Part 12 (1/2)

The poor youth clasped his hands, and glanced back over his shoulder in horror. The startled Milly was gazing at him with mingled surprise and alarm, which changed, however, into a flush and a look of restrained laughter as she began to understand the situation.

”Never mind, Mr Barret,” she said, rising, and coming forward with a gracious manner. ”It is only one of the commonest plants we have.

There are plenty more of them. You came, I suppose, in search of my uncle? Excuse my left hand; the right, as you see, is not yet fit for duty.”

”I did indeed come here in search of Mr Gordon,” said Barret, recovering himself; ”but permit me to lead you back to the chair; your strength has not quite returned yet, I see.”

He was right. Although Milly had recovered much more rapidly than the doctor had expected, she could not stand much excitement, and the shock given by the breaking flower-pot, coupled, perhaps, with the unexpected meeting with the man who had rescued her, from what might well have caused her death, somewhat overcame her.

”Excuse me,” she said, with a fluttering sigh, as she sank down into the rustic chair, ”I do feel rather faint. It does seem so strange! I--I suppose it is because I have had no experience of anything but robust health all my life till now. There--I feel better. Will you kindly fetch me a gla.s.s of water? You will find a cistern with a tumbler beside it outside.”

The youth hurried out, and, on returning with the gla.s.s, found that the deadly pallor of the girl's face had pa.s.sed away, and was replaced by a tint that might have made the blush rose envious.

”You must understand,” said Milly, setting down the gla.s.s, while Barret seated himself on a vacant flower-pot-stand beside her, ”that this conservatory is a favourite haunt of mine, to which, before my accident, I have resorted every morning since I came here, in order to sit with Uncle Allan. The doctor thought me so much better this morning that he gave me leave to recommence my visits. This is why I came; but I had totally forgotten that uncle had arranged to go out with the shooting party to-day, so I sat down to enjoy my favourite plants, and paid them the poor compliment of falling asleep, owing to weakness, I suppose.

But how does it happen, Mr Barret, that you have been left behind?

They gave me to understand that you are a keen sportsman.”

”They misled you, then, for I am but a poor sportsman, and by no means enthusiastic. Indeed, whether I go out with rod or gun, I usually convert the expedition into a search for plants.”

”Oh, then, you are fond of botany!” exclaimed the girl, with a flush of pleasure and awakened interest. ”I am so glad of that, because-- because--”

”Well, why do you hesitate, Miss Moss?” asked Barret, with a surprised look and a smile.

”Well, I don't quite like to lay bare my selfishness; but the truth is, there are some rare plants in terribly inaccessible places, which can only be reached by creatures in male attire. In fact, I was trying to secure one of these on the Eagle Cliff when I fell, and was so nearly killed at the time you rescued me.”

”Pray don't give the little service I rendered so dignified a name as `rescue.' But it rejoices me to know that I can be of further service to you--all the more that you are now so helpless; for if you found climbing the precipices difficult before, you will find it impossible now with your injured arm. By the way, I was very glad to find that I had been mistaken in thinking that your arm was broken. Has it given you much pain?”

”Yes, a good deal; but I am very, very thankful it was no worse. And now I must show you some of the plants I have been trying to bring up since I came here,” said Milly, with animation. ”Of course, I cannot walk about to show them to you, so I will point them out, and ask you to fetch the pots--that is, if you have nothing better to do, and won't be bored.”

Barret protested earnestly that he had nothing--_could_ have nothing-- better to do, and that even if he had he wouldn't do it. As for being bored, the idea of such a state of mind being possible in the circ.u.mstances was ridiculous.

Milly was rejoiced. Here she had unexpectedly found a friend to sympathise with her intelligently. Her uncle, she was well aware, sympathised with her heartily, but not intelligently; for his knowledge of botany, he told her frankly, was inferior to that of a tom-cat, and he was capable of little more in that line than to distinguish the difference between a cabbage and a potato.

At it, therefore, the two young people went with real enthusiasm--we might almost say with red-hot enthusiasm--for botany was only a superstructure, so to speak, love being the foundation of the whole affair.

But let not the reader jump to hasty conclusions. Barret and Milly, being young and inexperienced, were absolutely ignorant at that time of the true state of matters. Both were earnest and straightforward--both were ardently fond of botany, and neither, up to that period, had known what it was to fall in love. What more natural, then, than that they should attribute their condition to botany? There is, indeed, a sense in which their idea was correct, for sympathy is one of the most precious seeds with which poor humanity is entrusted, and did not botany enable these two to unite in planting that seed, and is not sympathy the germ of full-blown love? If so, may they not be said to have fallen in love botanically? We make no a.s.sertion in regard to this. We merely, and modestly, put the question, leaving it to the intelligent reader to supply the answer--an exceedingly convenient mode of procedure when one is not quite sure of the answer one's self.

To return. Having got ”at it,” Barret and Milly continued at it for several hours, during which period they either forgot, or did not care to remember, the flight of time. They also contrived, during that time, to examine, discuss, and comment upon, a prodigious number of plants, all of which, being in pots or boxes, were conveyed by the youth to the empty stand at the side of the fair invalid. The minute examination with a magnifying gla.s.s of corolla, and stamen, and calyx, etcetera, rendered it necessary, of course, that these inquiries into the mysteries of Nature should bring the two heads pretty close together; one consequence being that the seed-plant of sympathy was ”forced” a good deal, and developed somewhat after the fas.h.i.+on of those plants which Hindoo jugglers cause magically to sprout, blossom, and bloom before the very eyes of astonished beholders--with this difference, however, that whereas the development of the jugglers is deceptive as well as quick, that of our botanists was genuine and natural, though rapid.

The clang of the luncheon gong was the first thing that brought them to their senses.

”Surely there must be some mistake! Junkie must be playing with--no, it is indeed one o'clock,” exclaimed Milly, consulting in unbelief a watch so small that it seemed like cruelty to expect it to go at all, much less to go correctly.

As she spoke, the door of the conservatory opened, and Mrs Gordon appeared with affected indignation on her usually mild countenance.

”You naughty child!” she exclaimed, hurrying forward. ”Did I not warn you to stay no longer than an hour? and here you are, flushed, and no doubt feverish, in consequence of staying the whole forenoon. Take my arm, and come away directly.”

”I pray you, Mrs Gordon, to lay the blame on my shoulders,” said Barret. ”I fear it was my encouraging Miss Moss to talk of her favourite study that induced her to remain.”

”I would be only too glad to lay the blame on your shoulders if I could lay Milly's weakness there too,” returned the lady. ”It is quite evident that you would never do for a nurse. Strong men like you have not sympathy enough to put yourself in the place of invalids, and think how they feel. I would scold you severely, sir, if you were not my guest. As it is, I will forgive you if you promise me not to mention the subject of botany in the presence of my niece for a week to come.”