Part 13 (1/2)

The Abbot Walter Scott 187980K 2022-07-22

”Nay, but,” said Wing-the-wind, ”the page goes not back with you; the Regent has other employment for him.”

”Saints and sorrows!” exclaimed the falconer--”Master Roland Graeme to remain here, and I to return to Avenel!--Why, it cannot be--the child cannot manage himself in this wide world without me, and I question if he will stoop to any other whistle than mine own; there are times I myself can hardly bring him to my lure.”

It was at Roland's tongue's end to say something concerning the occasion they had for using mutually each other's prudence, but the real anxiety which Adam evinced at parting with him, took away his disposition to such ungracious raillery. The falconer did not altogether escape, however, for, in turning his face towards the lattice, his friend Michael caught a glimpse of it, and exclaimed, ”I prithee, Adam Woodc.o.c.k, what hast thou been doing with these eyes of thine? They are swelled to the starting from the socket!”

”Nought in the world,” said he, after casting a deprecating glance at Roland Graeme, ”but the effect of sleeping in this d--ned truckle without a pillow.”

”Why, Adam Woodc.o.c.k, thou must be grown strangely dainty,” said his old companion; ”I have known thee sleep all night with no better pillow than a bush of ling, and start up with the sun, as glegg as a falcon; and now thine eyes resemble----”

”Tush, man, what signifies how mine eyes look now?” said Adam--”let us but roast a crab-apple, pour a pottle of ale on it, and bathe our throats withal, thou shalt see a change in me.”

”And thou wilt be in heart to sing thy jolly ballad about the Pope,” said his comrade.

”Ay, that I will,” replied the falconer, ”that is, when we have left this quiet town five miles behind us, if you will take your hobby and ride so far on my way.”

”Nay, that I may not,” said Michael--”I can but stop to partake your morning draught, and see you fairly to horse--I will see that they saddle them, and toast the crab for thee, without loss of time.”

During his absence the falconer took the page by the hand--”May I never hood hawk again,” said the good-natured fellow, ”if I am not as sorry to part with you as if you were a child of mine own, craving pardon for the freedom--I cannot tell what makes me love you so much, unless it be for the reason that I loved the vicious devil of a brown galloway nag whom my master the Knight called Satan, till Master Warden changed his name to Seyton; for he said it was over boldness to call a beast after the King of Darkness----”

”And,” said the page, ”it was over boldness in him, I trow, to call a vicious brute after a n.o.ble family.”

”Well,” proceeded Adam, ”Seyton or Satan, I loved that nag over every other horse in the stable---There was no sleeping on his back--he was for ever fidgeting, bolting, rearing, biting, kicking, and giving you work to do, and maybe the measure of your back on the heather to the boot of it all. And I think I love you better than any lad in the castle, for the self-same qualities.”

”Thanks, thanks, kind Adam. I regard myself bound to you for the good estimation in which you hold me.”

”Nay, interrupt me not,” said the falconer--”Satan was a good nag-- But I say I think I shall call the two eyases after you, the one Roland, and the other Graeme; and while Adam Woodc.o.c.k lives, be sure you have a friend--Here is to thee, my dear son.”

Roland most heartily returned the grasp of the hand, and Woodc.o.c.k, having taken a deep draught, continued his farewell speech.

”There are three things I warn you against, Roland, now that you art to tread this weary world without my experience to a.s.sist you. In the first place, never draw dagger on slight occasion--every man's doublet is not so well stuffed as a certain abbot's that you wot of. Secondly, fly not at every pretty girl, like a merlin at a thrush--you will not always win a gold chain for your labour--and, by the way, here I return to you your fanfarona--keep it close, it is weighty, and may benefit you at a pinch more ways than one. Thirdly, and to conclude, as our worthy preacher says, beware of the pottle-pot--it has drenched the judgment of wiser men than you. I could bring some instances of it, but I dare say it needeth not; for if you should forget your own mishaps, you will scarce fail to remember mine--And so farewell, my dear son.”

