Chapter 85 (1/2)

Chapter 85 Remembrance: Death

Feng Luodi remembered Jiang Moyin's words: to know what someone is truly thinking, you only have to look carefully. I guess he's right; although all of them try to hide their emotions behind a mask, they cannot maintain their façade forever.

I guess I can see what he mean. Feng Luodi thought quietly to herself as she observed the ceremony quietly from the side of the room. The ceremony was over, and the new bride was waiting for her husband in their bedroom. Each of the guests toasted their congratulations to the Crown Prince individually, offering their blessings to the newlyweds. Why do I just find it so…ridiculous? Their true emotions and their words don't match up at all.

“Have some pomegranate wine – a local specialty.” Situ poured her another goblet of wine, attracting her attention. “Like I said, all you have to do is to eat.”

“Alright.” Feng Luodi nodded, taking a swig of the wine without thinking twice. She choked. “It's so strong! How is pomegranate wine so strong?”

“Is it?” Situ puzzled, setting his own goblet aside. “It's much weaker than the Shaodaozi we drink.”

“Hey. Shaodaozi is as strong as my Autumnal Ombre, alright?” Feng Luodi glared at him, feeling the effects of the spirit immediately. Her tolerance for alcohol was as low as ever, but unfortunately for her, the wines in the Xuan Dynasty only seemed to come at both extremes of the spectrum: either too watered down or way too strong.

Situ steadied her with a hand, his gaze landing on her reddened cheeks and her moist, red lips. What a beautiful and ephemeral night it is.

Unconsciously, he stepped forward and his arm snaked around Feng Luodi's waist. Under the surprised gaze of the officer beside them, he carried her into his arms. Reflexively, her arms shot around his neck, clinging onto him for balance. He walked out of the banquet with her in his arms, the head steward quickly guiding them back to their room.

Gently, he lowered her onto the bed. Looking at her delicate features, unguarded and relaxed, Situ sat by the bed and sighed. All beautiful moments are indeed ephemeral.

A hoa.r.s.e cry broke the deep of the night.

“! The Crown Prince has been murdered!”

“Get General An immediately! Surround the residence; let no one out!”

Feng Luodi sat up on the bed, holding a hand to her head. She peered out of the window in confusion. Did I hear wrongly? How is it that the Crown Prince is on the day of his wedding? How can that happen?

Shaking her head, Feng Luodi shuffled to the table and poured herself a cup of tea. Lazily, she pushed open the door of her room. Quattor appeared before her.

“Miss Feng, the General invites you to the antechamber whenever you're ready.”

“Has the Crown Prince really been” Feng Luodi could not wrap her mind around the situation.

Quattor nodded. “His body has been found in the study.”

“The study? What's he doing there on the night of his big day!” Feng Luodi was perplexed.

Quattor shook his head. “My guess is as good as any. Miss Feng, you can have some light snacks and freshen up before you head to the antechamber. You might be spending a lot of time in there after this.”

“No need for that, I'll be there as soon as I get changed. Argh, the smell of alcohol clings to my clothes.” Feng Luodi waved her hand as she turned to return to her room.

When she reached the antechamber, she was surprised to see the decorations of the banquet still in place. However, there was now a body in the middle of the hall, that of the Crown Prince of Xianbei. A white cloth covered the body, a stark contrast to the red carpet of the hall. n.o.body noticed Feng Luodi as she slowly entered the hall from one of the side doors.

The crowd in the antechamber was divided into three groups. The guests of the banquet, General An and his men, and a group led by a richly dressed man.

The richly dressed man spoke up angrily. “We can find out the cause of death of the Crown Prince right now if we investigate the body! Why are you stopping me, General An?” He was the Third Prince of the Xianbei kingdom, a man Feng Luodi had seen during the banquet.

General An was a burly man, and a voice to match his stature. “Your Highness, the death of the Crown Prince is an important affair that concerns the entire kingdom. We can only proceed after his Majesty arrives.”

A scholarly looking man standing behind General An spoke up, obviously angered by the events. “Why did the Crown Prince leave in the middle of the banquet to head to the study? What do you have to say about that, your Highness?”

“Are you suspecting me?” The Third Prince sneered. “Who gave you the authority to question me, out of all the attending guests today?”

Someone quickly stepped forward to defuse the situation. “Relax a little, Third Brother. I'm sure Father would've received word by now and will be here soon. Let's just all wait for a while. Thankyou for your patience, dear guests.”

“Hmph. I could always count on you to be the pacifist, Fourth Brother.” The Third Prince sat down, his lips pressed tightly together.

Feng Luodi shuffled over to Situ quietly. “The banquet was still ongoing? At this time of the night?”

Situ nodded. “It's a common practice of the Xianbei.”

“I wouldn't be surprised if he died of alcohol poisoning, given how much he drank tonight.” Feng Luodi looked at the covered body on the floor and felt a s.h.i.+ver crawl down her spine. Why is everyone still fighting, even after the horrific death of the Crown Prince?

Situ's brow furrowed together as soon as the words left her mouth.

Li Hengba spoke up immediately beside her. “Oh? You seem to know the cause of death of the Crown Prince, young miss?”

All eyes were upon her. Feng Luodi knew she'd made a mistake; she was too used to speaking her mind freely whenever she was near Situ, but that slip of tongue had garnered her unnessccary attention and possibly, trouble.

As expected, General An looked at her, suspicions beginning to from in his mind. “Oh? Do you know the cause of death of the Crown Prince? If I do remember correctly, you were the first to leave the banquet. If I may ask, where did you go after the banquet?”