Part 18 (1/2)

”Our visitors have certainly given us food for thought,” the Colonel said. ”I offer them our thanks, and should now be glad to hear any fresh opinions.”

Several men spoke; some with warmth and some with careless humor.

”As we don't get much further, we will take a vote,” Mowbray suggested.

”I will move the resolution as it stands. Though this has not been our usual custom, you are ent.i.tled to a ballot.”

There was silence for a moment. Mowbray's views were known, and the men shrank from wounding him, for he did not bear opposition well. For all that, with a fastidious sense of honor, they disdained the s.h.i.+eld of the secret vote.

”I think we will stick to the show of hands,” Kenwyne replied.

”Very well,” said Mowbray. ”For the motion!”

Harding, glancing round the room, was surprised and somewhat moved to notice that Lance's hand went up among the rest. The boy had voted against his father. So far as Harding could judge, half the men were in favor of the scheme.

”Against the motion!”

The hands were raised, and Mowbray counted them with care.

”Equal, for and against,” he announced. ”I have a casting vote, and I think the importance of the matter justifies my using it. I declare the motion lost.”

There was an impressive silence for a few moments; then Broadwood spoke.

”Although we have decided against going on with the scheme, as a body, I take it there is nothing to prevent any individuals who wish to do so joining in Mr. Harding's venture?”

”I must leave you to decide how far such action is in good taste, or likely to promote the harmony which has been the rule at Allenwood. Now I think we can close the meeting.”

When the company dispersed, Harding, Devine, and Broadwood drove home with Kenwyne. The Scotch housekeeper opened the door for them, and handed Kenwyne the mail which had been brought in his absence. He tore open a newspaper and turned to the quotations.

”Wheat down sixpence a quarter at Liverpool,” he said. ”It will have its effect in Chicago and Winnipeg.” He dropped the paper and took off his fur coat. ”I suppose you're going on with the plan, Harding?”

”The plow's ordered.”

”You're a hustler,” Broadwood laughed; ”but you mustn't make the pace too hot. We've been used to going steady. What did you think of the meeting?”

”It went better than I expected.”

”We'd have had a majority only that they were afraid of the Colonel; and I don't blame them. In a way, he made a rather pathetic figure, trying to sweep back the tide. The old man has courage; it's a pity he won't see that his is a lost cause.”

”He can't,” said Kenwyne gravely; ”and we must realize that.”

”Then are you going to let him ruin you?” Devine asked.

”I hope not; but we all feel that we can't disown our leader,” Broadwood answered. ”I dare say you can understand that we have a hard row to hoe.”

”Well, the creamery scheme will have to be dropped,” Kenwyne said; ”but there'll be plenty of work for the new plow.”

”Yes,” Harding replied. ”If all the rest stand out, Devine and I can keep it busy.”

”How much land do you intend to break?”