Roland returned his good wishes, and failed not to send his humble duty to his kind Lady, charging the falconer, at the same time, to express his regret that he should have offended her, and his determination so to bear him in the world that she would not be ashamed of the generous protection she had afforded him.

The falconer embraced his young friend, mounted his stout, round-made, trotting-nag, which the serving-man, who had attended him, held ready at the door, and took the road to the southward. A sullen and heavy sound echoed from the horse's feet, as if indicating the sorrow of the good-natured rider. Every hoof-tread seemed to tap upon Roland's heart as he heard his comrade withdraw with so little of his usual alert activity, and felt that he was once more alone in the world.

He was roused from his reverie by Michael Wing-the-wind, who reminded him that it was necessary they should instantly return to the palace, as my Lord Regent went to the Sessions early in the morning. They went thither accordingly, and Wing-the-wind, a favourite old domestic, who was admitted nearer to the Regent's person and privacy, than many whose posts were more ostensible, soon introduced Graeme into a small matted chamber, where he had an audience of the present head of the troubled State of Scotland. The Earl of Murray was clad in a sad-coloured morning-gown, with a cap and slippers of the same cloth, but, even in this easy deshabille, held his sheathed rapier in his hand, a precaution which he adopted when receiving strangers, rather in compliance with the earnest remonstrances of his friends and partisans, than from any personal apprehensions of his own. He answered with a silent nod the respectful obeisance of the page, and took one or two turns through the small apartment in silence, fixing his keen eye on Roland, as if he wished to penetrate into his very soul. At length he broke silence.

”Your name is, I think, Julian Graeme?”

”Roland Graeme, my lord, not Julian,” replied the page.

”Right--I was misled by some trick of my memory--Roland Graeme, from the Debateable Land.--Roland, thou knowest the duties which belong to a lady's service?”

”I should know them, my lord,” replied Roland, ”having been bred so near the person of my Lady of Avenel; but I trust never more to practise them, as the Knight hath promised----”

”Be silent, young man,” said the Regent, ”I am to speak, and you to hear and obey. It is necessary that, for some s.p.a.ce at least, you shall again enter into the service of a lady, who, in rank, hath no equal in Scotland; and this service accomplished, I give thee my word as Knight and Prince, that it shall open to you a course of ambition, such as may well gratify the aspiring wishes of one whom circ.u.mstances ent.i.tle to entertain much higher views than thou. I will take thee into my household and near to my person, or, at your own choice, I will give you the command of a foot-company--either is a preferment which the proudest laird in the land might be glad to ensure for a second son.”

”May I presume to ask, my lord,” said Roland, observing the Earl paused for a reply, ”to whom my poor services are in the first place destined?”

”You will be told hereafter,” said the Regent; and then, as if overcoming some internal reluctance to speak farther himself, he added, ”or why should I not myself tell you, that you are about to enter into the service of a most ill.u.s.trious--most unhappy lady-- into the service of Mary of Scotland.”

”Of the Queen, my lord!” said the page, unable to suppress his surprise.

”Of her who was the Queen!” said Murray, with a singular mixture of displeasure and embarra.s.sment in his tone of voice. ”You must be aware, young man, that her son reigns in her stead.”

He sighed from an emotion, partly natural, perhaps, and partly a.s.sumed.

”And am I to attend upon her Grace in her place of imprisonment, my lord?” again demanded the page, with a straightforward and hardy simplicity, which somewhat disconcerted the sage and powerful statesman.

