Part 46 (1/2)

East Lynne Henry Wood 58380K 2022-07-22

He nodded, and walked out openly by her side. Why should he not? What had he to conceal? But, unfortunately, Lady Isabel, who had but gone into that same room for a minute, and was coming out again to join Mrs.

Hare, both saw Barbara's touch upon her husband's arm, marked her agitation, and heard her words. She went to one of the hall windows and watched them saunter toward the more private part of the ground; she saw her husband send back Isabel. Never, since her marriage, had Lady Isabel's jealousy been excited as it was excited that evening.

”I--I feel--I scarcely know whether I am awake or dreaming,” began Barbara, putting up her hand to her brow and speaking in a dreamy tone.

”Pardon me for bringing you out in this unceremonious fas.h.i.+on.”

”What state secrets have you to discuss?” asked Mr. Carlyle in a jesting manner.

”We were speaking of mamma's dream. She said the impression it had left upon her mind--that the murderer was in West Lynne--was so vivid that in spite of common sense she could not persuade herself that he was not.

Well--just now----”

”Barbara, what can be the matter?” uttered Mr. Carlyle, perceiving that her agitation was so great as to impede her words.

”I have just seen him!” she rejoined.

”Seen him!” echoed Mr. Carlyle, looking at her fixedly, a doubt crossing his mind whether Barbara's mind might be as uncollected as her manner.

”What were nearly my last words to you? That if ever that Thorn did come to West Lynne again, I would leave no stone unturned to bring it home to him. He is here, Archibald. Now, when I went to the gate to speak to Tom Herbert, his brother, Major Herbert, was also there, and with him Captain Thorn. Bethel, also. Do you wonder I say that I know not whether I am awake or dreaming? They have some weeks' holiday, and are here to spend it.”

”It is a singular coincidence,” exclaimed Mr. Carlyle.

”Had anything been wanting to convince me that Thorn is the guilty man, this would have done it,” went on Barbara, in her excitement. ”Mamma's dream, with the steadfast impression it left upon her that Hallijohn's murderer was now at West Lynne--”

In turning the sharp corner of the covered walk they came in contact with Captain Levison, who appeared to be either standing or sauntering there, his hands underneath his coat-tails. Again Barbara felt vexed, wondering how much he had heard, and beginning in her heart to dislike the man. He accosted them familiarly, and appeared as if he would have turned with them; but none could put down presumption more effectually than Mr. Carlyle, calm and gentlemanly though he always was.

”I will join you presently, Captain Levison,” he said with a wave of the hand. And he turned back with Barbara toward the open parts of the park.

”Do you like that Captain Levison?” she abruptly inquired, when they were beyond hearing.

”I cannot say I do,” was Mr. Carlyle's reply. ”He is one who does not improve upon acquaintance.”

”To me it looks as though he had placed himself in our way to hear what we were saying.”

”No, no, Barbara. What interest could it bear for him?”

Barbara did not contest the point; she turned to the one nearer at heart. ”What must be our course with regard to Thorn?”

”It is more than I can tell you,” replied Mr. Carlyle. ”I cannot go up to the man and unceremoniously accuse him of being Hallijohn's murderer.”

They took their way to the house, for there was nothing further to discuss. Captain Levison entered it before them, and saw Lady Isabel standing at the hall window. Yes, she was standing and looking still, brooding over her fancied wrongs.

”Who is that Miss Hare?” he demanded in a cynical tone. ”They appear to have a pretty good understanding together. Twice this evening I have met them enjoying a private walk and a private confab.”

”What did you say?” sharply and haughtily returned Lady Isabel.

”Nay, I did not mean to offend you,” was the answer, for he knew that she heard his words distinctly in spite of her question. ”I spoke of Monsieur votre mari.”