Part 23 (1/2)

I explained to Kennedy.

”Let her come along,” he said, as surprised as I was. Then he added, humorously, ”I seem to be father confessor to-night.”

After sinking back in my seat in comfort once more I observed a quiet elation in Kennedy's manner. All at once it struck me what he was doing. The mult.i.tude of considerations in this case, the many cross leads to be followed, had confused me. But now I realized that, after all, this was only the approved Kennedy method, the mode of procedure which had never failed to produce results for him. Without allowing himself to be disturbed by the great number of people concerned, he had calmly started to pit them one against the other, encouraging each to talk about the rest, making a show of his apparent inaction and lack of haste so that they, in turn, would shake off the excitement immediately following the death of the girl and thereby reveal their normal selves to his keen observation.

Not five minutes pa.s.sed before Marilyn was announced. Evidently she had been seeking us eagerly, for she had probably telephoned from a near-by pay station.

”Mr. Kennedy,” she began, ”I am going to find this very hard to say.”

”Really,” he a.s.sured her, ”there is no reason why you should not repose your confidence in me. My only interest is to solve the mystery and to see that justice is satisfied. Beyond that nothing would give me greater happiness than to be of service to you.”

”It's--it's about Merle s.h.i.+rley--” she started, bravely. Then all at once she broke down. The strain of two days had been too much for her.

Kennedy lighted a fresh cigar, realizing that he could best aid her to recover her composure by making no effort to do so. For several moments she sobbed silently, a handkerchief at her eyes. Then she straightened, with a half smile, dabbing at the drops of moisture remaining. With her wet eyes and flushed cheeks she was revealed to me again as a very genuine girl, wholly unspoiled by her outward mask of sophistication.

Furthermore, at this instant she was gloriously pretty.

”Again--why do you play vampire roles, Miss Loring?” I asked, as quickly as the thought flashed to me. ”I think you'd be an ideal ingenue!”

”About a thousand people have told me that,” she rejoined. As she replied her smile took full possession of her features. My idiotic repet.i.tion, entirely out of place, had served to restore her self-control to her. ”No, the public won't stand for it. They've been trained to know me as a vamp, and a vamp I remain.”

Facing Kennedy, she sobered. ”Merle s.h.i.+rley and I were engaged,” she went on. ”That you know. Then poor Stella made a fool of him. She didn't mean any harm, any real harm, but I don't think she knew how deep he feels or just what a fiery temper he has. Finally he found out that she was only playing with him. He was perfectly terrible. At first I thought he had killed her in a burst of pa.s.sion. I really thought that.”

”Yes?” Kennedy was interested. He needed no pretense.

”When I asked him point blank he said he didn't.” A very wonderful light came into Marilyn Loring's eyes at this instant. ”Whatever else he would do, Professor Kennedy, he wouldn't lie to me; that I know. He would tell me the truth because he knows I would s.h.i.+eld him, no matter what the cost.”

”You simply want to a.s.sure me of his innocence?” suggested Kennedy.

”No!” There was a touch of scorn to the little negative. ”You don't believe him guilty; you didn't even when I did.”


”But he knows something--something about the murder of Stella--and he won't tell me what it is. I--I'm afraid for him. He isn't sleeping at night, and I believe he's watching somebody at the studio, and I know--it's the WOMAN'S intuition, Professor”--she emphasized the word, and paused--”he's in danger. He's in some great threatening danger!”

”What do you wish me to do, Miss Loring?”

”I want you to protect him and”--slowly she colored, up and around and about her eyes as she always did, until she wasn't unlike an Indian maid--”and no one must know I've been up to see you.”

Gravely Kennedy bowed her to the door, a.s.suring her he would do all that lay in his power. When he returned I was ready for him.

”Now!” I exclaimed. ”Now say it isn't Werner! Here is Merle s.h.i.+rley watching some one at the studio. Isn't that likely to be the director?

And if s.h.i.+rley is watching Werner you have the explanation for the second intruder at Tarrytown last night. s.h.i.+rley is big enough and strong enough to have given the deputy a nice swift tussle.”

”A little tall, I'm afraid,” Kennedy remarked.

”You can't go by the deputy's impressions. He didn't really remember much of anything. Certainly he was un.o.bserving.”

”Perhaps you're right, Walter.” Kennedy smiled. ”But how about Gordon?”