”She is not imprisoned,” answered Murray, angrily; ”G.o.d forbid she should--she is only sequestered from state affairs, and from the business of the public, until the world be so effectually settled, that she may enjoy her natural and uncontrolled freedom, without her royal disposition being exposed to the practices of wicked and designing men. It is for this purpose,” he added, ”that while she is to be furnished, as right is, with such attendance as may befit her present secluded state, it becomes necessary that those placed around her, are persons on whose prudence I can have reliance. You see, therefore, you are at once called on to discharge an office most honourable in itself, and so to discharge it that you may make a friend of the Regent of Scotland. Thou art, I have been told, a singularly apprehensive youth; and I perceive by thy look, that thou dost already understand what I would say on this matter. In this schedule your particular points of duty are set down at length--but the sum required of you is fidelity--I mean fidelity to myself and to the state. You are, therefore, to watch every attempt which is made, or inclination displayed, to open any communication with any of the lords who have become banders in the west--with Hamilton, Seyton, with Fleming, or the like. It is true that my gracious sister, reflecting upon the ill chances that have happened to the state of this poor kingdom, from evil counsellors who have abused her royal nature in time past, hath determined to sequestrate herself from state affairs in future. But it is our duty, as acting for and in the name of our infant nephew, to guard against the evils which may arise from any mutation or vacillation in her royal resolutions. Wherefore, it will be thy duty to watch, and report to our lady mother, whose guest our sister is for the present, whatever may infer a disposition to withdraw her person from the place of security in which she is lodged, or to open communication with those without. If, however, your observation should detect any thing of weight, and which may exceed mere suspicion, fail not to send notice by an especial messenger to me directly, and this ring shall be thy warrant to order horse and men on such service.--And now begone. If there be half the wit in thy head that there is apprehension in thy look, thou fully comprehendest all that I would say--Serve me faithfully, and sure as I am belted earl, thy reward shall be great.”

Roland Graeme made an obeisance, and was about to depart.

The Earl signed to him to remain. ”I have trusted thee deeply,” he said, ”young man, for thou art the only one of her suite who has been sent to her by my own recommendation. Her gentlewomen are of her own nomination--it were too hard to have barred her that privilege, though some there were who reckoned it inconsistent with sure policy. Thou art young and handsome. Mingle in their follies, and see they cover not deeper designs under the appearance of female levity--if they do mine, do thou countermine. For the rest, bear all decorum and respect to the person of thy mistress--she is a princess, though a most unhappy one, and hath been a queen! though now, alas! no longer such! Pay, therefore, to her all honour and respect, consistent with thy fidelity to the King and me--and now, farewell.--Yet stay--you travel with Lord Lindesay, a man of the old world, rough and honest, though untaught; see that thou offend him not, for he is not patient of raillery, and thou, I have heard, art a crack-halter.” This he said with a smile, then added, ”I could have wished the Lord Lindesay's mission had been intrusted to some other and more gentle n.o.ble.”

”And wherefore should you wish that, my lord?” said Morton, who even then entered the apartment; ”the council have decided for the best--we have had but too many proofs of this lady's stubbornness of mind, and the oak that resists the sharp steel axe, must be riven with the rugged iron wedge.--And this is to be her page?--My Lord Regent hath doubtless instructed you, young man, how you shall guide yourself in these matters; I will add but a little hint on my part. You are going to the castle of a Douglas, where treachery never thrives--the first moment of suspicion will be the last of your life. My kinsman, William Douglas, understands no raillery, and if he once have cause to think you false, you will waver in the wind from the castle battlements ere the sun set upon his anger.--And is the lady to have an almoner withal?”

”Occasionally, Douglas,” said the Regent; ”it were hard to deny the spiritual consolation which she thinks essential to her salvation.”

”You are ever too soft hearted, my lord--What! a false priest to communicate her lamentations, not only to our unfriends in Scotland, but to the Guises, to Rome, to Spain, and I know not where!”

”Fear not,” said the Regent, ”we will take such order that no treachery shall happen.”

”Look to it then.” said Morton; ”you know my mind respecting the wench you have consented she shall receive as a waiting-woman--one of a family, which, of all others, has ever been devoted to her, and inimical to us. Had we not been wary, she would have been purveyed of a page as much to her purpose as her waiting-damsel. I hear a rumour that an old mad Romish pilgrimer, who for at least half a saint among them, was employed to find a fit subject.”

”We have escaped that danger at least,” said Murray, ”and converted it into a point of advantage, by sending this boy of Glendinning's--and for her waiting-damsel, you cannot grudge her one poor maiden instead of her four n.o.ble Marys and all their silken train?”

