Volume VI Part 9 (1/2)

Hadst thou seen how they paraded it--Cousin, and Cousin, and Nephew, at every word; Lady Betty bridling and looking haughtily-condescending.-- Charlotte galanting her fan, and swimming over the floor without touching it.

How I long to see my niece-elect! cries one--for they are told that we are not married; and are pleased that I have not put the slight upon them that they had apprehended from me.

How I long to see my dear cousin that is to be, the other!

Your La's.h.i.+p, and your La's.h.i.+p, and an awkward courtesy at every address --prim Susan Morrison.

Top your parts, ye villains!--You know how nicely I distinguish. There will be no pa.s.sion in this case to blind the judgment, and to help on meditated delusion, as when you engage with t.i.tled sinners. My charmer is as cool and as distinguis.h.i.+ng, though not quite so learned in her own s.e.x, as I am. Your commonly-a.s.sumed dignity won't do for me now. Airs of superiority, as if born to rank.--But no over-do!--Doubting nothing.

Let not your faces arraign your hearts.

Easy and unaffected!--Your very dresses will give you pride enough.

A little graver, Lady Betty.--More significance, less bridling in your dignity.

That's the air! Charmingly hit----Again----You have it.

Devil take you!--Less arrogance. You are got into airs of young quality.

Be less sensible of your new condition. People born to dignity command respect without needing to require it.

Now for your part, Cousin Charlotte!--

Pretty well. But a little too frolicky that air.--Yet have I prepared my beloved to expect in you both great vivacity and quality-freedom.

Curse those eyes!--Those glancings will never do. A down-cast bashful turn, if you can command it. Look upon me. Suppose me now to be my beloved.

Devil take that leer. Too significantly arch!--Once I knew you the girl I would now have you to be.

Sprightly, but not confident, cousin Charlotte!--Be sure forget not to look down, or aside, when looked at. When eyes meet eyes, be your's the retreating ones. Your face will bear examination.

O Lord! Lord! that so young a creature can so soon forget the innocent appearance she first charmed by; and which I thought born with you all!-- Five years to ruin what twenty had been building up! How natural the latter lesson! How difficult to regain the former!

A stranger, as I hope to be saved, to the princ.i.p.al arts of your s.e.x!-- Once more, what a devil has your heart to do in your eyes?

Have I not told you, that my beloved is a great observer of the eyes?

She once quoted upon me a text,* which showed me how she came by her knowledge--Dorcas's were found guilty of treason the first moment she saw her.

* Eccles. xxvi. The wh.o.r.edom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eye-lids. Watch over an impudent eye, and marvel not if it trespa.s.s against thee.

Once more, suppose me to be my charmer.--Now you are to encounter my examining eye, and my doubting heart--

That's my dear!

Study that air in the pier-gla.s.s!--

Charmingly!--Perfectly right!

Your honours, now, devils!--

Pretty well, Cousin Charlotte, for a young country lady! Till form yields to familiarity, you may courtesy low. You must not be supposed to have forgot your boarding-school airs.