Part 13 (1/2)

ORGON No, no.

TARTUFFE So let me quickly go away And thus remove all cause for such attacks.

ORGON No, you shall stay; my life depends upon it.

TARTUFFE Then I must mortify myself. And yet, If you should wish ...

ORGON No, never!

TARTUFFE Very well, then; No more of that. But I shall rule my conduct To fit the case. Honour is delicate, And friends.h.i.+p binds me to forestall suspicion, Prevent all scandal, and avoid your wife.

ORGON No, you shall haunt her, just to spite them all.

'Tis my delight to set them in a rage; You shall be seen together at all hours And what is more, the better to defy them, I'll have no other heir but you; and straightway I'll go and make a deed of gift to you, Drawn in due form, of all my property.

A good true friend, my son-in-law to be, Is more to me than son, and wife, and kindred.

You will accept my offer, will you not?

TARTUFFE Heaven's will be done in everything!

ORGON Poor man!

We'll go make haste to draw the deed aright, And then let envy burst itself with spite!




CLEANTE Yes, it's become the talk of all the town, And make a stir that's scarcely to your credit; And I have met you, sir, most opportunely, To tell you in a word my frank opinion.

Not to sift out this scandal to the bottom, Suppose the worst for us--suppose Damis Acted the traitor, and accused you falsely; Should not a Christian pardon this offence, And stifle in his heart all wish for vengeance?

Should you permit that, for your petty quarrel, A son be driven from his father's house?

I tell you yet again, and tell you frankly, Everyone, high or low, is scandalised; If you'll take my advice, you'll make it up, And not push matters to extremities.

Make sacrifice to G.o.d of your resentment; Restore the son to favour with his father.

TARTUFFE Alas! So far as I'm concerned, how gladly Would I do so! I bear him no ill will; I pardon all, lay nothing to his charge, And wish with all my heart that I might serve him; But Heaven's interests cannot allow it; If he returns, then I must leave the house.

After his conduct, quite unparalleled, All intercourse between us would bring scandal; G.o.d knows what everyone's first thought would be!

They would attribute it to merest scheming On my part--say that conscious of my guilt I feigned a Christian love for my accuser, But feared him in my heart, and hoped to win him And underhandedly secure his silence.

CLEANTE You try to put us off with specious phrases; But all your arguments are too far-fetched.

Why take upon yourself the cause of Heaven?

Does Heaven need our help to punish sinners?

Leave to itself the care of its own vengeance, And keep in mind the pardon it commands us; Besides, think somewhat less of men's opinions, When you are following the will of Heaven.

Shall petty fear of what the world may think Prevent the doing of a n.o.ble deed?