Part 20 (1/2)
Roland gave a slight glance to Catherine Seyton, as if to bespeak her attention, as he replied,--”I witnessed no offence, madam, worthy of marking--none indeed of any kind, save that a bold damsel made her hand somewhat too familiar with the cheek of a player-man, and ran some hazard of being ducked in the lake.”
As he uttered these words he cast a hasty glance at Catherine; but she sustained, with the utmost serenity of manner and countenance, the hint which he had deemed could not have been thrown out before her without exciting some fear and confusion.
”I will c.u.mber your Grace no longer with my presence,” said the Lady Lochleven, ”unless you have aught to command me.”
”Nought, our good hostess,” answered the Queen, ”unless it be to pray you, that on another occasion you deem it not needful to postpone your better employment to wait so long upon us.”
”May it please you,” added the Lady Lochleven, ”to command this your gentleman to attend us, that I may receive some account of these matters which have been sent hither for your Grace's use?”
”We may not refuse what you are pleased to require, madam,” answered the Queen. ”Go with the lady, Roland, if our commands be indeed necessary to thy doing so. We will hear to-morrow the history of thy Kinross pleasures. For this night we dismiss thy attendance.”
Roland Graeme went with the Lady of Lochleven, who failed not to ask him many questions concerning what had pa.s.sed at the sports, to which he rendered such answers as were most likely to lull asleep any suspicions which she might entertain of his disposition to favour Queen Mary, taking especial care to avoid all allusion to the apparition of Magdalen Graeme, and of the Abbot Ambrosius. At length, after undergoing a long and somewhat close examination, he was dismissed with such expressions, as, coming from the reserved and stern Lady of Lochleven, might seem to express a degree of favour and countenance.
His first care was to obtain some refreshment, which was more cheerfully afforded him by a good-natured pantler than by Dryfesdale, who was, on this occasion, much disposed to abide by the fas.h.i.+on of Pudding-burn House, where They who came not the first call. Gat no more meat till the next meal.
When Roland Graeme had finished his repast, having his dismissal from the Queen for the evening, and being little inclined for such society as the castle afforded, he stole into the garden, in which he had permission to spend his leisure time, when it pleased him. In this place, the ingenuity of the contriver and disposer of the walks had exerted itself to make the most of little s.p.a.ce, and by screens, both of stone ornamented with rude sculpture, and hedges of living green, had endeavoured to give as much intricacy and variety as the confined limits of the garden would admit.
Here the young man walked sadly, considering the events of the day, and comparing what had dropped from the Abbot with what he had himself noticed of the demeanour of George Douglas. ”It must be so,” was the painful but inevitable conclusion at which he arrived. ”It must be by his aid that she is thus enabled, like a phantom, to transport herself from place to place, and to appear at pleasure on the mainland or on the islet.--It must be so,” he repeated once more; ”with him she holds a close, secret, and intimate correspondence, altogether inconsistent with the eye of favour which she has sometimes cast upon me, and destructive to the hopes which she must have known these glances have necessarily inspired.” And yet (for love will hope where reason despairs) the thought rushed on his mind, that it was possible she only encouraged Douglas's pa.s.sion so far as might serve her mistress's interest, and that she was of too frank, n.o.ble, and candid a nature, to hold out to himself hopes which she meant not to fulfil. Lost in these various conjectures, he seated himself upon a bank of turf which commanded a view of the lake on the one side, and on the other of that front of the castle along which the Queen's apartments were situated.
The sun had now for some time set, and the twilight of May was rapidly fading into a serene night. On the lake, the expanded water rose and fell, with the slightest and softest influence of a southern breeze, which scarcely dimpled the surface over which it pa.s.sed. In the distance was still seen the dim outline of the island of Saint Serf, once visited by many a sandalled pilgrim, as the blessed spot trodden by a man of G.o.d--now neglected or violated, as the refuge of lazy priests, who had with justice been compelled to give place to the sheep and the heifers of a Protestant baron.
