Part 22 (1/2)
s.e.xTUS PROPERTIUS, a native of Umbria, was also an elegiac poet, and wrote mostly on love.
OVID (43 B.C.--18 A.D.)
PUBLIUS OVIDIUS NASO left three books of _Amores_; one of _Heroides_; the _Ars Amatoria_; _Remedia Amoris_; the _Metamorphoses_ (fifteen books); the _Tristia_; and the _Fasti_. (See page 181.)
LIVY (59 B.C.--17 A.D.).
t.i.tUS LIVIUS left a history of Rome, of which thirty-five books have been preserved. (See page 181.)
PHAEDRUS, a writer of fables, flourished in the reign of Tiberius (14-37). He was originally a slave. His fables are ninety-seven in number, and are written in iambic verse.
SENECA (8 B.C.--65 A.D.)
For an account of this writer see the chapter on the Emperor Nero, page 189.
QUINTUS CURTIUS RUFUS was a historian who lived in the reign of Claudius (50 A.D.). He wrote a history of the exploits of Alexander the Great.
PERSIUS (34-62).
PERSIUS, a poet of the reign of Nero, was a native of Volaterrae. He wrote six satires, which are obscure and hard to understand.
LUCAN (39-65).
LUCAN, a nephew of Seneca, wrote an epic poem (not finished) called _Pharsalia_, upon the civil war between Caesar and Pompey.
GAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS, of Northern Italy, was a great scholar in history, grammar, rhetoric, and natural science. His work on _Natural History_ has come down to us.
STATIUS, MARTIAL, QUINTILIAN, JUVENAL. STATIUS (45-96), a native of Naples, had considerable poetical talent. He wrote the _Thebaid_, the _Achilleis_ (unfinished), and the _Silvae_.
MARTIAL (42-102), wrote sharp and witty epigrams, of which fifteen books are extant. He was a native of Spain.
QUINTILIAN (35-95), was also a native of Spain. He was a teacher of eloquence for many years in Rome. His work _On the Training of an Orator_, is preserved.
JUVENAL(47-130), of Aquinum, was a great satirist, who described and attacked bitterly the vices of Roman society. Sixteen of his satires are still in existence.
TACITUS (54-119). CORNELIUS TACITUS was the great historian of his age.