Volume IV Part 5 (1/2)
Well then, here are--let me see--How many persons are there who, after Monday night, will be able to swear that she has gone by my name, answered to my name, had no other view in leaving her friends but to go by my name? her own relations neither able nor willing to deny it.-- First, here are my servants, her servant, Dorcas, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs.
Sinclair's two nieces, and Miss Partington.
But for fear these evidences should be suspected, here comes the jet of the business--'No less than four worthy gentlemen of fortune and family, who were all in company such a night particularly, at a collation to which they were invited by Robert Lovelace, of Sandoun-hall, in the county of Lancaster, esquire, in company with Magdalen Sinclair, widow, and Priscilla Partington, spinster, and the lady complainant, when the said Robert Lovelace addressed himself to the said lady, on a mult.i.tude of occasions, as his wife; as they and others did, as Mrs. Lovelace; every one complimenting and congratulating her upon her nuptials; and that she received such their compliments and congratulations with no other visible displeasure or repugnance, than such as a young bride, full of blushes and pretty confusion, might be supposed to express upon such contemplative revolvings as those compliments would naturally inspire.'
Nor do thou rave at me, Jack, nor rebel. Dost think I brought the dear creature hither for nothing?
And here's a faint sketch of my plot.--Stand by, varlets--tanta-ra-ra-ra!
--Veil your bonnets, and confess your master!
Have been at church, Jack--behaved admirably well too! My charmer is pleased with me now: for I was exceedingly attentive to the discourse, and very ready in the auditor's part of the service.--Eyes did not much wander. How could they, when the loveliest object, infinitely the loveliest in the whole church, was in my view!
Dear creature! how fervent, how amiable, in her devotions! I have got her to own that she prayed for me. I hope a prayer from so excellent a mind will not be made in vain.
There is, after all, something beautifully solemn in devotion. The Sabbath is a charming inst.i.tution to keep the heart right, when it is right. One day in seven, how reasonable!--I think I'll go to church once a day often. I fancy it will go a great way towards making me a reformed man. To see mult.i.tudes of well-appearing people all joining in one reverend act. An exercise how worthy of a rational being! Yet it adds a sting or two to my former stings, when I think of my projects with regard to this charming creature. In my conscience, I believe, if I were to go constantly to church, I could not pursue them.
I had a scheme come into my head while there; but I will renounce it, because it obtruded itself upon me in so good a place. Excellent creature! How many ruins has she prevented by attaching me to herself --by engrossing my whole attention.
But let me tell thee what pa.s.sed between us in my first visit of this morning; and then I will acquaint thee more largely with my good behaviour at church.
I could not be admitted till after eight. I found her ready prepared to go out. I pretended to be ignorant of her intention, having charged Dorcas not to own that she had told me of it.
Going abroad, Madam?--with an air of indifference.
Yes, Sir: I intend to go to church.
I hope, Madam, I shall have the honour to attend you.
No: she designed to take a chair, and go to the next church.
This startled me:--A chair to carry her to the next church from Mrs.
Sinclair's, her right name not Sinclair, and to bring her back hither in the face of people who might not think well of the house!--There was no permitting that. Yet I was to appear indifferent. But said, I should take it for a favour, if she would permit me to attend her in a coach, as there was time for it, to St. Paul's.
She made objections to the gaiety of my dress; and told me, that if she went to St. Paul's, she could go in a coach without me.
I objected Singleton and her brother, and offered to dress in the plainest suit I had.
I beg the favour of attending you, dear Madam, said I. I have not been at church a great while; we shall sit in different stalls, and the next time I go, I hope it will be to give myself a t.i.tle to the greatest blessing I can receive.
She made some further objections: but at last permitted me the honour of attending her.
I got myself placed in her eye, that the time might not seem tedious to me, for we were there early. And I gained her good opinion, as I mentioned above, by my behaviour.