Part 15 (1/2)
”Are you master here, traitor, or am I?” asked Ha.s.san in cold contempt. ”Let them follow if they will, and I for one shall rejoice to meet foes so brave in open battle, and there give them their revenge. Ali,” he added, addressing the man who had been disguised as a merchant's underling, and who had drugged the men in the barn as his master had drugged those in the hall, and opened the moat gate to the band, ”Ali, stamp upon the torch and guard that Frank till we reach the boat lest the fool should raise the country on us with his fires. Now, Princess, are you satisfied?”
”Ay, having your word,” she answered. ”One moment, I pray you. I would leave a token to my knights.”
Then, while they watched her with wondering eyes, she unfastened the gold cross and chain that hung upon her bosom, and slipping the cross from the chain, went to where G.o.dwin lay, and placed it on his breast. Next, with a swift movement, she wound the chain about the silver hilt of Sir Andrew's sword, and pa.s.sing to Wulf, with one strong thrust, drove the point between the oak boards of the table, so that it stood before him--at once a cross, a brand of battle, and a lady's token.
”His grandsire bore it,” she said in Arabic, ”when he leapt on to the walls of Jerusalem. It is my last gift to him.” But the Saracens muttered and turned pale at these words of evil omen.
Then taking the hand of Ha.s.san, who stood searching her white, inscrutable face, with never a word or a backward look, she swept down the length of the long hall, and out into the night beyond.
”It would have been well to take my counsel and fire the place, or at least to cut the throats of all within it,” said the man Nicholas to his guard Ali as they followed with the rest. ”If I know aught of these brethren, cross and sword will soon be hard upon our track, and men's lives must pay the price of such soft folly.” And he s.h.i.+vered as though in fear.
”It may be so, Spy,” answered the Saracen, looking at him with sombre, contemptuous eyes. ”It may be that your life will pay the price.”
Wulf was dreaming, dreaming that he stood on his head upon a wooden plank, as once he had seen a juggler do, which turned round one way while he turned round the other, till at length some one shouted at him, and he tumbled off the board and hurt himself. Then he awoke to hear a voice shouting surely enough--the voice of Matthew, the chaplain of Steeple Church.
”Awake!” said the voice. ”In G.o.d's name, I conjure you, awake!”
”What is it?” he said, lifting his head sleepily, and becoming conscious of a dull pain across his forehead.
”It is that death and the devil have been here, Sir Wulf.”
”Well, they are often near together. But I thirst. Give me water.”
A serving-woman, pallid, dishevelled, heavy-eyed, who was stumbling to and fro, lighting torches and tapers, for it was still dark, brought it to him in a leathern jack, from which he drank deeply.
”That is better,” he said. Then his eye fell upon the b.l.o.o.d.y sword set point downwards in the wood of the table before him, and he exclaimed, ”Mother of G.o.d! what is that? My uncle's silver-hilted sword, red with blood, and Rosamund's gold chain upon the hilt! Priest, where is the lady Rosamund?”
”Gone,” answered the chaplain in a voice that sounded like a groan. ”The women woke and found her gone, and Sir Andrew lies dead or dying in the solar--but now I have shriven him--and oh!
we have all been drugged. Look at them!” and he waved his hand towards the rec.u.mbent forms. ”I say that the devil has been here.”
Wulf sprang to his feet with an oath.
”The devil? Ah! I have it now. You mean the Cyprian chapman Georgios. He who sold wine.”
”He who sold drugged wine,” echoed the chaplain, ”and has stolen away the lady Rosamund.”
Then Wulf seemed to go mad.
”Stolen Rosamund over our sleeping carcases! Stolen Rosamund with never a blow struck by us to save her! O, Christ, that such a thing should be! O, Christ, that I should live to hear it!” And he, the mighty man, the knight of skill and strength, broke down and wept like a very child. But not for long, for presently he shouted in a voice of thunder:
”Awake, ye drunkards! Awake, and learn what has chanced to us.
Your lady Rosamund has been raped away while we were lost in sleep!”
At the sound of that great voice a tall form arose from the floor, and staggered towards him, holding a gold cross in its hand.
”What awful words are those my brother?” asked G.o.dwin, who, pale and dull-eyed, rocked to and fro before him. Then he, too, saw the red sword and stared, first at it and next at the gold cross in his hand. ”My uncle's sword, Rosamund's chain, Rosamund's cross! Where, then, is Rosamund?”
”Gone! gone! gone!” cried Wulf. ”Tell him, priest.”
So the chaplain told him all he knew.
”Thus have we kept our oaths,” went on Wulf. ”Oh, what can we do now, save die for very shame?”