Part 13 (1/2)

”About this sad case of McLean's, major, as I supposed you were”

”You don't mean that your theory involves him? You don't mean it--it is of himself, of his connection with these thefts, that he has been telling in his delirium?”

”Why, Major Miller, I supposed of course you understood--I--I, of course, accuse nobody, but of who about but hi of it”

For oneinto the staff-officer's eyes,--aled in his florid, weather-beaten face Then without a word he turned and stuate The triloved hand in salute and stood attention as the co officer passed him, then ”fell in” ten paces behind and followed in his tracks But for once in his life the major neither saw nor returned a soldier's respectful salutation


The fever had left hi, was sitting propped up in bed and enjoying the wine-jelly Mrs

Miller had brought with her own hands She had hoped to find him in better spirits, and was distressed to see honcast and listless he was Just what evil spell had fallen upon the garrison Mrs Miller could not explain The major for two or three days had been utterly unlike hiood reason The cavalry battalion that had reached the post and gone into camp down on the flats to the north was alh she had twice reht at least to invite the field and staff officers to dinner, her usually social spouse had declined, saying he felt utterly unequal to it The lethargy and glooarrison nobody felt like doing anything to dispel it The band played blithely enough at guard-ain in the sunshi+ny afternoons, but nobody came out and danced on the broad piazzas as used to be the way at Lara to sit out on the veranda in a big easy-chair with Janet Bruce as her constant coirls, those indomitably jolly creatures, as occasional visitors; but as Miss Kate, the elder, expressed herself, ”Lara hospital now The women and children are the only able-bodied men in it” Nellie was kind and civil, and tried to be cordial to theh to see she had no heart for rattling ss at the post, and much preferred to be left alone to her undisturbed confidential chats with ”Bonnie Jean” Blunt was slowlya little rest after an anxious week, when his services were demanded for another patient in Bedlam,--no less a person than the queen herself

In view of the fact that Dr Bayard was the recognized family physician and had been and was still assiduously attending Mrs Forrest, it was considered nothing short of an intentional slight on the young lady's part that she should send for Weeks It was Mrs Post who came over to Blunt's door when she knew the junior doctor was there, and asked him to come with her and see Miss Forrest For two days the latter had been confined to her roo that in Mrs Post's ministrations she found all the physic she needed, but now the time seemed to have come when medical aid was really necessary

Dr Bayard's face, when he was told by Mrs Post that Weeks was su It was not a serious ailht cold and neglected it, and now the cold had developed into fever, and she had been persuaded to keep in bed for a day or two

But Mrs Miller was puzzled over still anotherof the day Mr Holmes so unexpectedly reappeared at Laramie, he and Miss Forrest met on the board-walk near ”Bedlaun-fire at retreat, and then, to the surprise of many lookers-on, she was observed to take his proffered arm, and for over half an hour they strolled around the deserted parade talking earnestly together It was the hour when -rooht be the custoood lady found it necessary to pop up froo to the frontto see if Mr

Holether It was theafter this mysterious consultation that the cold developed; and those kindly spirits who had proirl was setting her cap to cut out Nellie Bayard with the Chicagofurther developainMr Holmes, who, after two or three days' visit, departed as suddenly and unexpectedly as he cae battalion of cavalry had the effect of warning the Indians away froain co patted up his pillows and settled hiun the atte her ”pet lieutenant,” as the major had called hi the terallantry and zeal in the fight down at Royall's Ford; but he had heard it all before through Dr Weeks, and, though appreciative, he did not beam with the comfort she expected Then she tried to tell him of Major Miller's war Terry's report; but he had heard of that too; the adjutant had told hi new in it

What did it aood result can follow? No matter how zealously a fellow ers he may encounter, hardshi+ps he may endure, wounds he may receive, Indians he may kill or capture,--in this blessed republican land of ours the principle is too well established that prooes only by seniority, and to the staff--like kissing--mainly by favor Not even a ”brevet,” he well knew, could be won by daring conduct in action against savage foes; and, to sum the matter up in a feords, the men who stood the best chance for advancement in the army were those who studiously avoided excitement of any kind, especially that to be found in Western ca at Laramie just as well as he did, and therefore appreciated his soldierly conduct for what it was really worth

”But the ainst your pay, Mr McLean,” said Mrs Miller ”Surely the general will do sonition or reward”

”I fear not, Mrs Miller,” was the doleful answer; ”that is just about the last thing this governot beforeto live for a year or es,' and see s of a rascal too sharp for any of us even to suspect It would be hard at any tih now, and no mistake” And poor Mac turned his head away as he spoke

There was silence a moment The wo, yet impotent to cheer him Suddenly she bent over hi

”Mac, don't, don't worry so I can't bear to see you troubled I know--I can't help knowing--what's the matter; and indeed,--indeed I think you have cause to hope rather than despair Did you know he had gone away again?”

”Yes Weeks toldwhatever for him Janet Bruce is with her all the time, Mac, and she told me she almost shrank from him Now, if he were simply her father's friend, she could not but like him Everybody likes him, Mac, and I have reason to knohat a considerate and thorough gentleman he is But it is because he has atteainst him, and Janet says she knows he has seen it and made up his mind to accept it as final The last two days of his visit he avoided her all the time, only conversed with her when they were unavoidably thrown together, and was then si and friendly Janet says that Nellie seee in his et well, and let us have you out in the sunshi+ne a day or two, and then we'll see if a few long talks with her won't helpto fall in love with anybody You know she has seen next to nothing of the world”

”That is just what stings and torments y ”That is eighs upon my heart and soul She has seen very little of the world She is young, inexperienced, and motherless Her father does not like me, and I know it, and si other views, he was deterht have I--poor, friendless, utterly without position or influence, saddled with this irl as she for my wife? What have I to offer but misfortune and trouble? No, Mrs Miller, it is all useless If I have stood between her and such a future as he could offer her, God forgiveabout my neck I did not dream of his existence I just drifted in, and now I could pray heaven she hasn't”

Again he turned aith so very like a sob in his weak voice, and buried his face in his ar to sit here and see you accusing yourself of wrong-doing in this way Let me tell you that if she does care for you, and I believe she does, Nellie Bayard would rather be your wife in one rooo What's more, she would wait for you loyally, faithfully, until you were thoroughly on your feet again, with this debt paid and a little laid by As for Dr Bayard's plans for her, he is worldly enough, of course, to seek such wealth as Roswell Hol hishiirl ould appreciate his money and spend it for him like a duchess”

But McLean was silent

”Did you get to know her at all well?” asked Mrs Miller presently

”Very slightly indeed”