As Roland gazed on the dark speck, amid the lighter blue of the waters which surrounded it, the mazes of polemical discussion again stretched themselves before the eye of the mind. Had these men justly suffered their exile as licentious drones, the robbers, at once, and disgrace, of the busy hive? or had the hand of avarice and rapine expelled from the temple, not the ribalds who polluted, but the faithful priests who served the shrine in honour and fidelity? The arguments of Henderson, in this contemplative hour, rose with double force before him; and could scarcely be parried by the appeal which the Abbot Ambrosius had made from his understanding to his feelings,--an appeal which he had felt more forcibly amid the bustle of stirring life, than now when his reflections were more undisturbed. It required an effort to divert his mind from this embarra.s.sing topic; and he found that he best succeeded by turning his eyes to the front of the tower, watching where a twinkling light still streamed from the cas.e.m.e.nt of Catherine Seyton's apartment, obscured by times for a moment as the shadow of the fair inhabitant pa.s.sed betwixt the taper and the window. At length the light was removed or extinguished, and that object of speculation was also withdrawn from the eyes of the meditative lover. Dare I confess the fact, without injuring his character for ever as a hero of romance? These eyes gradually became heavy; speculative doubts on the subject of religious controversy, and anxious conjectures concerning the state of his mistress's affections, became confusedly blended together in his musings; the fatigues of a busy day prevailed over the hara.s.sing subjects of contemplation which occupied his mind, and he fell fast asleep.
Sound were his slumbers, until they were suddenly dispelled by the iron tongue of the castle-bell, which sent its deep and sullen sounds wide over the bosom of the lake, and awakened the echoes of Bennarty, the hill which descends steeply on its southern bank. Roland started up, for this bell was always tolled at ten o'clock, as the signal for locking the castle gates, and placing the keys under the charge of the seneschal. He therefore hastened to the wicket by which the garden communicated with the building, and had the mortification, just as he reached it, to hear the bolt leave its sheath with a discordant crash, and enter the stone groove of the door-lintel. ”Hold, hold,” cried the page, ”and let me in ere you lock the wicket.” The voice of Dryfesdale replied from within, in his usual tone of embittered sullenness, ”The hour is pa.s.sed, fair master--you like not the inside of these walls--even make it a complete holiday, and spend the night as well as the day out of bounds.”
”Open the door,” exclaimed the indignant page, ”or by Saint Giles I will make thy gold chain smoke for it!”
”Make no alarm here,” retorted the impenetrable Dryfesdale, ”but keep thy sinful oaths and silly threats for those that regard them--I do mine office, and carry the keys to the seneschal.--Adieu, my young master! the cool night air will advantage your hot blood.”
The steward was right in what he said; for the cooling breeze was very necessary to appease the feverish fit of anger which Roland experienced, nor did the remedy succeed for some time. At length, after some hasty turns made through the garden, exhausting his pa.s.sion in vain vows of vengeance, Roland Graeme began to be sensible that his situation ought rather to be held as matter of laughter than of serious resentment. To one bred a sportsman, a night spent in the open air had in it little of hards.h.i.+p, and the poor malice of the steward seemed more worthy of his contempt than his anger. ”I would to G.o.d,” he said, ”that the grim old man may always have contented himself with such sportive revenge. He often looks as he were capable of doing us a darker turn.” Returning, therefore, to the turf-seat which he had formerly occupied, and which was partially sheltered by a trim fence of green holly, he drew his mantle around him, stretched himself at length on the verdant settle, and endeavoured to resume that sleep which the castle bell had interrupted to so little purpose.
Sleep, like other earthly blessings, is n.i.g.g.ard of its favours when most courted. The more Roland invoked her aid, the farther she fled from his eyelids. He had been completely awakened, first, by the sounds of the bell, and then by his own aroused vivacity of temper, and he found it difficult again to compose himself to slumber. At length, when his mind--was wearied out with a maze of unpleasing meditation, he succeeded in coaxing himself into a broken slumber. This was again dispelled by the voices of two persons who were walking in the garden, the sound of whose conversation, after mingling for some time in the page's dreams, at length succeeded in awaking him thoroughly. He raised himself from his reclining posture in the utmost astonishment, which the circ.u.mstance of hearing two persons at that late hour conversing on the outside of the watchfully guarded Castle of Lochloven, was so well calculated to excite. His first thought was of supernatural beings; his next, upon some attempt on the part of Queen Mary's friends and followers; his last was, that George of Douglas, possessed of the keys, and having the means of ingress and egress at pleasure, was availing himself of his office to hold a rendezvous with Catherine Seyton in the castle garden. He was confirmed in this opinion by the tone of the voice, which asked in a low whisper, ”whether all was ready?”
