Part 3 (1/2)

Now there was nothing in this circumstance to which he should have attached any importance whatever Ar-rooh to accommodate a dozen people was in those days a decided rarity The doctor, after consultation with Nellie and with the presiding Goddess in the kitchen, had decided upon ten as the proper number to be seated at his table There would then be no crowding, and all o off without confusion Very proud was the doctor of some precious old family plate and some more modern and even more beautiful china hich he adorned his table on state occasions He wanted to uest, and this was an opportunity not to be neglected He gave ht, too, to the co officer and his wife must, of course, be invited Captain and Mrs Bruce he decided upon because they were people of much travel and, for army folks, remarkably well read and informed They would reflect credit on his entertainment

The adjutant and his ere also bidden as being guests ould grace his board But he did not invite even his own junior and assistant, Dr Weeks ”I can explain all that, Nellie He won't mind,”

he said, ”and besides, if Holive another and have all the youngsters” She had brightened up at that, for her heart ht of herleft out in the cold Then she looked very grave again when his next words were spoken ”And now, dear, ant one more lady to make our party complete, and no one will do as well as Miss Forrest”

Poor Nellie! She knew not what to say Her father was, of course, cognizant of the growing dislike to that strange girl, and had pooh-poohed soht to his ears

There was not a woman in the officers' quarters whom she would not rather have invited, yet from the very first she felt in the depths of her soul that Miss Forrest would be her father's choice One tiestion she made in favor of Janet Bruce, since her parents were to be of the party; but the doctor prohter, she's barely seventeen, a girl ould not be in society at all anywhere in civilization;” and with a sigh Nellie abandoned the point ”Besides,” said the doctor as a clincher, ”I want this a 'swell' affair; just think how much Miss Forrest's taste in dress will help out”

Certainly his judg of the dinner, when, the last guest to arrive, fanny Forrest cahted parlor It had begun to rain just before sunset, and she had brought Celestine with her to hold the uathered those costly skirts about her under the folds of the gossaht, intelligent mulattress, followed her mistress upstairs to the roo her wraps when Nellie ran up to inquire if she could be of any assistance

”Thank you heartily, Nellie,” was the cordial answer ”How siht!” and Miss Forrest's winsohter than ever as she bent her head to kiss the reluctant cheek that seeuests

Celestine will put hts in a minute, and I'll be down in a jiffy; don't wait”

And so Nellie returned to the parlor, and in a moment Celestine came down and passed out at the front door, and then Miss Forrest's light footfalls could be heard aloft as the guests grouped themselves about the parlor,--the men in their full-dress uniforms, except, of course, their civilian friend,--the ladies in theirunpopularity every eye was turned (with eagerness on the part of the women and Dr Bayard) when Miss Forrest's silken skirts ca down the stairs Her _entree_ was a triue,” whispered the major to his better half ”Why, her neck and arms are superb!” a speech that cost him metaphorical salt in his coffee for the next three days The doctor stepped forward in his raceful manner to meet and welco up and saying a word of admiration; even Mr Holmes fixed his dark eyes upon her in unmistakable approval, and spoke a few courteous words before he turned back to Nellie's side; and Mrs Miller unlilasses,and earnestly at the self-possessed young woroup, and then looked for sympathy to Mrs Bruce--and found it Never in her life had fanny Forrest looked better than she did that night Her eyes, her color, her smiles were radiance itself; heras crystalled snow Her bare neck and are by the dress she wore,--a own of rich, rare, lustrous black silk, that fell fro folds that the woloated over the wealth of gold hich the entire front from the bosorette of gold shone in the dark ems appeared either at her throat or in her ears In her jewelled hand she carried a fan of black silk, gold embroidered like her dress, and the tiny slippers that peeped from the hem of her robe were of the same material and embroidered in a miniature of the sa handsomer than that toilet,” whispered Mrs Bruce to the major's wife at the earliest opportunity; and the latter, kind soul, was sufficiently hbors and say, ”Hoish Mrs Jordan and Mrs Wells were here to see it!”

The dinner went off e-bell The doctor was in his ele at a well-appointed table; his cook was one whom he had had at Newport and Boston Harbor, and a very reliable servitor as such characters go; his wines were, soifts froed to serve in the days when the sunshi+ne of official favor illumined his daily life; he had a fund of anecdote and table talk; his guests were responsive and full of appreciation of the entertainment provided for them

Nellie, in her shy maidenhood, was a lovely picture at the head of his board; and Holmes, who sat at her left, was evidently more impressed than ever A son-in-law like that, rich, manly, and educated, a leader of affairs in the city where he ht lent inspiration to the doctor's life If the judges and the senators of the East had turned their backs upon hi the active sons of the young and vigorous West What a pity! What a pity! he thought, that the general co, they all knew, andany day Now, if he had only arrived in ti, who can say what the effect ht not have been?

It must have been just before tattoo--after they had been at the table a full hour, and tongues were loosened by the doctor's good wine, and laughter and jest andat the doctor's right as beca officer, was surprised to see the hall-door, which had been closed throughout the evening, swing very slowly a few inches inward At the sa about the archway leading into the parlor swayed noiselessly toward her and then settled back to their normal position Presently the ht, and with his back close to the hall-door, began to fidget and look uneasily about The doctor was just telling a very good story at the moment and she could not bear to interrupt hihter and applause had subsided she came to her husband's rescue

”The major is keenly susceptible to colds, doctor, and I see he is fidgeting a bit Would youthat door shut?”

”Which door, Mrs Miller? Most assuredly I thought it was closed

Here, Robert,” he called to his colored servant, ”go and see if the front door is shut The wind sometimes proves too etically ”Was it shut?” he asked, as Robert returned with an injured air as of one who had been sent on a wild-goose chase

”Perfectly tight, sir Ain't been open dis evenin' since Miss Forrest done got yere,” was Robert's pro de latch myself to keep it froht Never mind You feel no draft now, do you, major?”

”Not a particle It was all fancy, probably” And the laughter and talk began again

Later that long-re fire, for the night had been made chilly by the rain, there was ayety Miss Forrest developed a new trait to reat deal of taste Nellie's piano had known no such perfor wo over the keys, and whose voice ca forth in rich and wonderful notes It was a contralto, or at least a deepell adapted to its low and feeling tones Mr Holmes stood over her much of the ti ”I did not expect to find such a nightingale in the wilderness,” he said

”You were looking for a very different object, were you not?” said she, raising her dark eyes to his in deep scrutiny, then dropping them quickly until the lashes swept her cheek

”Possibly,” he replied, with calravity ”I had several objects in view, but I rejoice in a visit that has enabled me to hear so cultured a vocalist I wonder no one spoke of your singing before, Miss Forrest”