Part 3 (1/2)

ORGON I'm your humble servant.

(Starts to go.)

CLEANTE Just a word.

We'll drop that other subject. But you know Valere has had the promise of your daughter.


CLEANTE You had named the happy day.

ORGON 'Tis true.

CLEANTE Then why put off the celebration of it?

ORGON I can't say.

CLEANTE Can you have some other plan In mind?

ORGON Perhaps.

CLEANTE You mean to break your word?

ORGON I don't say that.

CLEANTE I hope no obstacle Can keep you from performing what you've promised.

ORGON Well, that depends.

CLEANTE Why must you beat about?

Valere has sent me here to settle matters.

ORGON Heaven be praised!

CLEANTE What answer shall I take him?

ORGON Why, anything you please.

CLEANTE But we must know Your plans. What are they?

ORGON I shall do the will Of Heaven.

CLEANTE Come, be serious. You've given Your promise to Valere. Now will you keep it?

ORGON Good-bye.