7 Why Choose Which One Tonight? (1/2)

It was quite a jaw drop for the veteran player. The city he knew in-game had been expanded through the major patch. He still have not seen the patch notes, but his quick blurting seemed to have rooted from something. The city had expanded its commercial map, and aside from the club and the mall, they now had a hotel. A six-star hotel.

[You have unlocked the Sight-see Delia Hotel! Card shops are available at the ground floor: first-class restaurant (DS), body spa (DS), and casino lobby. Premium shops are available for players with level 50 and above: Deluxe suites (DS), Concierge (G), Room Delivery Service (G), and first-class restaurant, top (G).]

Though it was weird for them to come in their school uniform, but he had no idea this place was here. They just proceeded inside after getting off the taxi bay, not attracting anyone who walked with them towards or away from the hotel. Arata led the women inside and almost sobbed when he saw the highest ceiling he could have ever seen along with the flashy cream and gold ornaments of the lobby. There were multiple elevators, which seemed to be busy as a number of people went in and out each. He also caught sight of the lobby freight elevator where bags were being transported by the bellboys.

One of the bellboys approached them, and Arata had to act cool as if he had even stepped inside a five-star hotel before. They went through the walk-in reservation procedure, costing Arata over 50, 000 JPY, deducted from his bank balance in-game. It was a purchase from a Premium shop after all. They were then escorted to their room, Yukari and Attori awed by the view from the glass elevator, giving them a glimpse of the city skyline. However, Arata kept his eyes on the floor keys, begging the elevator to go even faster. He was terrible with heights, and he did not know what would be a worse reaction: fainting at the sight of no ground, or pissing his pants just by thinking about it.

Finally, they reached the fifty-seventh floor, and were walked to their room. It was as heavenly as Arata would feel staying in an expensive hotel would be like. The bellboy gave them reminders and a short introduction of the amenities they could use. He soon left the students on their own, and Arata wanted to cry again. It was a shame to check out after getting the free breakfast tomorrow just because they had school. Then again, the hotel had multiple dating sites or what were marked with DS, so it meant he could go back as long as he had a date-able with him.

Due to Attori's insistence, they only took one room with a king-size bed so all three of them could fit. Yes, she was planning to sleep together with Yukari and Arata. The best friend said she was used to sleeping in a small bed so she should be able to sleep in such small space allotted for her. Then again, Arata could see her excitement to spread her arms and legs around a king-size bed. Attori also looked forward to having to see moonlight casting on the floor from outside the room, through the full-scale windows on one face of the bedroom walls. It did not have a veranda for safety purposes, so the light would directly go inside the room with the curtains drawn. However, it was the 6 PM action time so they went to dine in the Premium shop restaurant at the top floor.

The king blew another half a hundred thousand JPY on their dinner. Yukari openly sobbed in front of their food, crying about how much of a good friend Arata suddenly became, spending so much money on her when she had not even won MVP. The player only chuckled and fibbed about their golden friendship; when in reality, he really wanted to burn money on his date-ables... but he could admit hundred thousand a night was already lavish.

[The date-able had accepted your gift: Dinner on top of the Sight-see Delia Hotel! You have additional 75 points! Secret Admirer Yukari Ginmachi now has 25% Affection Rate! Congratulations!]

[The date-able had accepted your gift: Dinner on top of the Sight-see Delia Hotel! Mad Bitch Attei Attori's Encounter Rate is MAXED at 75%.]

The aroma of the rose oil spread throughout the shower since it was the only soap available for the guests to use. Arata was bathing under the water again, trying to calm himself from enjoying the night too much. He just had a lush dinner with two of his favorite date-ables and the ones who gripped his soul tight and dragged him back to sanity most times. Back at the dinner, he listened to their melodic chuckles like angels frolicking in a spring. Of course, Yukari did not cut down the teasing, which the king enjoyed and returned duly.

After ten minutes into the 9 PM action time, he dried his hair with the blower while sporting a robe over his sleek black boxers, also bought from a Premium shop which added five points to his Charms. His base stat was already maxed though; he was only wearing it because it was the one he randomly grabbed from his drawer. He left the robe open, checking himself out on the half-body mirror.

Unlike his real body, the stats in-game seemed to reflect. He had 25/40 Strength, which made it Moderate, giving him noticeable muscles on his chest and arms. His abdomen was not contoured, but it was enough to keep his waist smaller than his hips, giving him some shape. His real body had nothing like such; he was a little chubby and not used to exercise. The only exercise he gets was running from home to school when he realized he was late... or running from school to the bus stop and trying to catch a bus that just left. He flattened his hands against his abdomen to sigh. That was when he noticed that there was something weird about the boxers. It had a tag that could not be removed, touched even. He looked down on it.

[Sleek Black Boxers activated! (Remodeled) Adds 5 to Charms. If Charms is MAX, adds 10 Excitement Points at the start of the Encounter.]

”Maybe I should keep my robe open...” Arata chuckled to himself, not realizing he had to activate his items first. ”The patch must have turned off the automatic activation function. Hm, maybe I should look around my room for the patch notes. It should look like some short of a broadsheet.”

”Ah! What are you doing!?”

Arata heard Yukari scream from the room, and so he almost panicked and ran back out the bathroom to check up on the girls. Then again, it ended up with Attori playing around, messing with Yukari's... body. The king stared at them, the best friend pushing the mad girl's head away while the latter was clutched around her. Yukari's robe was almost falling off of her shoulders, giving him a good view of her chest and her bra, as well as her underwear and her legs. Attori was rubbing her face against Yukari's shallow cleavage with her hands clawing on the best friend's back. He needed to take note that even Attori had her robe open.

”Your chest is so soft. Pillows~” The mad girl hummed with a giggle.

”I can take care of this! Let go!” Yukari made a frustrated growl, unused of getting touched by strangers.

”What. Is. Going on here?” Arata squinted at them, unable to find clues to interpret their situation.

Attori brought her gaze at him and lifted her head from Yukari's chest. ”She said her back was itchy so I tried to scratch it for her!” She made a hum along with her seductive smirk. ”Do you like what you see, Arata?”

The king twitched at the same time Yukari noticed what he could see. She tried to pull on her robe close, only to notice his was kept open as well. The best friend blushed harder and brought her glare at the player. ”W-Well, do you?”

[An Encounter Mode has been triggered! Secret Admirer Ginmachi Yukari has a total of 5 Excitement points right now. Obedience is at 80%, Excitement at 5%, and Affection at 25%.]

[An item had been previously activated: Sleek Black Boxers! Secret Admirer Ginmachi Yukari now has a total of 15 Excitement points.]