Part 7 (1/2)
Scarcely had the thought occurred, when a flapping noise behind caused him to turn quickly. It was the eagle himself, sailing majestically and slowly overhead, as though he knew full well that an Englishman without a gun was a harmless creature!
Considerably excited by these unexpected and, to him, stirring sights, Barret pushed steadily upward, and soon reached a part of the pa.s.s whence he could see the valley beyond, with a house in the far distance--which, of course, must be Kinlossie--standing in a clump of wood on the margin of an inlet of the sea, known by the name of Loch Lossie.
But a far more astonis.h.i.+ng sight than anything he had beheld that morning was yet in store for Barret. On turning round a projecting rock at the foot of the Eagle Cliff, he suddenly came upon a young girl, lying on the road as if dead!
Springing towards her, he knelt and raised her head. There was no blood upon the face, which was deadly pale, and no apparent injury. She did not seem to breathe, but on feeling her pulse he fancied that he felt a flutter there. A feeling of desperate regret pa.s.sed through him as he thought of his utter dest.i.tution alike of medical or surgical knowledge.
But Barret was not by any means a helpless man. Running to one of the many streams of water which trickled from the cliff, he filled the top of his wideawake therewith, and, returning, laved the girl's face, and poured a little into her mouth.
His efforts were successful. She recovered consciousness, opened her eyes, and asked, with a confused look, what was the matter.
”You must have had a fall, dear child; but you'll be better presently.
Let me raise you.”
The girl tried to rise, but, with a sharp cry of pain, fell back again unconscious.
Barret soon ascertained that one of the poor girl's arms was severely bruised, perhaps broken. He knew not what to do, but he knew that the greatest present evil was delay. He therefore wrapped her in the shepherd's plaid which she wore, and raised her as gently as possible in his arms--making use of the plaid as a sort of sling, with part of it round his own neck. Then, thanking G.o.d for the strong limbs and muscles with which he had been endowed, he set off with vigorous tread for Kinlossie House.
Serenity was the prevailing feature in the character of old Allan Gordon, the laird of Kinlossie; but when that amiable, portly, grand, silver-headed old gentleman suddenly met an unknown young man of fine proportions carrying his favourite niece, wrapped up as a bundle in his arms, all his serenity disappeared, and he stared, glared, almost gasped, with mingled astonishment and consternation.
A very brief explanation, however, quickly sufficed to charge his susceptible spirit to overflowing with a compound of grave anxiety and heartfelt grat.i.tude.
”Come in, my dear sir, come in; luckily our doctor is spending the day with me. But for you, my poor dear Milly might have been--This way, to her own room. Are you sure the arm is broken?”
”I fear so,” replied Barret, entering the mansion; but before he could proceed farther his words were drowned in a shriek of surprise from four little Gordons, aged from sixteen to four, who yelled rather than demanded to know what ailed their cousin--ranging from Archie's, ”What's wrong with Cousin Milly,” to Flora's, ”Wa.s.s wong wid Cuzn Miwy?”
By that time Mrs Gordon, a pleasant-voiced lady, with benignity in her, looks, appeared on the scene, followed quickly by a man and several maid servants, all of whom added to the confusion, in the midst of which Cousin Milly was conveyed to her room and deposited on her bed. The family doctor, a rotund little man of fifty-five, was speedily in attendance.
”So fortunate that the doctor happens to be here,” said the laird, as he led Barret to the library and offered him a gla.s.s of wine. ”No! you don't drink? Well, well, as you please. Here, Duncan, fetch milk, lemonade, coffee, hot, at once. You must be tired after carrying her so far, even though she _is_ a light weight. But, forgive me; in my anxiety about my poor niece I have quite forgotten to ask either your name or how you came here, for no steamer has been to the island for a week past. Pray be seated, and, wherever you may be bound for ultimately, make up your mind that my house is to be your home for a week at least. We suffer no visitor ever to leave us under that period.”
”You are very kind,” returned the young man, smiling, ”and I accept your proffered hospitality most gladly. My name is John Barret. I came to the other side of the island in a yacht, and swam on sh.o.r.e in my clothes with six companions, spent the night at Cove, and have walked over here to make known these facts to you.”
”You speak in riddles, my young friend,” returned the laird, with an amused look.
”Yet I speak the truth,” returned Barret, who thereupon gave a circ.u.mstantial account of the disaster that had befallen himself and his friends.
”Excuse me,” said Mr Gordon, rising; throwing up the window he shouted to a man who was pa.s.sing at the moment, ”Roderick, get the big waggonette ready to go to Cove, and bring it round here as fast as you can. You see,” he added to Barret, ”the road is considerably longer than the short cut by which you came, and we must have them all over here without delay. Don't distress yourself about room. We have plenty of accommodation. But come, I'll take you to your own room, and when you have made yourself comfortable, we will talk over your future plans.
Just let me say, however, to prevent your mind running away on wrong ideas, that in the circ.u.mstances we won't allow you to leave us for two months. The post goes out to-morrow, so you can write to your father and tell him so.”
Thus running on in a rich hearty voice, the hospitable Allan Gordon conducted Barret to a room in the southern wing of the rambling old edifice, and left him there to meditate on his good fortune, and enjoy the magnificent prospect of the island-studded firth, or fiord, from which the mansion derived its name.
While the waggonette was away for the rest of the wrecked party, the laird, finding that Milly's arm was not actually broken, though severely bruised, sat down to lunch with restored equanimity, and afterwards drove Barret in his dog-cart to various parts of his estate.
”Your friends cannot arrive for several hours, you see,” he said on starting, ”and we don't dine till seven; so you could not be better engaged than in making acquaintance with the localities of our beautiful island. It may seem a little wild to you in its scenery, but there are thousands of picturesque points, and what painters call `bits' about it, as my sweet little Milly Moss will tell you when she recovers; for she is an enthusiastic painter, and has made innumerable drawings, both in water-colour and oils, since she came to stay here. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you, Mr Barret, for rescuing the poor girl from her perilous position.”