Part 17 (1/2)
[400] _Preface to Ovid's Epistles_, _Essays_, v. 1, p. 239.
[401] Pp. 239-40.
[402] Dedication to Dryden, 1684, in _The Odes, Satires, and Epistles of Horace done into English_, London, 1688.
[403] _Metellus his Dialogues, Relation of a Journey to Tunbridge Wells, with the Fourth Book of Virgil's Aeneid in English_, London, 1693.
[404] _Preface to the Translation of Ovid's Epistles_, _Essays_, vol. 1, p.
[405] _To the Earl of Roscommon on his excellent Essay on Translated Verse._
[406] In Sir Robert Howard's _Poems_, London, 1660.
[407] In Holiday's _Persius_, Fifth Edition, 1650.
[408] In Creech's _Lucretius_, Third Edition, Oxford, 1683.
[409] In Creech's _Lucretius_, Third Edition, Oxford, 1683.
[410] _Essay on the Principles of Translation_, Everyman's Library, pp.
[411] _Essays_, v. 1, p. 252.
[412] _Preface to the Translation of Ovid's Epistles_, _Essays_, v. 1, p.
[413] _Preface to Sylvae_, _Essays_, v. 1, p. 254.
[414] _Ibid._, p. 264.
[415] _Preface_, in Second Edition of _Odes of Horace_, London, 1688.
[416] _Examen Poetic.u.m_, _Essays_, v. 2, p. 9.
[417] _Preface to the Fables_, _Essays_, v. 2, p. 251.
[418] _To the Reader_, in _The Odes, Satires, and Epistles of Horace_, London, 1688.
[419] _Preface_ to translation of Horace, 1652.
[420] _Dedication of the Eneis_, _Essays_, v. 2, pp. 220-1.
[421] _Preface to Sylvae_, _Essays_, v. 1, pp. 256-7.
[422] _Examen Poetic.u.m_, _Essays_, v. 2, p. 14.
[423] _Preface._