Chapter the Thirtieth.
In some b.r.e.a.s.t.s pa.s.sion lies conceal'd and silent, Like war's swart powder in a castle vault, Until occasion, like the linstock, lights it: Then comes at once the lightning--and the thunder, And distant echoes tell that all is rent asunder. OLD PLAY.
Roland Graeme, availing himself of a breach in the holly screen, and of the a.s.sistance of the full moon, which was now arisen, had a perfect opportunity, himself un.o.bserved, to reconnoitre the persons and the motions of those by whom his rest had been thus unexpectedly disturbed; and his observations confirmed his jealous apprehensions. They stood together in close and earnest conversation within four yards of the place of his retreat, and he could easily recognize the tall form and deep voice of Douglas, and the no less remarkable dress and tone of the page at the hostelry of Saint Michael's.
”I have been at the door of the page's apartment,” said Douglas, ”but he is not there, or he will not answer. It is fast bolted on the inside, as is the custom, and we cannot pa.s.s through it--and what his silence may bode I know not.”
”You have trusted him too far,” said the other; ”a feather-headed c.o.x-comb, upon whose changeable mind and hot brain there is no making an abiding impression.”
”It was not I who was willing to trust him,” said Douglas, ”but I was a.s.sured he would prove friendly when called upon--for----” Here he spoke so low that Roland lost the tenor of his words, which was the more provoking, as he was fully aware that he was himself the subject of their conversation.
”Nay,” replied the stranger, more aloud, ”I have on my side put him off with fair words, which make fools vain--but now, if you distrust him at the push, deal with him with your dagger, and so make open pa.s.sage.”
”That were too rash,” said Douglas; ”and besides, as I told you, the door of his apartment is shut and bolted. I will essay again to waken him.”
Graeme instantly comprehended, that the ladies, having been somehow made aware of his being in the garden, had secured the door of the outer room in which he usually slept, as a sort of sentinel upon that only access to the Queen's apartments. But then, how came Catherine Seyton to be abroad, if the Queen and the other lady were still within their chambers, and the access to them locked and bolted?--”I will be instantly at the bottom of these mysteries,” he said, ”and then thank Mistress Catherine, if this be really she, for the kind use which she exhorted Douglas to make of his dagger--they seek me, as I comprehend, and they shall not seek me in vain.”
Douglas had by this time re-entered the castle by the wicket, which was now open. The stranger stood alone in the garden walk, his arms folded on his breast, and his eyes cast impatiently up to the moon, as if accusing her of betraying him by the magnificence of her l.u.s.tre. In a moment Roland Graeme stood before him--”A goodly night,” he said, ”Mistress Catherine, for a young lady to stray forth in disguise, and to meet with men in an orchard!”
”Hus.h.!.+” said the stranger page, ”hush, thou foolish patch, and tell us in a word if thou art friend or foe.”
”How should I be friend to one who deceives me by fair words, and who would have Douglas deal with me with his poniard?” replied Roland.
”The fiend receive George of Douglas and thee too, thou born madcap and sworn marplot!” said the other; ”we shall be discovered, and then death is the word.”
”Catherine,” said the page, ”you have dealt falsely and cruelly with me, and the moment of explanation is now come--neither it nor you shall escape me.”
”Madman!” said the stranger, ”I am neither Kate nor Catherine--the moon s.h.i.+nes bright enough surely to know the hart from the hind.”
”That s.h.i.+ft shall not serve you, fair mistress,” said the page, laying hold on the lap of the stranger's cloak; ”this time, at least, I will know with whom I deal.”
”Unhand me,” said she, endeavouring to extricate herself from his grasp; and in a tone where anger seemed to contend with a desire to laugh, ”use you so little discretion towards a daughter of Seyton?”
But as Roland, encouraged perhaps by her risibility to suppose his violence was not unpardonably offensive, kept hold on her mantle, she said, in a sterner tone of unmixed resentment,--”Madman! let me go!--there is life and death in this moment--I would not willingly hurt thee, and yet beware!”
