Part 1 (2/2)
_Armeria macrocarpa_, Pursh.
_vulgaris_, Willd.
_Stellaria longipes_, Goldie, var. _Edwardsii_, T. & G.
_Cerastium alpinum_, L.
_Gymnandra Stelleri_, Cham. & Schlecht.
_Salix polaris_, Wahl.
_Luzulu hyperborea_, R. Br.
_Poa arctica_, R. Br.
_Aira caespitosa_, L. var. _Arctica_.
_Alopecurus alpinus_, Smith.
I made a collection of several spiders and of some larvae. The spider, it appears, is an ”undescribed species of _Erigone_,” and the larvae are probably lepidopterous. A small shrike was also secured as a specimen.
We saw several species of gulls, a snowy owl--which by the way was very shy--a few lemmings, and the tracks of foxes and of bears.
Microscopic examination of mud obtained from the bottom, in the vicinity of our anchorage, revealed some of foraminifera. The density of the sea water, and the dip of the magnetic needle were ascertained here, as well as at other points in the Arctic; and as the observations are entirely new, I give the results in the accompanying tables. The water densities are from observations of Mr. F.E. Owen, a.s.sistant Engineer of the _Corwin_.
The instruments used in obtaining the results were a thermometer and a hydrometer. Water was drawn at about six feet below the surface and heated to a temperature of 200 F., and the saturation, or specific gravity is shown by the depth to which the hydrometer sank in the water.
As sea water commonly contains one part of saline matter to thirty-two parts of water, the instrument is marked in thirty-seconds, as 1/32, 2/32, etc., and the densities are fractional parts of one thirty-second:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS OF OBSERVATION. Temperature. Density.
At Saint Michael's, Bering sea 50 1/4
Off Plover bay, Asia 34 3/4
Arctic ocean, near Bering straits 32 3/4
Arctic ocean, near ice on Siberian coast 32 5/8
Bering sea, off Saint Lawrence island 34 3/4
Golovine bay, Bering sea, July 10 42 1/2
Bering sea between King's island and Cape Prince of Wales, July 12 44 3/4
Entrance to Kotzebue sound, July 13 47 3/4
Cape Thompson, Arctic ocean, July 17 36 3/4
Icy cape, July 24 36 3/4
Herald island, in the ice, July 30 31 3/8
Cape w.a.n.karem, Siberia, August 5 33 3/4
Wrangel island (surface, in ice), August 12 31 1/2
Wrangel island (below surface 6 feet), August 12 31 5/8
The following table, showing the dip of the magnetic needle, was prepared from observations made by Lieut. O.D. Myrick: