Part 18 (1/2)

MR. LOYAL (to Dorine, at the back of the stage) Good day, good sister. Pray you, let me see The master of the house.

DORINE He's occupied; I think he can see n.o.body at present.

MR. LOYAL I'm not by way of being unwelcome here.

My coming can, I think, nowise displease him; My errand will be found to his advantage.

DORINE Your name, then?

MR. LOYAL Tell him simply that his friend Mr. Tartuffe has sent me, for his goods ...

DORINE (to Orgon) It is a man who comes, with civil manners, Sent by Tartuffe, he says, upon an errand That you'll be pleased with.

CLEANTE (to Orgon) Surely you must see him, And find out who he is, and what he wants.

ORGON (to Cleante) Perhaps he's come to make it up between us: How shall I treat him?

CLEANTE You must not get angry; And if he talks of reconciliation Accept it.

MR. LOYAL (to Orgon) Sir, good-day. And Heaven send Harm to your enemies, favour to you.

ORGON (aside to Cleante) This mild beginning suits with my conjectures And promises some compromise already.

MR. LOYAL All of your house has long been dear to me; I had the honour, sir, to serve your father.

ORGON Sir, I am much ashamed, and ask your pardon For not recalling now your face or name.

MR. LOYAL My name is Loyal. I'm from Normandy.

My office is court-bailiff, in despite Of envy; and for forty years, thank Heaven, It's been my fortune to perform that office With honour. So I've come, sir, by your leave To render service of a certain writ ...

ORGON What, you are here to ...

MR. LOYAL Pray, sir, don't be angry.

'Tis nothing, sir, but just a little summons:-- Order to vacate, you and yours, this house, Move out your furniture, make room for others, And that without delay or putting off, As needs must be ...

ORGON I? Leave this house?

MR. LOYAL Yes, please, sir The house is now, as you well know, of course, Mr. Tartuffe's. And he, beyond dispute, Of all your goods is henceforth lord and master By virtue of a contract here attached, Drawn in due form, and una.s.sailable.

DAMIS (to Mr. Loyal) Your insolence is monstrous, and astounding!

MR. LOYAL (to Damis) I have no business, sir, that touches you;

(Pointing to Orgon) This is the gentleman. He's fair and courteous, And knows too well a gentleman's behaviour To wish in any wise to question justice.

ORGON But ...

MR. LOYAL Sir, I know you would not for a million Wish to rebel; like a good citizen You'll let me put in force the court's decree.

DAMIS Your long black gown may well, before you know it, Mister Court-bailiff, get a thorough beating.

MR. LOYAL (to Orgon) Sir, make your son be silent or withdraw.

I should be loath to have to set things down, And see your names inscribed in my report.