As she spoke she made a sudden effort to escape, and, in doing so, a pistol, which she carried in her hand or about her person, went off.
This warlike sound instantly awakened the well-warded castle. The warder blew his horn, and began to toll the castle bell, crying out at the same time, ”Fie, treason! treason! cry all! cry all!”
The apparition of Catherine Seyton, which the page had let loose in the first moment of astonishment, vanished in darkness; but the plash of oars was heard, and, in a second or two, five or six harquebuses and a falconet were fired from the battlements of the castle successively, as if levelled at some object on the water. Confounded with these incidents, no way for Catherine's protection (supposing her to be in the boat which he had heard put from the sh.o.r.e) occurred to Roland, save to have recourse to George of Douglas. He hastened for this purpose towards the apartment of the Queen, whence he heard loud voices and much trampling of feet. When he entered, he found himself added to a confused and astonished group, which, a.s.sembled in that apartment, stood gazing upon each other. At the upper end of the room stood the Queen, equipped as for a journey, and--attended not only by the Lady Fleming, but by the omnipresent Catherine Seyton, dressed in the habit of her own s.e.x, and bearing in her hand the casket in which Mary kept such jewels as she had been permitted to retain. At the other end of the hall was the Lady of Lochleven, hastily dressed, as one startled from slumber by the sudden alarm, and surrounded by domestics, some bearing torches, others holding naked swords, partisans, pistols, or such other weapons as they had caught up in the hurry of a night alarm. Betwixt these two parties stood George of Douglas, his arms folded on his breast, his eyes bent on the ground, like a criminal who knows not how to deny, yet continues unwilling to avow, the guilt in which he has been detected.
”Speak, George of Douglas,” said the Lady of Lochleven; ”speak, and clear the horrid suspicion which rests on thy name. Say, 'A Douglas was never faithless to his trust, and I am a Douglas.' Say this, my dearest son, and it is all I ask thee to say to clear thy name, even under, such a foul charge. Say it was but the wile of these unhappy women, and this false boy, which plotted an escape so fatal to Scotland--so destructive to thy father's house.”
”Madam,” said old Dryfesdale the steward, ”this much do I say for this silly page, that he could not be accessary to unlocking the doors, since I myself this night bolted him out of the castle. Whoever limned this night-piece, the lad's share in it seems to have been small.”
”Thou liest, Dryfesdale,” said the Lady, ”and wouldst throw the blame on thy master's house, to save the worthless life of a gipsy boy.”
”His death were more desirable to me than his life,” answered the steward, sullenly; ”but the truth is the truth.”
At these words Douglas raised his head, drew up his figure to its full height, and spoke boldly and sedately, as one whose resolution was taken. ”Let no life be endangered for me. I alone----”
”Douglas,” said the Queen, interrupting him, ”art thou mad? Speak not, I charge you.”
”Madam,” he replied, bowing with the deepest respect, ”gladly would I obey your commands, but they must have a victim, and let it be the true one.--Yes, madam,” he continued, addressing the Lady of Lochleven, ”I alone am guilty in this matter. If the word of a Douglas has yet any weight with you, believe me that this boy is innocent; and on your conscience I charge you, do him no wrong; nor let the Queen suffer hards.h.i.+p for embracing the opportunity of freedom which sincere loyalty--which a sentiment yet deeper--offered to her acceptance. Yes! I had planned the escape of the most beautiful, the most persecuted of women; and far from regretting that I, for a while, deceived the malice of her enemies, I glory in it, and am most willing to yield up life itself in her cause.”
”Now may G.o.d have compa.s.sion on my age,” said the Lady of Lochleven, ”and enable me to bear this load of affliction! O Princess, born in a luckless hour, when will you cease to be the instrument of seduction and of ruin to all who approach you? O ancient house of Lochleven, famed so long for birth and honour, evil was the hour which brought the deceiver under thy roof!”
”Say not so, madam,” replied her grandson; ”the old honours of the Douglas line will be outshone, when one of its descendants dies for the most injured of queens--for the most lovely of women.”
”Douglas,” said the Queen, ”must I at this moment--ay, even at this moment, when I may lose a faithful subject for ever, chide thee for forgetting what is due to me as thy Queen?”