Chapter 69 (1/2)

Chapter 69 Abysmal: The Gathering

Situ quickly interrupted Feng Luodi’s rant. “Calm down – the gathering hasn’t even happened yet!”

Feng Luodi took a deep breath, and calmed herself down. “My apologies; I lost my cool back there.”

“It’s alright. We know you’re worried about her.” Situ poured her a cup of tea.

“The way I see it, this might even be a good thing for her!” Gan Qingjia flashed a casual smile. “Many young masters in Chang’an are admirers of Qi Jianqiu, but had not have the chance to interact with her. Who knows, she might even see someone she like!”

The image of Qi Jianqiu’s in tears flashed through her mind, and Feng Luodi shook her head vehemently. “Those men are only attracted by her looks. Even if she was willing to choose someone from the lot, it’s still too early for that!” Feng Luodi’s fondness for Qi Jianqiu came from the bottom of her heart, and the only other thing she wanted in this world, besides finding the 10 Guqin, was to see Qi Jianqiu marry someone of her own choice.

Silence ensued in the room.

“What do you plan on doing after we enter the palace? How are you going to stop people from proposing to her? What if both Concubine Yao and the Minister of the Right agree to the marriage? What will you do then?” Situ broke the silence.

Feng Luodi raised her head, looking gloomy. “I haven’t thought that far. What if we just play it by the ear?”

Situ shook her head. “That will probably reflect badly on Concubine Yao, seeing as she was the one who had sent out the invitation.”

Feng Luodi’s shoulders dropped. “I guess I’d better come up with a plan within the next three days then.”

Gan Qingjia laughed lightly. “If you still haven't come up with a plan before that, I may have a way to help her out of it.”

“What is it?” Feng Luodi looked at him excitedly.

Situ looked at him from the corner of his eyes as well. Although he is competent, this brother of mine still spends the most of his days enjoying the company of women and wine. Something tells me that I'm not going to like this plan of his…

Gan Qingjia was tight lipped. “You’ll know when we get there.”

That made Feng Luodi uneasy, but she tried to rea.s.sure herself that Gan Qingjia was on their side. Is he, really? She turned to Situ for confirmation, but he looked away.

Oh man, did I just push Jianqiu into the fire by asking for his help? Great, now I have one more thing to worry about.

The three days pa.s.sed quickly, and news of Concubine Yao’s invitation for all bachelors in the capital spread through the city. Everyone knew what the gathering was for, but not a single person pointed it out. Winter was arriving soon, but the chrysanthemums in the Royal Gardens were in full bloom. The gardens were a palette of white, red, pink, yellow and different shades of colours. It was as if all the chrysanthemums in the world had gathered in the gardens.

Qi Jianqiu was dressed with a inner vest the colour of snow, and a loose robe of crimson red draped over her shoulders. Another translucent veil of gold shrouded her figure, the embroideries of flowers and phoenixes sprawled across the veil. Her brows were delicate as emerald jade, her skin the colour of snow and her smile bewitching the eyes of all that saw her.

“As expected from ‘The Beauty of Chang’an’! The person who marries her would probably have to use up all his luck for his next three lives.”

When Feng Luodi entered the gardens with Situ, she heard all these exclamations about her. She followed the gaze of the crowd, and saw Qi Jianqiu dressed in her formal clothes. Despite her emotionless face, her beauty was bewitching. Handmaidens stood beside her, as if to keep an eye on her.

“How can I get to her side?” Feng Luodi turned to Situ, but saw his eyes still fixated on Qi Jianqiu.

Hmph! All men know is to look at beautiful women. Feng Luodi pursed her lips, and looked around. Where exactly is Gan Qingjia? I hope he didn’t run away. Then, her gaze landed on Jiang Moyin in the distance, the Heir by his side.

If the Heir proposes to Jianqiu in front of the crowd, I’m sure Concubine Yao would be forced to agree.

“Miss Feng, Concubine Yao wishes to speak with you.” A handmaiden suddenly appeared in front of her.

Feng Luodi was a little taken aback by the sudden invitation, and turned to Situ for help. Seeing him nod, Feng Luodi nodded at the handmaiden. “Lead the way, then.”

“This way please, Miss Feng.”

After the two of them left, Gan Qingjia appeared with Xue Yiqi by his side. “Yiqi, just follow me today. You’ll be in for an exciting day!”

Situ frowned a little. “Don’t overdo it.”

“No worries, I know my limits.” Gan Qingjia smiled confidently. “You’d better watch over Miss Feng, Situ. This is the palace, after all.”

“Don’t worry.” Situ barely looked at him. “She knows what to do.”

Gan Qingjia’s expression froze, and turned away from Situ. What’s up with his tone? He seems…proud of her.

“The Concubine is waiting for you in the chamber. Please, Miss Feng.”