Part 9 (1/2)
he said, ”it will give me an admirable opportunity of inviting you to supper. Keep an eye on the old birds and as soon as they show a disposition to evacuate the situation we'll limber up and wait for them in the foyer. He's a hero of yours. Is that the idea?”
”Yes,” she said simply.
”Do you happen to know Lady Feo?”
”Very well, indeed. She has been very kind to me. I like her.”
Chalfont s.h.i.+fted his shoulders. That was quite enough. ”Are you going to give me the whole of the evening?” he asked. ”Or will that escort of yours show up sooner or later and claim you?”
”He's as good as dead, as far as I'm concerned. What do you suggest?”
He bent forward eagerly. ”I dunno. A show of sorts. Not the theater. I can't stand that. We might drop into one of the Reviews or see what they are doing at the Coliseum. I love the red-nosed comedian who falls over a pin and breaks a million plates in an agony of economical terror. Do you like that sort of thing?”
Lola's experience of Reviews and Variety entertainments was limited to Hammersmith and the suburbs. ”You're going to do something for me,” she said, ”so I am perfectly ready to do something for you. I'm rather keen about give and take.”
Which was good hearing for Chalfont. He hadn't met many women who understood that golden rule. He could see even then that the little de Breze was going to play ducks and drakes with his future plans, put him to a considerable amount of inconvenience and probably keep him hanging about town,-for which he had very little use now that the sun was s.h.i.+ning. Already Lola's attraction had begun its disturbing effect. He was on the verge of becoming brother of a valet, a butler, two footmen and the Lord knew how many of the hobble-de-hoys of Queen's Road, Bayswater.
The fish came and they both fell to,-Lola watching Fallaray's table keenly. ”I saw a rather decent photograph of you in the _Tatler_ to-day,” she said. It might have been Feo who spoke. ”You won the point to point, didn't you?”
”I did,” said Chalfont. ”But I should have been beaten by the Boy if I hadn't had a better horse. He rode like the devil.”
”You don't think that point to points are rather playing the fool just now, then?” The question came quietly but had the effect of making Chalfont suspend his fork in mid-air.
”Yes. I do. But under the present system what is the ordinary plain man to do but stand aside and watch our political muddlers mess everything up? I was asked to rejoin and take over a district in Ireland. Not me. I could see myself raising Cain in about ten minutes and washed out at the end of a week. Soldiers aren't required in Ireland.”
”No. Nor policemen, nor machine guns. Ireland stands in need of a little man with an Irish accent and the soul of Christ.”
Lola rose to her feet. Fallaray had done the same thing and was bending over his mother.
And so Chalfont with, it must be confessed, a slightly rueful glance at his plate, told the waiter to give his bill to his chief, and followed Madame de Breze along the lane between the tables and up the long path of the ”monkey house.” And presently, when Fallaray gave his number to the flunkey and waited for his coat and hat, Chalfont carried out his orders. He went forward. ”How do you do?” he said. ”Wonderful weather.”
It was a little lame.
Fallaray did not recognize the speaker except as a man who obviously had been a soldier. A left hand had been presented. The other was eloquent enough. ”How are you?” he replied. ”Yes, it _is_ wonderful weather.”
And then Chalfont made the plunge. ”I want to introduce you, if I may, to one of our Allies who admires you very much, Madame de Breze-Mr.
Fallaray turned. From the little eager hand that nestled into his own Lola sent a message of all the hero-wors.h.i.+p and adoration that possessed her soul and all the desire to serve and love that had become the one overwhelming pa.s.sion of her life. But neither spoke.
A moment later she was standing with Peter Chalfont, watching Fallaray on his way out with the two little ladies.-Her heart was fluttering like the wings of a bird.
But half-way through the evening, after having been swept away by Tschaikowsky's ”Francesca da Rimini” and the Fantasy from ”Romeo and Juliet” and stirred deeply by Wagner's ”Ride of the Valkyries,” Fallaray underwent a strange and disconcerting experience. Leaving his place between his mother and old Lady Ladbroke, he went to smoke a cigarette in the foyer of the hall during the intermission. The music had gone to his brain and driven out of it for the moment the anxieties that beset him. All the vibrations of that wonderful orchestra flew about him like a million birds and the sense of s.e.x that he had got from Lola's touch ran through his veins.
He went through the swing-doors and out onto the steps of the building.
It was one of those wonderful nights which come sometimes in April and touch the city with magic. It was like the advance guard of June bringing with it the warmth and the scents of that exquisite month. The sky was clear and almost Italian, and the moonlight lay like snow on the roofs. It cast long shadows across the street. Fallaray looked up at the stars and a new and curious thrill of youth ran through him and a sort of impatience at having missed something-he hardly knew what. Wherever he looked he seemed to see two wide-apart eyes filled with adoration and longing and a little red mouth half open. ”De Breze,” he said to himself. ”De Breze.” And the name seemed to hold romance and to carry his thoughts out of London, out of the present and back to the times of beflowered garments and powdered heads, of minuets and high red heels.
And as he stood there, far away from the bewilderment and futility of Parliament, a car drove up to the hall and two women got out. They were Mrs. Malwood and Feo and they were dressed in country clothes-the curious country clothes affected by them both. Mrs. Malwood, who was laughing and excited, pa.s.sed Fallaray without noticing him and entered the building. But Feo drew up short in front of him, amazed at his expression. ”Good Lord, Arthur,” she said, ”what are you doing here and what on earth are you thinking about?”
Music and the stars and Lola were in his eyes as he looked at her. ”I thought you were in the country,” he said.