Part 16 (1/2)

Darkness was settling down The sunset-gun had been fired just as they left McLean's By this tiuest at dinner, and Miller wondered how even ”Chesterfield” would rally to the occasion and preserve his suavity and courtliness after the shock of the last hour But Miller had no idea that it was the last of three shocks that had assailed hi severity that very day, and never dreaed He had gone at once to his library and thrown himself in the easy-chair in an attitude of profound dejection, barely paying attention when Chloe entered to say that Miss Nellie begged to be excused fro down to dinner, as she felt too ill

Then Robert entered to ask should he serve dinner or wait until Mr

Holmes came in ”Wait!” said Bayard, bluntly But five minutes passed; the dinner would be overdone; so Robert slipped out in search of the truant, and Miller saw hiallery was empty; Mr Holmes and Miss Forrest had disappeared; the adjutant caether the two officers turned away

”Orderly,” said theat his heels, ”find Sergeant Freee of the cavalry detachet your supper”

Meanti the punctilious ideas of his host, Mr Hol lady ho conversation ”I ain about Hatton if possible, and just as soon as I have found out what this ether at McLean's room the mischief is probably done, but I'll see hi aithoutin her deep, dark eyes seemed to detain him He held forth his hand

”Miss Forrest, I cannot tell you how I appreciate the honor you have donemore than one man happy One word, where is Celestine now?”

”She should be in the dining-roo the table for tea Good-by, then, till tattoo See hi over the slender, richly-jewelled hand she so frankly placed in his, he slowly released it, and turned away

”In the dining-roohtly through the hall and down the stairs ”If that was not Miss Celestine I saw thisin from the direction of the wood-piles out yonder, I' with a soldier there I saw the glint of the sunset on the brasses of his forage-cap I thought they all had to be at retreat roll-call, but this fellowat the foot of the stairs, he strode to the rear door, and looked out through the side-light upon the unpicturesqueness of the yards, the coal- and wood-sheds, the rough, unpainted board fences; the disainst its bark-covered post, and clinging thereto with but a single hinge At this half-closed aperture suddenly appeared the lance at the various back s of Bedlam, waved her hand to a di toward the northern end of the garrison, then she ca

”Ah, Celestine! That you?” asked Hol-rooht of hiirl had almost recoiled, but his cheery voice reassured her

”Laws, Mr Holhed, but turned quickly fro a goblet with a tre hand He drank the water leisurely; thanked her, and strolled with his accustoh the hall and out across the piazza, never appearing to notice her breathlessness or agitation Once outside the steps, however, his deliberation was cast aside, and with rapid, nervous strides he hastened up the walk,--out past the old ordnance storehouse and the lighted s of the trader's establish toward hily-fitting undress uniforar-case and wind-ht as the soldier passed hilare from the northfell full upon the dapper shape and well-carried head There was the natty forage-cap with the glea cross-sabres; there was the dark face, there the heavy brows, the glittering black eyes, thehair, of the veryinto the parlor s back of Mrs Griffin's little post-office the night of his talk with Corporal Zook

Tenat McLean's door It was opened by the hospital attendant,--slowly and only a few inches

”Can I see the lieutenant?” he asked

”I am very sorry,” whispered the ality in the past and hopeful of future favors ”I have strict orders to adain The lieutenant isn't so well, sir, and Dr Bayard had to ad just now, though heto”

Holmes paused, reluctant and a little irresolute

”Is there nothing I can do or say, sir, if he wakes?” asked the attendant

”Can you give hi about it to anybody?”

”Certainly I can,--if it's one that won't harood, unless I'ht: he'll sleep better for it I'll give it to you at tattoo--Ah, Robert! I ht have known you'd be in search ofdinner Say I'll be there instantly”

Meantieant Free attention, cap in hand, at that officer's desk, while the adjutant was scratching away across the roo over the paper as he copied the despatch his cohtfully dictated

”You say that Parsons is the best eant?”

”I don't say that, sir, exactly; but he's the lightest man in the troop and has the fastest horse now in the post He could make it quicker than anybody else, but----”

”But what? Doesn't he want to go? Is he afraid?” asked the eant flushed a little, as he proo There's nohe didn't want to go”