20 The Bales of a Classy Pendan (1/2)
The next day came, and Arata woke up to the chaos of having three women in his house. Yesterday, he decided to let Tohru spend the night in his place since it was closer. Attori and Yukari jumped into the same boat, after sending the three unnamed girls home. Since it was rather late when they got home, they decided to do all the preparations for school before Arata wakes up during the 6 AM action time.
Then again, instead of three angels, he found three rug rats trashing the house. They were trying to make pancakes, but Attori wanted to make it fun so a food fight had welcomed the king. He was not mad, seeing them in nothing more than his shirts and their underwear, but he was worried about the furnitures. He did not think these girls would be spinning around like their clothes that whirred in the washer.
Arata cleared his throat, earning their attention. The three then giggled as they were caught red-handed by the king. The man then sighed with a smile. ”I hope you're up to cleaning after all of that.”
”I'm on it!” Attori raised her hand with some fingers dripping with batter. She then ran to the sink to wash her hands before getting cleaning materials.
Tohru only sat down a seat in the dining, laughing out at the mess they created. She watched Arata walk to her and sat on a clean seat as well. ”Sorry about this. But it's fun to play with an energetic bunch.” The she-jerk mused over the king. ”How was your sleep?”
”I'm all good. Was it really okay that you girls slept in the living room? Wasn't the futons uncomfortable?” Arata scratched his head, remembering how Attori insisted that they sleep somewhere else. ”Wasn't it cold? It was raining all night.”
”Not at all. We had a nice talk outside of your ears so it was all fun.” Tohru waved her hand to dismiss his worry. ”Besides, I don't want to hear you snore.”
”I don't snore.” Arata wished he did not.
Yukari, who was back to making the batter and cooking what she could fit in it, looked over the two who were talking by the dining table. She would greet Arata good morning, but she'd rather do it with pancakes at hand. She worked in the kitchen, only to notice someone walking towards the gates. The best friend left the kitchen to get the door, only to remember something. She pulled down on the shirt that barely reached her crotch. She flung her gaze at Arata and reached out her hand. ”Arata! Give me your pants!”
Successfully extorting the pants off of the man, Yukari wore it before going to the gates to greet Cora. The exchange student was confused, but Yukari chatted with her as she welcomed her. Cora heard about the locking, and flew past Yukari to see the king.
”Arata-sempai!” Cora barged in through the main door and saw him sitting among the chairs around the dining table. She made a glad face with her hands cupped before her chest. ”Thank you for being safe! It must have been scary!”
”I'm good though.” The king gave her a wink and a thumbs-up. He then patted a seat next to him. ”Sit down for now, Cora. We're not yet ready. It might take a few more minutes.”
”It's okay. I just wanted to-” Her gaze strayed to the places Attori was cleaning, seeing the girl go around with no bottom apparel. She then looked at the girl cooking, seeing that she was in the same get-up. She realized that only Yukari had pants on, and it was not even hers. She sat down and covered her face with her hands. ”How vulgar.”
Breakfast proceeded as well as preparing for school. Just in time for the bus, the four girls led by the school king came to climb on the vehicle. However, Arata asked the driver to wait for a few more seconds, spotting Keiko running towards the stop. She managed to get on with them, avoiding the gazes of other three but Cora.
The classes were alive, but nothing notable happened. Same with lunch and the afternoon bunch. After school was in session, and Arata had to attend the Student Council's meeting. The topics for the day were being written by Ruby on the board, and seeing that no one else was still there, he chose to sit down and stare at the figure.
From his point of view, he could trace Ruby's side silhouette through the dark of her figure against the light coming from the windows. The curves of her body showed as she had her arms out of the way, and her back straightened by posture. The president noticed the ogling at her. She smiled at him before tossing a closed marker at his face. He only closed his eyes in pain of the object hitting him.
”You're early today.” Ruby went close and knelt down to reach the marker she just threw at him. She then leaned against his thigh, laying her chest on it. ”I heard you were locked up with that rowdy woman yesterday.”
”Wow, news travel fast.” Arata stroked at the president's head. He noticed she was groping the floor for the marker, explaining her position. He reached down to collect it for her instead. ”Yeah, but we managed to get out the same night.” He used the marker to tap against her chest, watching it make impressions against the soft area.
Ruby snatched the marker and got up, chuckling darkly. She dusted her knees and skirt before walking to place the marker back to where it should be. Shortly, the other members arrived, making Arata whistle as a sign of admiration for Ruby's calculations. She knew they would be coming so she decided to cut the flirting.
The meeting continued and despite the wounded hand, Arata tried to participate as much as he could, knowing that it would heal soon. Pre-event tasks had been distributed, and Arata was to go canvassing for the materials in the city. They packed up an hour before the meetings normally end, so they could go ahead and start preparing. Ruby walked with Arata to the lockers, running into no one as club hours were still ongoing.
They took the bus to the commerce district and went around to check the price range of the building materials to be used for the banners and other props the Student Council should take care of for the cultural fest.
It was already the 6 PM action time, and so the somewhat-couple took their dinner in a family restaurant. They split the bill even though Arata would insist paying for the meal. As they waited for the food, the king watched the passing people through the glass wall next to them.
”Is something wrong?” Ruby hummed as she was on her phone, giving glances to Arata. ”Are you missing anyone?”
”Well, I didn't get to have dates with you anymore, Ruby.” Arata turned to her. ”I was wondering if you're alright with hanging out with me and, somehow, some of the girls, too.”