Part 4 (1/2)

Fostina, tre with fear, hastily arose, and was on the point of rushi+ng to the apartment of Mrs Cameron, to ascertain the cause of the disturbance But the fear of encountering soe, caused her to remain silent She listened, and distinctly heard the voices of several persons conversing in a low tone A few moments elapsed, all was silent; she then retired, but not to rest; the circuether with the fact that the disturbance had caused no excitereat cause for alarht, when she heard the same persons ascend from below, and take their departure

At an early hour the nextFostina entered the hall, where she met Mrs Cas the evening previous She infor been current that the castle was haunted, and as she had often heard the saht, she was confirmed in the belief that it was so

Fostina could scarcely credit this intelligence, but made no farther inquiries upon the subject

The day passed heavily away, and Fostina observed that her friends were unusually silent Toward evening, Mrs Ca, and asked if she would prefer a ain they should be troubled with any supernatural visitations She then ascended into a distant part of the castle, and entering a sive herself any uneasiness, as she thought shedisturbed She then closed the door and descended the stairs, leaving Fostina alone in her apart, she soon fell asleep, and lay for several hours, until she was suddenly awakened by a repetition of the sa previous She listened, and could hear the sound of persons traversing the hall; but being now farther distant, she was unable to hear the conversation

She listened attentively, as if to catch the sound of their voices, when her attention was suddenly arrested by a faint groan, seely not far distant from where she lay

She now believed herself to be surrounded with the spirits of the departed But not fearing any danger fro her head from the pillow, looked anxiously around the apartht issuing fro above!

She ht discover soreat surprise, she heard the sound of footsteps in the apartroan!

Fostina remained motionless, and could scarcely realize the loneliness of her situation; she arose, and after pacing the room for some ti the return of

Nearly two hours had passed away in silence, and Fostina rose from her seat and walked to the ; she drew back the shutter, and discovered that thehad already dawned She felt relieved on its approach, and looking down fro in the direction of the castle, and gently raising the , requested him to come immediately to her room He hastily obeyed the su him what had taken place, she descended with him to the hall, where they ain inforht; on hearing which, they see to avoid any conversation to which the subject ave orders to have the carriage brought to the door, saying that he was going to the village, and should not return until the followingIn a few e, and Mr Cameron and his wife departed

As soon as they had left the castle, Fostina returned to the hall, followed by Alvin, who now see with her She soon perceived this, and earnestly inquired of him the cause of the mysterious conduct of her friends, who, she believed, possessedto disclose

Alvin re fro Fostina, solicited a pro which he shouldthe family

She answered him that she would never betray his confidence, and earnestly entreated hi himself near Fostina, he unfolded to her the mysteries of the haunted castle as follows:--

He had been a servant in the family of Mr Cameron two years, and had resided at the castle, where a band of robbers had nightly collected together for the purpose of dividing their booty, which they plundered froe

He then explained to her the cause of what she had seen and heard, in the apart that, about two er, apparently an invalid, had been conveyed there and confined in an upper room in the castle, in which he was still held prisoner For what purpose he knew not, as he had never dared to make any inquiries of the family, and had not been allowed to hold any conversation with the prisoner