Part 8 (1/2)
”It may have been some one afraid to leave any sort of clue out there at Phelps's house. There were too many watchers about. It might have seemed better to have run the risk of a search. With no sign of a wound on Miss Lamar's person, it was pretty certain that neither Mackay nor I would attempt to frisk everyone. It was not as though we were looking for a revolver, if she were shot, or a knife, if she had been stabbed.
And”--he could not resist another dig at me--”and that we should look in a washroom here for a towel was, well, an idea that wouldn't occur to anyone but the most amateur and blundering sort of sleuth. It's beginner's luck, Walter, beginner's luck.”
I ignored the uncomplimentary part of his remarks. ”Who could have been in the washroom just before me?” I asked.
Suddenly he hurried through the waiting room to the door to Manton's office, opening it without ceremony. Manton was gone. We exchanged glances. I remembered that Werner had preceded us upstairs. ”It means Werner or Manton himself,” I whispered, so the girl just behind us would not hear.
Kennedy strode out to the hall, and to a window overlooking the court.
After a moment he pointed. I recognized both the cars used to transport the company to the home of Emery Phelps. There was no sign that either had just arrived, for even the chauffeurs were out of sight, perhaps melted into the crowd about the tank in the corner.
”They must have arrived immediately behind us,” Kennedy remarked. ”We wasted several valuable minutes looking at that water stuff ourselves.”
At that moment Werner's voice rose from the reception room below. It was probable that he would be up to rejoin us again. I remembered that he had not been at all at ease while Kennedy questioned him in Tarrytown; that here at the studio he had been palpably anxious to remain close at our heels. I felt a surge of suspicion within me.
”Listen, Craig,” I muttered, in low tones. ”Manton had no opportunity to steal down the hall after the girl closed the door, and--”
”Why not!” he interrupted, contradicting me. ”We had our backs to the door while we were talking with Werner.”
”Well, anyhow, it narrows down to Manton and Werner because that is the washroom for these offices--”
”'s.h.!.+” Kennedy stopped me as Werner mounted the stairs. He turned to the director with a.s.sumed nonchalance. ”How long have the other cars been here?” he asked. ”I thought we came pretty fast.”
Werner smiled. ”I guess those boys had enough of Tarrytown. They rolled into the yard, both of them, while you and Mr. Jameson and Manton were stopping to watch the people in the water.”
”I see!” Kennedy gave me a side glance. ”Where are the dressing rooms?”
he inquired. It was a random shot.
Werner pointed to the end of the hall, toward the washroom. ”In the next building, on this floor--that is, the princ.i.p.als'. It's a rotten arrangement,” he added. ”They come through sometimes and use our lavatory, because it's a little more fancy and because it saves a trip down a flight of stairs. Believe me, it gets old Manton on his ear.”
Behind Werner was the a.s.sistant director, to whom I had given little attention at the time of the examination of the various people in the Phelps library. Even now he impressed me as one of those rare, un.o.btrusive types of individuals who seem, in spite of the possession of genuine ability and often a great deal of efficiency, to lack, nevertheless, any outstanding personal characteristics. As a cla.s.s they are human machines, to be neither liked nor disliked, never intruding and yet always on hand when needed.
”This is Carey Drexel, my a.s.sistant,” Werner stated, forgetting that Kennedy had questioned him at Tarrytown, and so knew him. ”There are a few people I simply must see and I'm tied up, therefore, for perhaps half an hour; and Manton's downstairs still trying to locate Millard for you. But Carey's at your disposal, Mr. Kennedy, to show you the arrangement of the studio and to cooperate with you in any way if you think there's any possible chance of finding anything to bear upon Stella's death here.”
If Werner was the man who had used the towel, I could see that he was an actor and a cool villain. Of course no one could know, yet, that we had discovered it, but the very nonchalance with which it had been thrown into the basket was a mark of the nerve of the guilty man. It was more than carelessness. Nothing about the crime had been haphazard.
Kennedy thanked Werner and asked to be shown the studio floor used in the making of ”The Black Terror.” Carey led the way, explaining that there were actually two studios, one at each end of the quadrangle, connected on both sides by the other buildings; offices and dressing rooms and the costume and property departments at the side facing the street; technical laboratories and all the detail of film manufacture in a four-story structure to the rear. Most of Werner's own picture was being made in the so-called big studio, reached through the dressing rooms from the end of the corridor where we stood.
I had been in film plants before, but when we entered the huge gla.s.s-roofed inclosure beyond the long hallway of dressing rooms I was impressed by the fact that here was a place of genuine magnitude, with more life and bustle than anything I had ever imagined. The gla.s.s had, however, been painted over, because of late years dark stages, with the even quality of artificial light, had come into vogue in the Manton studios in place of stages lighted by the uneven and undependable sunlight.
The two big sets mentioned by Manton, a banquet hall and a ballroom, were being erected simultaneously. Carpenters were at work sawing and hammering. Werner's technical director was shouting at a group of stage hands putting a ma.s.sive mirror in position at the end of the banquet hall, a clever device to give the room the appearance of at least double its actual length. In one corner several electricians and a camera man were experimenting with a strange-looking bank of lights. In the ballroom set, where the flats or walls were all in place, an unexcited paperhanger was busy with the paraphernalia of his craft, somehow looking out of his element in this reign of pandemonium.
It seemed hard indeed to believe that any sort of order or system lay behind this heterogeneous activity, and the incident which took Carey Drexel away from us only added to the wonder in my mind, a wonder that anything tangible and definite could be accomplished.
”Oh, Carey!” Another a.s.sistant director, or perhaps he was only a property boy, rushed up frantically the moment he saw Drexel. ”Miss Miller's on a rampage because the grand piano you promised to get for her isn't at her apartment yet, and Bessie Terry's in tears because she left her parrot here overnight, as you suggested, and some one taught the bird to swear.” The intruder, a youth of perhaps eighteen, was in deadly earnest. ”For the love of Mike, Carey,” he went on, ”tell me how to unteach that screeching thing of Bessie's, or we won't get a scene today.”