Part 2 (2/2)

Several weeks had passed away since Fostina had received the sad news of Lewis Mortimer's death, and she had now so far recovered her health as to sit by theof her lonely apart at the beautiful scenery which surrounded the cottage, she beheld the stranger who now occupied her uncle's residence in the village, conversing with Mr Aubrey He soon after entered the cottage, and when he beheld the great change in Fostina's countenance, he see her look so ill Soon after he departed, her cousin entered, and taking the hand of Fostina, pressed it to his bosoain declared his unchangeable love, and offered her his hand She told him that if Lewis Mortimer was dead, none other should ever possess her love, and she should regard hi her deter his cousin alone in her apart, Fostina prepared herself, for the first time since her illness, to visit once more the burial place of her friends With feeble steps she passed slowly on, until she arrived at the spot, where she seated herself beneath the shade of the hich waved in themournfully as they swept by the sorrowful maiden, as now seated by the tomb, where slept the loved and cherished ones Here she re co to thee and fortitude to meet whatever awaited her in the future, and then with an effort she rose froe


_Fostina goes to the Village--Deception Unmasked--The Mystery Revealed--Fostina e drove up to the door of the cottage in the Mountain Glen The coach the bell, which was answered by Mr Aubrey He infore by the physician to take a young lady to the village, at the sa for Miss Woodman Fostina had been seated near theof her roo the inquiry of the coachman, immediately made her appearance at the door, and received the note froer

She hastened to her room and perused the contents, which she found to be an invitation extended to her by the friend of her uncle, requesting her to coe

Fostina with pleasure accepted the invitation of her friend, thinking that for a short time, at least, she should be relieved from the annoyances of her uncle's family She, therefore, without hesitation, prepared herself, and in a few e, which she entered in silence, withoutknown her intention to any of the family

In a few hours the horses suddenly stopped, and the driver springing froe, and Fostina with joy discovered that she had reached the home of her friend, who soon made his appearance and conducted her into the hall, where she was kindly welcomed by the family as the beautifulbefore a servant entered, followed by the physician who attended Fostina during her illness; heher restored to health

The day passed very pleasantly away, and towards evening a servant entered the parlor where Fostina was seated, and motioned her in silence to accoirl, who conducted her through several apart through a long entrance, arrived at the door of a retired part of the dwelling After soently opened the door, and invited her to enter; she obeyed the suirl hastily retreated As she entered, who should aze, but Rineldo Aubrey, seated on a sofa? She uttered an exclamation of surprise, and turned towards the door, which she found, to her extreme horror, had been locked by the servant

She now turned and demanded of him an explanation of this mysterious conduct He rose from his seat, and walked to his cousin, bade her be calm, and he would tell her all

He then turned and parted the rich da in heavy folds froant style, and a large table was placed in the centre, loaded with rich viands; bottles of sparkling ere placed upon the table, its cri contrast with the rare fruits which surrounded it

Rineldo approached the table, and filling a glass from one of the bottles, drank at the health of his fair cousin; then placing a seat at the table, requested her to partake with him the repast which had been prepared for the occasion Fostina e, but seated herself in silence by an open , and burst into a flood of tears She now tre that soed by her enemies, and was soon to be put into execution

Rineldo now approached his cousin, and spoke in a low and firm voice

”Beautiful maiden of the Mountain Glen! You are soon to be the bride of Rineldo Aubrey, and this will henceforth be your hoirl, springing fro him to open the door ”Not until you have consented to become the bride of Rineldo Aubrey,” cried a voice without; ”until then this rooht shall set you free!”

It was late, and Rineldo, taking a key froood night, he withdrew from the apartment

Fostina was now left alone to ht her doom was sealed forever Must she be compelled to unite herself with one whoht by his treacherous means to destroy her happiness, and who had betrayed the confidence of her friends in executing his subtle plans

She knew there was but one alternative; could she escape? If so, she ht to ruin her happiness

She rose, and walked to the s; they had been secured; two doors which led froain went to the s, but it was ht darkness without; she then seated herself upon the sofa, and calht eyes, which noere dination to her fate, she awaited the return ofits gli from the walls around her There in youthful innocence sat the once loved and loving Fostina

Morning calistened in the sun, and the sweet ; but still the lonely loom were spread over her pale countenance, and the expression of deep sorrow rested upon her features

The day passed slowly on without any intrusion upon her grief, until the close of the afternoon, when Rineldo again entered the apartment, followed by his father, who infore with his son, and bade her prepare for the co Rineldo alone with his cousin; he re his leave, hastily left the roo situation, her only reht possibility of escape She waited in silence until the sound of voices had ceased in the rooms below; she then rose, and went to the s; they were secured, and all was darkness without, as the evening before No light could be seen, and silence reigned throughout the village She hastened to the door, and as her inexpressible joy, to find that Rineldo in his haste had left the key reave her courage to sur her escape With tre afrom the chamber

She then noiselessly descended the stairs, and after convincing herself that all was silent, she groped her way through the ht darkness, until she reached the door of the hall, which she found unclosed She hastened through, now fearing that the door of the entrance was in all probability closely secured On approaching it, she found, to her great delight, that it was bolted on the inside; she listened again, but no sound was heard; then sliding the bolt, she opened the door and stepped forth into the open air