Part 1 (1/2)
Fostina Woodman, the Wonderful Adventurer
by Avis A (Burnham) Stanwood
_Description of Fostina's Home--Introduction of Herself and Parents to the Reader--Aunt Aubrey--Sudden Calamity--The Two Brothers and Lewis Mortie in Fostina's Life_
Reader, are you a lover of Nature? And do you behold with pleasure the wonderful works of creation, where the hand of Art has made no claie of S----, and visit there the Mountain Glen, and you will see one of the loveliest places which Nature ever forreat land of wonders
Before introducing you to the leading characters whose history will forive a faint description of the beautiful scenery which this place commands
It is situated in the northern part of Massachusetts, not far fro course through the valleys, ahty waters, into its deep basin below
Along these banksthe valleys, al shade of the forest which surrounds them The traveller, as he ascends a e of mountains, as far as the eye can penetrate the distance And while conte the scenery before him, outstretched on Nature's broad, canvas, his eye may involuntarily rest on the beautiful spot referred to at the opening ofin June, and the sun slowly and beautifully rose in the blue heavens, spreading out his sheet of golden light over the broad canopy of heaven, scattering with thewhich lay spread over the valleys of S---- There a scene of rare loveliness was spread out to view--rich landscapes and slopingtheir heavy burden in thebreeze The dew lay heavily upon the earth, and the thick foliage of the trees sparkled with the glittering dewdrops bowing their branches beneath its weight
Nought was heard save the gentleof the waters, which flowed at the foot of the Mountain Glen Sparkling strealittering foliage hung heavy with the dew of thehich flowed beneath their branches The lofty oak rose in all itsliroup which had collected under its shade, to inhale the fresh breeze of the
A short distance fronificent dwelling, called the _Cottage of the Mountain Glen_ Beautiful and romantic was this place, to a lover of nature, as he stood upon the lofty hills, and could see the blue wreath curling up froe, nearly hidden froe of the trees which surround it
On approaching nearer this lovely spot, could be seen a winding pathway, overhung with the branches of the hich grew on either side, leading froe to the ardens, forroves around, and rendered still more beautiful by the lofty hills and es, all exhibited evidences of the superior taste of the owner And when standing on the rising e upon the beauties of this romantic place, we could but think that it was indeed the abode of happiness; and surely it was so, for here resided the beautiful heroine of my story, whom I will introduce to you as Fostina Woodman, one as destined to become the wonder and ade of the Mountain Glen, dwelt this lovely maiden, in quiet and peaceful seclusion, with her father, three brothers, and an elderly aunt, who, for many years, had been an inmate of the family
Mrs Woodman, one of the loveliest of women, beloved by all that knew her for herillness, leaving Fostina, her only daughter, when but five years old, to the care of her sister, who then took charge of the family
Mr Wood some property left hioods, and prosperity crowned his efforts with success beyond his greatest expectations He continued in his business until he had accuht necessary to coe, where he offered his hand and fortune to Fostina Aubrey, the daughter of an honest gardener, who consented to their union
Accompanied by his youthful bride, Mr Woodman started for the far west, to seek out a ho wife in soht pass the rereat distance froe of S----, where he stopped to survey the surrounding country On one side it was rough and mountainous, solitary and wild, while, on the opposite, could be seen cultivated fields beautifully variegated with cottages and waving forests Still farther on, he beheld a lofty e, which it overlooked, together with an extensive range of country, presenting a variety of beautiful scenery Here he selected a place to erect his dwelling, and called it the _Mountain Glen_, where, for many years, he lived in possession of health and happiness But alas,
When in the midst of happiness, How oft doth sorrow come!
Consumption, that awful syren, had entered the joyous home of Mr
Woodh many years elapsed before it effected its work, yet he well kneould be the result
Pain and distress had wrecked her feeble fra eyes; her step was feeble, her voice greeak, and soon her gentle spirit took its flight to a fairer and brighter world, leaving to her bereaved husband four children, the youngest their only daughter With joy the father saw that she partook in a great degree of her ave hope and consolation to the now almost heart-broken parent, who, as he looked upon his child, saw the perfect resemblance of her departed ave up the charge of her children to her sister, atched over them with all a mother's kindness; with careful attention she reared the tender plants left to her care by her departed sister
Fostina soon completed her twelfth year, and her father with pleasure witnessed the growing intellect of his child, and the superior talents which she possessed He bestowed upon her a liberal education, and was fully rewarded for his labors as he beheld, with astonishhter
Nor was Aunt Aubrey less pleased, as she saw her fair charge in all her youthful beauty, possessing her entle nature, lovely in mind and person