”I care not so much for the waiting-maiden,” said Morton, ”but I cannot brook the almoner--I think priests of all persuasions are much like each other--Here is John Knox, who made such a n.o.ble puller-down, is ambitious of becoming a setter-up, and a founder of schools and colleges out of the Abbey lands, and bishops' rents, and other spoils of Rome, which the n.o.bility of Scotland have won with their sword and bow, and with which he would endow new hives to sing the old drone.”

”John is a man of G.o.d,” said the Regent, ”and his scheme is a devout imagination.”

The sedate smile with which this was spoken, left it impossible to conjecture whether the words were meant in approbation, or in derision, of the plan of the Scottish Reformer. Turning then to Roland Graeme, as if he thought he had been long enough a witness of this conversation, he bade him get him presently to horse, since my Lord of Lindesay was already mounted. The page made his reverence, and left the apartment.

Guided by Michael Wing-the-wind, he found his horse ready saddled and prepared for the journey, in front of the palace porch, where hovered about a score of men-at-arms, whose leader showed no small symptoms of surly impatience.

”Is this the jackanape page for whom we have waited thus long?” said he to Wing-the-wind.--”And my Lord Ruthven will reach the castle long before us.”

Michael a.s.sented, and added, that the boy had been detained by the Regent to receive some parting instructions. The leader made an inarticulate sound in his throat, expressive of sullen acquiescence, and calling to one of his domestic attendants, ”Edward,” said he, ”take the gallant into your charge, and let him speak with no one else.”

He then addressed, by the t.i.tle of Sir Robert, an elderly and respectable-looking gentleman, the only one of the party who seemed above the rank of a retainer or domestic, and observed, that they must get to horse with all speed.

During this discourse, and while they were riding slowly along the street of the suburb, Roland had time to examine more accurately the looks and figure of the Baron, who was at their head.

Lord Lindesay of the Byres was rather touched than stricken with years. His upright stature and strong limbs, still showed him fully equal to all the exertions and fatigues of war. His thick eyebrows, now partially grizzled, lowered over large eyes full of dark fire, which seemed yet darker from the uncommon depth at which they were set in his head. His features, naturally strong and harsh, had their sternness exaggerated by one or two scars received in battle. These features, naturally calculated to express the harsher pa.s.sions, were shaded by an open steel cap, with a projecting front, but having no visor, over the gorget of which fell the black and grizzled beard of the grim old Baron, and totally hid the lower part of his face. The rest of his dress was a loose buff-coat, which had once been lined with silk and adorned with embroidery, but which seemed much stained with travel, and damaged with cuts, received probably in battle. It covered a corslet, which had once been of polished steel, fairly gilded, but was now somewhat injured with rust. A sword of antique make and uncommon size, framed to be wielded with both hands, a kind of weapon which was then beginning to go out of use, hung from his neck in a baldrick, and was so disposed as to traverse his whole person, the huge hilt appearing over his left shoulder, and the point reaching well-nigh to the right heel, and jarring against his spur as he walked. This unwieldy weapon could only be unsheathed by pulling the handle over the left shoulder--for no human arm was long enough to draw it in the usual manner. The whole equipment was that of a rude warrior, negligent of his exterior even to misanthropical sullenness; and the short, harsh, haughty tone, which he used towards his attendants, belonged to the same unpolished character.

The personage who rode with Lord Lindesay, at the head of the party, was an absolute contrast to him, in manner, form, and features. His thin and silky hair was already white, though he seemed not above forty-five or fifty years old. His tone of voice was soft and insinuating--his form thin, spare, and bent by an habitual stoop-- his pale cheek was expressive of shrewdness and intelligence--his eye was quick though placid, and his whole demeanour mild and conciliatory. He rode an ambling nag, such as were used by ladies, clergymen, or others of peaceful professions--wore a riding habit of black velvet, with a cap and feather of the same hue, fastened up by a golden medal--and for show, and as a mark of rank rather than for use, carried a walking-sword, (as the short light rapiers were called,) without any other arms, offensive or defensive.