Part 2 (2/2)

”I don't know--yes, I am sure I can if you can.” Her Spanish dignity was aghast, but her newborn creative instinct stung her spirit into a sudden overpowering desire for dramatic incident. ”Yes, I'll go,” she whispered, closer to excitement than Helena had ever, save once, seen her. ”I'll go.”

”Of course! I knew you would. I always knew you were a brick; come!

Quick! I'll go first.” She slid down the pillar, which she could easily clasp with her long arms and legs; and Magdalena, after a gasp, followed, s.h.i.+vering with terror, but too proud to utter a sound. Before she had reached the bottom she had lost all interest in the fire; she no longer wanted to write poetry; she wished frantically to be back in the security of her room. But she reached the ground safely; and although she fell in a heap, she quickly pulled herself together and stood up, holding her head higher than ever. And when she was on the sidewalk, in disguise, unattended for the first time in her life, her very nerves sang with exultation, and she was filled with a wild longing for a night replete with adventure.

”'Lena!” whispered Helena, ecstatically. ”Isn't this gorgeous?”

Magdalena nodded. Her brain and heart were throbbing too loud for speech.

”I'm going to fires for the rest of my life,” announced Helena, as they turned the corner and walked swiftly down the hill. She was not of the order which is content with one experience, even while that initial experience is yet a matter of delightful antic.i.p.ation.

When they reached the livery stable, Helena marched in, holding Magdalena firmly by the hand. ”I want a hack,” she said peremptorily to the man in charge. ”And double quick, too.” The man stared, but Helena rattled the gold in her pocket, and he called to two men to hitch up.

”Upon my soul,” he whispered to his a.s.sociates, ”it's those kids of Jack Belmont's and old Yorba's, or I'm a dead man. But it ain't none of my business, and I ain't one to peach. I like spirit.”

”We're going to the fire, and I wish the hack to wait for us,” said Helena, as he signified that all was ready. ”I'll pay you now. How much is it?”

”Ten dollars,” he replied unblus.h.i.+ngly.

Helena paid the money like a blood, Magdalena horrified at the extravagance. Her own allowance was five dollars a month. ”Can you really afford this, Helena?” she asked remonstrantly, as the hack slid down the steep hill.

”I got fifty dollars out of Jack to-night. He's feeling awfully soft over my going away. Poor old Jack, he'll feel so lonesome without me.

But we'll have a gay old time travelling together in Europe when I'm through.”

Magdalena did not speak of her conversation with her own parent. She did not want to think of it. This night was to be one of uniform joy. They were a quarter of an hour reaching the fire. As they turned into the great central artery of the city, Market Street, they leaned forward and gazed eagerly at the dense highly coloured ma.s.s of men and women, mostly young, who promenaded the north sidewalk under a blaze of gas.

”What queer-looking girls!” said Magdalena. ”Why do they wear so many frizzes, and sailor hats on one side?”

”They're chippies,” said Helena, wisely.

”What's chippies?”

”Girls that live south of Market Street. They work all day and promenade with their beaux all evening. As I live, 'Lena, we're going down Fourth Street. We'll go right through Chippytown.”

They had been south of Market Street before, for Ila and Tiny lived on the aristocratic Rincon Hill; but their way had always lain down Second Street, which was old, but stately and respectable. Fourth Street, like Market Street by night, would be a new country; but after a few moments'

eager attention Helena sniffed with disappointment. The narrow street and those branching from it were ill-lighted and deserted; there was nothing to be seen but low-browed shops. But there was always the red glare beyond; and in a few moments the holocaust burst upon them in all its terrible magnificence.

They sprang out of the hack and walked rapidly to the edge of the crowd, which filled the street in spite of the warning cries of the firemen and the angry shouts of the policemen. The fire was devouring four large squares and sending leaping branches to isolated dwellings beyond. A great furniture factory and innumerable tenements were vanis.h.i.+ng like icicles under a hot sun.

The girls, careless of the severe jostling they received, stared in fascinated amazement at the red tongues darting among the blackened, the cras.h.i.+ng roofs, the black of smoke above, cut with narrow swords of flame, the solid pillar of fire above the factory, the futile streams of water, the gallant efforts of the firemen. Magdalena, hardly knowing why, reflected with deep satisfaction that a fire was even more wonderful at close quarters than when viewed from a distance.

Every detail delighted her; but when a clumsy boy stepped on her toes, she drew Helena into a sand lot opposite, where it was less crowded. It was then that she noticed for the first time the weeping women gathered about their household goods. She stared at them for a moment, then shook the rapt Helena by the arm.

”Look!” she whispered. ”What is the matter with those people?”

”What?” asked Helena, absently. ”Oh, don't I wish I were on that house with a hose in my hand! What a lovely exciting life a fireman's must be!” Then, yielding to Magdalena's insistence, she turned and directed her gaze to the people in the lot behind her. ”Oh, the poor things!” she said, forgetting the fire. ”They've been burnt out. Let's talk to them.”
