Volume I Part 38 (1/2)

Yes, indeed; I got more by that means, than I should have had the conscience to ask. But I have still the greater part to shew! But you!

What have you to shew?--I dare say, not fifty pieces in the world!

Indeed I have not!

I believe you!--Your mamma Norton, I suppose--But mum for that--!

Unworthy Bella! The good woman, although low in circ.u.mstance, is great in mind! Much greater than those who would impute meanness to a soul incapable of it.

What then have you done with the sums given you from infancy to squander?--Let me ask you [affecting archness], Has, has, has Lovelace, has your rake, put it out at interest for you?

O that my sister would not make me blush for her! It is, however, out at interest!--And I hope it will bring me interest upon interest!--Better than to lie useless in my cabinet.

She understood me, she said. Were I a man, she should suppose I was aiming to carry the county--Popularity! A crowd to follow me with their blessings as I went to and from church, and n.o.body else to be regarded, were agreeable things. House-top-proclamations! I hid not my light under a bushel, she would say that for me. But was it not a little hard upon me, to be kept from blazing on a Sunday?--And to be hindered from my charitable ostentations?

This, indeed, Bella, is cruel in you, who have so largely contributed to my confinement.--But go on. You'll be out of breath by-and-by. I cannot wish to be able to return this usage.--Poor Bella! And I believe I smiled a little too contemptuously for a sister to a sister.

None of your saucy contempts [rising in her voice]: None of your poor Bella's, with that air of superiority in a younger sister!

Well then, rich Bella! courtesying--that will please you better--and it is due likewise to the h.o.a.rds you boast of.

Look ye, Clary, holding up her hand, if you are not a little more abject in your meekness, a little more mean in your humility, and treat me with the respect due to an elder sister--you shall find--

Not that you will treat me worse than you have done, Bella!--That cannot be; unless you were to let fall your uplifted hand upon me--and that would less become you to do, than me to bear.

Good, meek creature:--But you were upon your overtures just now!--I shall surprise every body by tarrying so long. They will think some good may be done with you--and supper will be ready.

A tear would stray down my cheek--How happy have I been, said I, sighing, in the supper-time conversations, with all my dear friends in my eye round their hospitable board.

I met only with insult for this--Bella has not a feeling heart. The highest joy in this life she is not capable of: but then she saves herself many griefs, by her impenetrableness--yet, for ten times the pain that such a sensibility is attended with, would I not part with the pleasure it brings with it.

She asked me, upon my turning from her, if she should not say any thing below of my compliances?

You may say, that I will do every thing they would have me do, if they will free me from Mr. Solmes's address.

This is all you desire at present, creeper on! insinuator! [What words she has!] But will not t'other man flame out, and roar most horribly, upon the s.n.a.t.c.hing from his paws a prey he thought himself sure of?

I must let you talk in your own way, or we shall never come to a point.

I shall not matter in his roaring, as you call it. I will promise him, that, if I ever marry any other man, it shall not be till he is married.

And if he be not satisfied with such a condescension, I shall think he ought: and I will give any a.s.surances, that I will neither correspond with him, nor see him. Surely this will do.

But I suppose then you will have no objection to see and converse, on a civil footing, with Mr. Solmes--as your father's friend, or so?

No! I must be permitted to retire to my apartment whenever he comes.

I would no more converse with the one, than correspond with the other.