Part 17 (1/2)
”The first I heard of what was going on was from Quin, who came running into my tent, where I was sitting quietly at the time, cleaning my rifle. Quin's eyes were starting out of his head, and there was, I a.s.sure you, nothing of the pleasant smile that rests on his face at this moment!
”`Och, sor!' gasped Quin, `Bowla Muk--no--Mowla Buksh--has gone mad entoirely!'
”I jumped up quickly, you may believe, for I didn't often see _that_ look on Quin's face, and when I did, I knew well that something very serious was in the wind.
”`Where away is he?' I asked.
”`Sorrow wan o' me knows, sor,' said Quin.
”Rus.h.i.+ng out with no very fixed purpose in view, I soon found that the shouting in the camp was a sufficient guide to the spot where the mischief was going on. In a few minutes I came on a cordon of musketeers who had been hastily drawn up, so as to prevent Mowla Buksh from getting at the other elephants, for if he had succeeded in doing so, he would certainly have gone knocking about the smaller ones, perhaps maiming them, and killing every man who might chance to come in his path. On the other hand, if the musketeers managed to turn him, there was the danger of his making for the main camp, and killing every one he could lay hold of in that direction.
”Of course the thought of turning out the big fighting elephants to master him occurred to every one; but even here there would be risk, for these gladiators would not rest content without knocking Mowla Buksh off his legs, in which case the mahowt would a.s.suredly be killed. Besides, our Director chanced to be in the forest at the time, and no one else seemed ready to take the responsibility of ordering them out.
”When I came up to the musketeers, I saw the elephant rus.h.i.+ng wildly about, trying to find a way through them, with the old mahowt sticking to his back like a burr.
”The Bulrampore men shouted to him to try and get the elephant to go to his standing-place, saying that if he could persuade him to sit down they would tie his legs up. After the brute had exhausted itself somewhat by rus.h.i.+ng about, the mahowt did succeed in recovering control so far as to persuade him to move to his standing-place, which was not far distant, and to our great relief he sat down in the usual way. The Bulrampore men were as good as their word. Smart hands every one, they ran up with ropes and commenced tying up his hind legs. Being experts at the work, they manipulated the thick ropes with amazing rapidity, and had the panting animal almost secured when he partially recovered, and began to understand what was being done to him. He started up indignantly, just before the knots were properly fastened, and struck out right and left with his trunk, scattering the men in all directions.
”Although the ropes had not been quite secured, they were sufficiently fast to impede his movements. He therefore took to venting his rage on the surrounding trees, and, really, until that day, I had not realised the prodigious strength of this king of beasts. He knocked and smashed them down right and left with the greatest possible ease, although, I do a.s.sure you, some of them were fully eight inches in diameter. All this time the old mahowt was clinging to his back, not daring to slip off.
”The men now began to lay large rope-nooses about here and there, in the hope that he would accidentally put a foot into one of them. But Mowla Buksh was much too knowing to be caught in this way. Whenever he came across one of these nooses, he took it up with his trunk and tossed it contemptuously aside. Gradually he worked his way up to a cl.u.s.ter of trees, near the tent in which our Director's wife had been seated all the time--with what feelings I will not pretend to guess. In this cl.u.s.ter he spent two hours, smas.h.i.+ng down trees all the time, and occasionally, by way of variety, trying to lay hold of the poor mahowt, who was gradually becoming exhausted through terror and the exertion of holding on.
”Strange to say, now and then the man appeared to regain control over the beast, though only for a few seconds. During one of these intervals he even succeeded in making Mowla Buksh partially sit down.
”`Och! now or niver! Off wid ye!' yelled a splitting voice close to my ear! I need not tell you whose voice that was, or that its owner was skipping about like a gorilla, almost as mad as the elephant!”
”Ah! sor,” interrupted Quin, ”don't ye remimber how yourself was--but I'll have mercy on ye! Go on, sor.”
”Well, I confess,” resumed Jackman, ”that I was a little excited.
However, the Bulrampore men echoed Quin's advice in eagerly expressed Hindustani. The mahowt took it, slipped to the ground, and ran for his life! Fortunately the excited Mowla either did not perceive or did not care. He rose up and recommenced his work of destruction.
”All this time he had been freeing himself from the ropes, with which he was imperfectly bound. At last he detached them entirely, and began to make furious rushes in every direction.
”At that critical moment our Director arrived on the scene. Seeing how matters stood he at once gave orders to have the fighting elephants brought to the front, as the only chance that remained to bring the mischief to an end. The orders were gladly and promptly obeyed.
”Before they arrived, however, Mowla Buksh, in one of his rushes, came straight to where Quin and I were standing--”
”Skippin', sor, ye said.”
”Well, skipping. But we stopped skipping at once, and took to running as hard as we could. We both ran through some soft reedy ground, where the brute overtook us. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him knock Quin into the rushes and set his enormous foot on him--”
”Oh! was he killed?” exclaimed Junkie with a look of consternation at the now heroic Quin!
There was a general burst of laughter, in which Junkie joined, for he saw the absurdity of the question, which sudden anxiety had forced from him.
”But why wasn't you killed?” he asked almost indignantly.
”Whisht! honey, an' ye'll hear, av ye'll howld your tongue.”
”You must know,” continued Jackman, ”that the place he had tumbled into was wet, soft ground, and Quin has a sharp way of looking after his life! Although half stunned he rolled to one side, so that only the side of the great foot came down on his shoulder and thrust him deep into the mud. I stopped at once with a feeling of horror, but without the slightest conception of what I meant to do, and the horror was deepened as I saw the monster turn with the evident intention of completing his work.
”At that terrible moment the colossal forms of Raj Mungul, Isri Pershad, and the mighty Chand Moorut appeared, coming towards us. Mowla Buksh did not carry out his deadly intentions. There was `method in his madness.' Seeing the koonkies approach, he retreated at once to the shelter of the cl.u.s.ter of trees, and waited.