Part 41 (1/2)

”I should have said,” answered Saladin, ”'Whom you will see no more if I am able to keep you apart.' Can you complain who, both of you, have refused to take her as a wife?”

Here Rosamund looked up wondering, and Wulf broke in:

”Tell her the price. Tell her that she was asked to wed either of us who would bow the knee to Mahomet, and to be the head of his harem, and I think that she will not blame us.”

”Never would I have spoken again to him who answered otherwise,”

exclaimed Rosamund, and Saladin frowned at the words. ”Oh! my uncle,” she went on, ”you have been kind to me and raised me high, but I do not seek this greatness, nor are your ways my ways, who am of a faith that you call accursed. Let me go, I beseech you, in care of these my kinsmen.”

”And your lovers,” said Saladin bitterly. ”Niece, it cannot be. I love you well, but did I know even that your life must pay the price of your sojourn here, here you still should stay, since, as my dream told me, on you hang the lives of thousands, and I believe that dream. What, then, is your life, or the lives of these knights, or even my life, that any or all of them should turn the scale against those of thousands. Oh! everything that my empire can give is at your feet, but here you stay until the dream be accomplished, and,” he added, looking at the brethren, ”death shall be the portion of any who would steal you from my hand.”

”Until the dream be accomplished?” said Rosamund catching at the words. ”Then, when it is accomplished, shall I be free?”

”Ay,” answered the Sultan; ”free to come or to go, unless you attempt escape, for then you know your certain doom.”

”It is a decree. Take note, my cousins, it is a decree. And you, prince Ha.s.san, remember it also. Oh! I pray with all my soul I pray, that it was no lying spirit who brought you that dream, my uncle, though how I shall bring peace, who hitherto have brought nothing except war and bloodshed, I know not. Now go, my cousins but, if you will, leave me Masouda, who has no other friends. Go, and take my love and blessing with you, ay, and the blessing of Jesu and His saints which shall protect you in the hour of battle, and bring us together again.”

So spoke Rosamund and threw her veil before her face that she might hide her tears.

Then G.o.dwin and Wulf stepped to where she stood by the throne of Saladin, bent the knee before her, and, taking her hand, kissed it in farewell, nor did the Sultan say them nay. But when she was gone and the brethren were gone, he turned to the emir Ha.s.san and to the great imaum who had sat silent all this while, and said:

”Now tell me, you who are old and wise, which of those men does the lady love? Speak, Ha.s.san, you who know her well.”

But Ha.s.san shook his head. ”One or the other. Both or neither--I know not,” he answered. ”Her counsel is too close for me.”

Then Saladin turned to the imaum--a cunning, silent man.

”When both the infidels are about to die before her face, as I still hope to see them do, we may learn the answer. But unless she wills it, never before,” he replied, and the Sultan noted his saying.

Next morning, having been warned that they would pa.s.s there by Masouda, Rosamund, watching through the lattice of one of her palace windows, saw the brethren go by. They were fully armed and, mounted on their splendid chargers Flame and Smoke, looked glorious men as, followed by their escort of swarthy, turbaned Mameluks, they rode proudly side by side, the sunlight glinting on their mail. Opposite to her house they halted awhile, and, knowing that Rosamund watched, although they could not see her, drew their swords and lifted them in salute. Then sheathing them again, they rode forward in silence, and soon were lost to sight.

Little did Rosamund guess how different they would appear when they three met again. Indeed, she scarcely dared to hope that they would ever meet, for she knew well that even if the war went in favour of the Christians she would be hurried away to some place where they would never find her. She knew well also that from Damascus her rescue was impossible, and that although Saladin loved them, as he loved all who were honest and brave, he would receive them no more as friends, for fear lest they should rob him of her, whom he hoped in some way unforeseen would enable him to end his days in peace. Moreover, the struggle between Cross and Crescent would be fierce and to the death, and she was sure that where was the closest fighting there in the midst of it would be found G.o.dwin and Wulf. Well might it chance, therefore, that her eyes had looked their last upon them.

Oh! she was great. Gold was hers, with gems more than she could count, and few were the weeks that did not bring her added wealth or gifts. She had palaces to dwell in--alone; gardens to wander in--alone; eunuchs and slaves to rule over--alone. But never a friend had she, save the woman of the, to whom she clung because she, Masouda, had saved her from Sinan, and who clung to her, why, Rosamund could not be sure, for there was a veil between their spirits.

They were gone--they were gone! Even the sound of their horses'

hoofs had died away, and she was desolate as a child lost in a city full of folk. Oh! and her heart was filled with fears for them, and most of all for one of them. If he should not come back into it, what would her life be?

Rosamund bowed her head and wept; then, hearing a sound behind her, turned to see that Masouda was weeping also.

”Why do you weep?” she asked.

”The maid should copy her mistress,” answered Masouda with a hard laugh; ”but, lady, why do you weep? At least you are beloved, and, come what may, nothing can take that from you. You are not of less value than the good horse between the rider's knees, or the faithful hound that runs at his side.”

A thought rose in Rosamund's mind--a new and terrible thought.

The eyes of the two women met, and those of Rosamund asked, ”Which?” anxiously as once in the moonlight she had asked it with her voice from the gate above the Narrow Way. Between them stood a table inlaid with ivory and pearl, whereon the dust from the street had gathered through the open lattice. Masouda leaned over, and with her forefinger wrote a single Arabic letter in the dust upon the table, then pa.s.sed her hand across it.

Rosamund's breast heaved twice or thrice and was still. Then she asked:

”Why did not you who are free go with him?”