Part 5 (1/2)
An eerie silence had fallen over the young creatures sitting beneath the oak in the sunlit midday grounds of the Abbey. Saxtus fidgeted with embarra.s.sment as they stared at him. Treerose, the pretty squirrel, was the first to break the silence.
”Well, that was a silly, nasty little rhyme. I didn't like it one bit -there's no story and no point to it. What a load of old mumbo jumbo!”
She shot off up the trunk of the oak, showering them with leaves and twigs as she did. To break the mood Dandin began applauding loudly.
”Hurray! Well done, Saxtus. Very good!”
The others joined in until they were interrupted by Mother Mellus.
”Come on, young 'uns. Bring any of those Dibbuns you can find along with you. Lunchtime! Come on, it's being served in the orchard-turnip 'n' mushroom flan 60.
with beetroot and scallions, followed by honeysuckle sauce and acorn dumplings. And I want to see clean paws before anybeast gets served!”
As they washed their paws in a rain barrel by the Abbey's south wall, Dandin questioned Saxtus.
”Where in the name of fur did you learn that poem? It was very strange.”
”Told you, didn't I. It was on some dusty old scroll in the gatehouse. I read it when Brother Hubert dozed off, now the confounded thing seems to have burnt itself into my memory.”
Blind Simeon joined the friends, dipping his paws into the b.u.t.t with them.
”Yes, some things have a habit of doing that, don't they? Still, who knows, they may come in useful through the seasons to come. I'd be glad I remembered it, if I were you, young Saxtus.”
”Would you, Brother?”
”I certainly would. There is much knowledge in ancient writings. Actually, I was standing near the oak when you recited it. You were right, the words do have a certain ring to them. Oh, and Dandin, would you like something to remember also?”
”Yes please, Brother Simeon. What is it?”
”Remember to leave some of those acorn dumplings for us old ones. We can't make it to table as fast as you young 'uns.”
Dandin smiled as he winked at Saxtus. ”Come on then, Brother. Hold our paws. We'll lead you round to lunch and you'll get as much as anybeast-we'll see to it.”
The two young friends led the blind herbalist off to the orchard, astounded by his perception of their movements.
”Dandin, why did you wink at Saxtus when you said you would take me to lunch?”
”I meant nothing, Brother. Why do you ask?”
”Because I remember a similar wink pa.s.sing between 61.
those two little otter villains Bagg and Runn, when they said they would a.s.sist me in to supper. I ended up in the dusty old gatehouse while they dashed off and scoffed up all the oat m.u.f.fins with clover b.u.t.ter. But you wouldn't do a thing like that to me, would you?”
This time it was Saxtus who winked at Dandin.
”We couldn't, Brother. You're holding our paws far too tight!”
Earlier that same morn the Darkqueen had nosed her bows into Terramort cove. As Ledder gave the order, a double-fluked anchor splashed into the clear water. Saltar the Corsair came ash.o.r.e with his crew. They were fully armed, but relaxed by the sight of the empty cove. The searats were still wading through the shallows to the s.h.i.+ngled beach when the rocks in front of them came alive with a hundred of Gabool's fighters, armed with long spears and cross-hilted pikes. Saltar cursed beneath his breath, but showed no alarm. Standing with his crew, knee-deep in the shallows, he faced the bristling pikes boldly.
”Bilgerats! What's all this about? Where's Gabool?”
Blaggtail, the leader of the sh.o.r.e party shrugged. ”In Fort Bladegirt. He said you're to come up.”
Ledder waded up level with Saltar, drawing his scimitar. ”And what if we choose not to?”
Blaggtail waved his pike twice in the air. Fifty archers stood up in the rocks above his head, each one with a shaft notched to his taut bowstring.
”Gabool said to tell you he only wishes to be hospitable.”
The sound of Darkqueen's anchor being hauled up caused Saltar to turn around. His worst suspicions were confirmed -the s.h.i.+p was drifting gently out into open water. Graypatch and five score grinning searats lined the decks.
”Don't worry, s.h.i.+pmate,” he called out to Saltar in a mocking voice. ”She'll come to no harm. We'll take her 62.
for a sail around the bay, while you're jawin' an' chat-tin' with Gabool.”
Ledder made as if to hurl his sword at the sneering Graypatch, but Saltar muttered in his ear, ”Stow it, mate. Leave this to me.”
Saltar strode up the beach, pus.h.i.+ng Blaggtail's pike to one side as he went.
”Come on, let's go and see what his High Lords.h.i.+p wants.”
The banqueting hall tables were piled high with food and drink. Gabool threw himself down in his throne at the head of the biggest table. He was wearing no sword and smiling expansively.
”Hey, you seasc.u.m, here comes the best Captain in me fleet and his brave crew. Sit down, Saltar old messmate, and you, me favorite waverobbers, pull some chairs up and fill those bellies. Only the best for the best.”
Saltar's crew fell to with a will, splas.h.i.+ng wine, tearing meat, grabbing and stuffing for all they were worth. The King of Searats indicated that Saltar sit next to him. The corsair did as he was bid, one claw on his saber, eating and drinking nothing.
Gabool laughed aloud, ripping a bite from a cooked fish and hurling it over his shoulder. He quaffed wine, slopping it over the table.
”Haharr! Nought like good food and wine, eh, Saltar? I suppose you heard about your brother Bludrigg?”
”No, what about my brother Bludrigg?” Saltar lied with a straight face.
Gabool tore a roasted seabird apart in his claws, burying his face into the carca.s.s as he gnawed through it, and came up grinning.
”Had to kill 'im. Whipped his head off with me sword.”
Saltar's expression never altered a flicker. ”What for?”
Gabool wiped his greasy claws in his beard. ”Dis- obedience, bein' too greedy, wantin' to take my place as King. Had to kill 'im. Swis.h.!.+ That was that, old Bludrigg lost his head.”
Gabool and Saltar's eyes met, betraying nothing, but each waiting for the right moment. Saltar toyed with a goblet of wine.
”Was he armed when you killed him?”
”No, he was tryin' a crown on for size. Haharr!”
Slowly Saltar stood up, his claw grasping the curved sword at his side. ”I've heard you're very good at killin' unarmed beasts. How about trying one who's got a weapon?”