Part 13 (1/2)
[314] _To the Reader_, in _Honor's Academy_, London, 1610.
[315] _The Familiar Epistles of Sir Anthony of Guevara_, London, 1574, _To the Reader_.
[316] _Prologue_ and _Argument_ of Guevara, translated in North, _Dial of Princes_, 1619.
[317] In North, _The Lives of the n.o.ble Grecians and Romans_, 1579.
[318] _Dedication_ in edition of 1568.
[319] _Prologue_ to Book I, _Aeneid_, reprinted Bannatyne Club.
[320] Foster Watson, _The English Grammar Schools to 1660_, Cambridge, 1908, pp. 405-6.
[321] _Dedication_, in Spearing, _The Elizabethan Translations of Seneca's Tragedies_, Cambridge, 1912.
[322] _To the Reader_, in _The Georgics translated by A. F._, London, 1589.
[323] _Preface_, reprinted in Plessow, _Fabeldichtung in England_, Berlin, 1906.
[324] _Conclusion_, edition of 1573.
[325] _Seneca His Ten Tragedies_, 1581, _Dedication_ of Fifth.
[326] _To the Reader._
[327] _Agamemnon and Medea_ from edition of 1556, ed. Spearing, 1913, _Preface_ of _Medea_.
[328] _To the Readers_, prefixed to _Troas_, in Spearing, _The Elizabethan Translations of Seneca's Tragedies_.
[329] _A Medicinable Moral, that is, the two books of Horace his satires Englished acccording to the prescription of St. Hierome_, London, 1566, _To the Reader_.
[330] _Preface_ to the Earl of Oxford, in _The Abridgment of the Histories of Trogus Pompeius collected and written in the Latin tongue by Justin_, London, 1563.
[331] _To the Gentle Reader_, in Phaer's Virgil, 1583.
[332] _Epistle Dedicatory_ to _A Compendious Form of Living_, quoted in Introduction to _News out of Powles Churchyard_, reprinted London, 1872, p.
[333] _The Bucolics of Virgil together with his Georgics_, London, 1589, _The Argument_.
[334] _Preface_ in Gregory Smith, vol. 1, p. 137.
[335] _The Schoolmaster_, in _Works_, London, 1864, vol. 3, p. 226.
[336] _To the Reader_, prefixed to translation of _Eclogues_ of Mantuan, 1567.
[337] _To the Reader_, in _The Elizabethan Translations of Seneca's Tragedies_.
[338] Stanyhurst's _Aeneid_, in _Arber's Scholar's Library_, p. 5.