Volume IV Part 41 (1/2)
I kissed her unrepulsing hand no less than five times during this conversation. Lord, Jack, how my generous heart ran over!--She was quite obliging at parting.--She in a manner asked me leave to retire; to reperuse Charlotte's letter.--I think she bent her knees to me; but I won't be sure.--How happy might we both have been long ago, had the dear creature been always as complaisant to me! For I do love respect, and, whether I deserve it or not, always had it, till I knew this proud beauty.
And now, Belford, are we in a train, or the deuce is in it. Every fortified town has its strong and its weak place. I have carried on my attacks against the impregnable parts. I have not doubt but I shall either s.h.i.+ne or smuggle her out of her cloke, since she and Miss Howe have intended to employ a smuggler against me.--All we wait for now is my Lord's letter.
But I had like to have forgot to tell thee, that we have been not a little alarmed, by some inquiries that have been made after me and my beloved by a man of good appearance; who yesterday procured a tradesman in the neighbourhood to send for Dorcas: of whom he asked several questions relating to us; particularly (as we boarded and lodged in one house) whether we were married?
This has given my beloved great uneasiness. And I could not help observing upon it, to her, how right a thing it was that we had given out below that we were married. The inquiry, most probably, I said, was from her brother's quarter; and now perhaps that our marriage was owned, we should hear no more of his machinations. The person, it seems, was curious to know the day that the ceremony was performed. But Dorcas refused to give him any other particulars than that we were married; and she was the more reserved, as he declined to tell her the motives of his inquiry.
MAY 24.
The devil take this uncle of mine! He has at last sent me a letter which I cannot show, without exposing the head of our family for a fool. A confounded parcel of pop-guns has he let off upon me. I was in hopes he had exhausted his whole stock of this sort in his letter to you.--To keep it back, to delay sending it, till he had recollected all this farrago of nonsense--confound his wisdom of nations, if so much of it is to be sc.r.a.ped together, in disgrace of itself, to make one egregious simpleton!
--But I am glad I am fortified with this piece of flagrant folly, however; since, in all human affairs, the convenient are so mingled, that there is no having the one without the other.
I have already offered the bill enclosed in it to my beloved; and read to her part of the letter. But she refused the bill: and, as I am in cash myself, I shall return it. She seemed very desirous to peruse the whole letter. And when I told her, that, were it not for exposing the writer, I would oblige her, she said, it would not be exposing his Lords.h.i.+p to show it to her; and that she always preferred the heart to the head. I knew her meaning; but did not thank her for it.
All that makes for me in it I will transcribe for her--yet, hang it, she shall have the letter, and my soul with it, for one consenting kiss.
She has got the letter from me without the reward. Deuce take me, if I had the courage to propose the condition. A new character this of bashfulness in thy friend. I see, that a truly modest woman may make even a confident man keep his distance. By my soul, Belford, I believe, that nine women in ten, who fall, fall either from their own vanity or levity, or for want of circ.u.mspection and proper reserves.
I did intend to take my reward on her returning a letter so favourable to us both. But she sent it to me, sealed up, by Dorcas. I might have thought that there were two or three hints in it, that she would be too nice immediately to appear to. I send it to thee; and here will stop, to give thee time to read it. Return it as soon as thou hast perused it.
It is a long lane that has no turning.--Do not despise me for my proverbs --you know I was always fond of them; and if you had been so too, it would have been the better for you, let me tell you. I dare swear, the fine lady you are so likely to be soon happy with, will be far from despising them; for I am told, that she writes well, and that all her letters are full of sentences. G.o.d convert you! for n.o.body but he and this lady can.
I have no manner of doubt but that you will marry, as your father, and all your ancestors, did before you: else you would have had no t.i.tle to be my heir; nor can your descendants have any t.i.tle to be your's, unless they are legitimate; that's worth your remembrance, Sir!--No man is always a fool, every man is sometimes.--But your follies, I hope, are now at an end.
I know, you have vowed revenge against this fine lady's family: but no more of that, now. You must look upon them all as your relations; and forgive and forget. And when they see you make a good husband and a good father, [which G.o.d send, for all our sakes!] they will wonder at their nonsensical antipathy, and beg your pardon: But while they think you a vile fellow, and a rake, how can they either love you, or excuse their daughter?
And methinks I could wish to give a word of comfort to the lady, who, doubtless, must be under great fears, how she shall be able to hold in such a wild creature as you have hitherto been. I would hint to her, that by strong arguments, and gentle words, she may do any thing with you; for though you are apt to be hot, gentle words will cool you, and bring you into the temper that is necessary for your cure.
Would to G.o.d, my poor lady, your aunt, who is dead and gone, had been a proper patient for the same remedy! G.o.d rest her soul! No reflections upon her memory! Worth is best known by want! I know her's now; and if I had went first, she would by this time have known mine.
There is great wisdom in that saying, G.o.d send me a friend, that may tell me of my faults: if not, an enemy, and he will. Not that I am your enemy; and that you well know. The more n.o.ble any one is, the more humble; so bear with me, if you would be thought n.o.ble.--Am I not your uncle? and do I not design to be better to you than your father could be?
Nay, I will be your father too, when the happy day comes; since you desire it: and pray make my compliments to my dear niece; and tell her, I wonder much that she has so long deferred your happiness.
Pray let her know as that I will present HER (not you) either my Lancas.h.i.+re seat or The Lawn in Hertfords.h.i.+re, and settle upon her a thousand pounds a year penny-rents; to show her, that we are not a family to take base advantages: and you may have writings drawn, and settle as you will.--Honest Pritchard has the rent-roll of both these estates; and as he has been a good old servant, I recommend him to your lady's favour.