiled.

“Well, I'd best check on the kid now. My apologies for disturbing you, Miss Feng.” Zhang Xin took his leave.

“No worries, General Zhang.” Feng Luodi curtsied.

“General Situ, you're returning to Chang'an?” Zuo Lang's eyes were wide open in shock when he heard that Situ was due to return in a few days.

Situ nodded. “Just follow Zhang Xin's orders. You're more suited for the North.”

Zuo Lang swallowed his next words. But I want to go to Chang'an with you…perhaps it's better if I go when I'm a better fighter.

“Don't worry, Situ. When you come back to the North again, this kid will definitely be a changed man!” Zhang Xin grinned, enveloping Zuo Lang in a bear hug.

Feng Luodi knew that they were due to return to Chang'an soon. The letters from her mother, from Qi Jianqiu, and from Jiang Moyin came with greater frequency and urgency than ever. I'd come here in the winter, and it'll be spring when I return. What a long trip this has been.

She lifted her tent and walked out, surprised to see Situ reclining on his bed, clutching a report in one hand. When did he come in? I didn't hear anything at all!

“Done packing?” Situ set down his report and pointed at a chair beside him, indicating for her to take a seat.

Feng Luodi took a few steps towards him but stopped herself.

“Situ.” She looked into his eyes. “Tell the Covert Guard to stand down.”

Situ stood up. “Why? Quattor is there to protect you.”

Feng Luodi shook her head. “I don't need any protection.”

“You're a smart girl, and you should know your current situation.” Situ frowned. “Chang'an is a chaotic place and you've already established yourself as a potential target because of your relations.h.i.+ps with the few of us.”

“I understand that, and I will take care of myself.” Feng Luodi stood firm. “Situ, do you know the difference between protection and surveillance? What exactly is Quattor's purpose around me?”

Situ's gaze was foreboding. “Why are you throwing a tantrum? Is it because of the issue with the Crown Prince? I've explained that to you already!”

“Why will I be upset over something as trivial as that?” Feng Luodi shook her head. “I don't like to be supervised.”

“He's protecting you!”

“Whatever it is, I don't like it.” Feng Luodi backed away from him. “He can protect you instead.”

“What if I say no?” His chest tightened.

Feng Luodi shook her head. “You wouldn't disappoint me, Situ.”

“Do you know me very well?” Situ walked closer to her.

Feng Luodi tried to back away from him even more, but found her back pressed to the wall of the tent.