Tomas Chapter 21 (1/2)

Chapter 21 Wind Crane: Murder!

After that encounter with the 7th Prince, Feng Luodi learnt her lesson and started spending her time at home, playing the zither and accompanying her sick mother. In the span of a few days, news and rumours of her spread like wildfire, some good and some bad. Some said she could play the zither better than the supposed best zither artiste in Chang’an, while others focused on the fact that she was rejected by the 7th Prince because of her ungainly looks. Interestingly enough, there were rumours that the Grand Tutor Jiang Moyin favoured her, seeing as how he stood up for her in the hall. Many of the n.o.bility tried to fish for information about her through the Chamberlain, but he was a man who was only interested in his duties and took no notice.

Another factor that kept Feng Luodi in the household was the First Lady’s recovering health, now able to sit and dine with the rest of the family. Feng Luodi constantly felt guilty about taking over this body, and tried to make up for it by spending as much time as she could with the First Lady. As for Wind Crane, she could only spend her nights thinking of a solution, feeling restless at night..

One morning, just as Feng Luodi finished getting ready for the day, Scarlet ran in, panting heavily.

“Young miss, this is bad! Really bad!”

“What’s wrong?” Feng Luodi was calm as she poured a cup of tea. “Come have a cup of tea. I woke up early today and brewed it myself.”

“Young miss!” Scarlet dashed over and grabbed Feng Luodi’s sleeve. “Come with me to the antechamber! This is really bad!”

“What happened?” Feng Luodi looked at her. “You need to tell me what happened so I can a.s.sess the situation. We can’t go stumbling into the antechamber at this hour, it’ll spell big trouble for us if we interrupted his meeting.”

“I…I…I…” Within a moment, Scarlet was gasping for breath. Now it was Feng Luodi’s turn to panic. She quickly stroked Scarlet’s back in an attempt to help her regulate her breathing.

“Your lungs are weak. Next time get a servant to do it, don’t run around so quickly yourself.”

In a few minutes, Scarlet’s breathing stabilised waving a hand to signal she was fine.. “I’m alright now, young lady.” She paused for a second and looked at Feng Luodi. “The Administrator of Chang’an is here and talking to the Chamberlain right now. He’s accusing you of murder!”

“What? Murder?” Feng Luodi was shocked. Somebody died? How can someone who’s been at home the whole time possibly be a suspect?”

“It’s Miss Linglong of Moonglade….I mean, her two handmaidens, who were responsible for taking care of Wind Crane. They’ve been found dead, and Wind Crane missing!” She stammered nervously, “Y-you showed a great interest in Wind Crane that day in Moonglade…the Administrator ssays you are suspected of killing them to steal Wind Crane. The Chamberlain was furious at the Administrator and accused him of slandering your name. Right now, he’s still arguing with the Administrator in the antechamber, and has already missed his time to go to court today. He specifically told us not to let the First Lady know about this.”

Now Feng Luodi understood the situation. It was perfectly understandable why she would be suspected if the crime involved the theft of Wind Crane. She strode out of her courtyard after instructing Scarlet to rest from her exhaustion, and quickly reached the reception hall. Inside, she saw a man she did not recognise in court-attire wiping his brow furiously. The Chamberlain had his back to the man and was reprimanding him, fury apparent in his voice. Seeing Feng Luodi arrive, the Administrator relaxed visibly. But before he could say anything, the Chamberlain waved her away. “I’m discussing matters with the Administrator here, go back to your room right now, young lady.”

“Wait a moment, young miss!” The Administrator quickly interrupted, “I just want to ask you a few questions, like what you were doing when it happened. Just some routine investigation, that’s all.” The Administrator was visibly anxious. When word of the crime got out, the 7th Prince immediately sent a message to him, hinting to him that Feng Luodi might very well be responsible. However, Feng Luodi was the daughter of the Chamberlain, and it would not look good for him, or the Feng Household, if she was taken into custody. Although the Chamberlain’s status could not compare to that of the prince, he was much higher in rank than the Administrator. Moreover, the Chamberlain was the head of the singular most important bureau in the kingdom, the Judicial Bureau, and was someone n.o.body wanted to offend. Stuck between the Devil and the deep blue sea, one could only imagine how stressed the Administrator felt.

Before the Chamberlain could lash out at the Administrator for his disrespectful request, Feng Luodi spoke up quickly. “Father, I can understand why the Administrator will cla.s.sify me as a suspect. I do have motive to steal Wind Crane, and it would be best to clear my name with the routine investigation. I am willing to follow the Administrator to the yamen to help in the investigation.”

“That is impossible! You’re my daughter, the daughter of a 2nd Rank Official in the kingdom. If news of this spreads, n.o.body will be willing to take you as their wife in the future!

“No no, that won’t be the case. We just need to ask a few simple questions, make a statement of it, and we’ll send her back immediately! n.o.body will know about it, your Honour.” Seeing Feng Luodi’s willingness to aid in the investigation, the Administrator quickly jumped at this chance.

Seeing that the Chamberlain was about to say something again, Feng Luodi quickly walked over and tugged on his sleeve. “Father, you’ll be late for court if you don’t leave now, which I know you’ve never been. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” She paused. “I’ll bring Fu Bo* along as well, you can trust him even if you don’t trust me, alright? Besides, do you think they’ll dare to lift a finger at me, knowing that I’m the daughter of the Chamberlain of Chang’an??”

“Argh…fine then.” He exhaled noisily through his nose. He glanced at the Administrator, knowing he wouldn’t do anything to Feng Luodi. More importantly, he believed in Fu Bo, who’s been with him for more than 20 years. I can count on him to control the situation if things go south.Patting Feng Luodi lightly on her arm, his voice softened. “Be careful later, alright?” Turning to give the Administrator a hard look, he quickly left to get ready for court.

As soon as the Chamberlain left, the Administrator heaved a sigh, relief apparent on his face. He turned to bow at Feng Luodi. “Young miss, follow me if you will.” As the two left, Fu Bo and Scarlet, who just arrived at the antechamber, quickly followed behind.

When they reached the yamen, a set of brush, ink and bamboo slats were brought out quickly. As Feng Luodi was the daughter of the Chamberlain, the Administrator took charge of the questioning, out of respect for her father.

“Where were you two nights ago, at nine in the night?”

“I was at home. I had just finished bidding goodnight to my mother, and was about to turn in for the night myself.”

“Are there any witnesses?”

“All the handmaidens and servants in the household can attest to that. If that’s not enough for you, my mother can bear witness as well.”