10 Missing ca (1/2)
The members of the ORC were gathered in their club room awaiting the arrival of the mysterious foreigner that arranged a meeting through his self proclaimed student Issei Hyodo.
Besides the Crimson haired King and the raven haired nadeshiko, the other members consisting of the white haired rook Shirone who was sitting on the couch munching on sweets, the blond haired pretty boy of a knight Kiba Yuuto who stood behind the opposite couch and while not a member of the peerage Kuroka was lounging around next to her sister.
The calm atmosphere was broken at the sound of the door being kicked open revealing three figures. The foreigner still dressed in his ridiculous disguise with his guitar in his arms, A little girl in the same exact disguise, sombrero and mustache included except instead of a guitar she's holding a trumpet. And last but not least the future Harem king himself Issei Hyodo questioning to himself what's going on with his life.
As everyone in the room prepared for battle, the tense atmostphere didn't last long when the disguised duo began badly playing their instruments in an attempt to sound like those cliche mariachi bands except without a violinist. As the music abruptly ended, the disguised shinigami and dragon god duo took a bow.
It took Rias a moment to compose herself
”So to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?”
”Ah, well it's nice to meet you seniorita Gremory. I am JAUN PELO! and I am here to pawn off my protege here” Shiro said as he dramatically held up his hands in display towards the confused dragon emperor
”Well, what do you pro-” She was instantly cut off
”TIME OUT” yelled the shinigami as he turned to his protege
”Now Issei, 3 years ago I promised I would turn you into a harem king. And I make due on my promises!” he began his speech as everyone continued to stare at him besides Ophis who at some point took a seat on the couch to try and mooch off some of the white cat's snacks
”I will not decide for you, but merely show you a path! If you became a devil you could eventually get that harem and-” he didn't get to finish as Issei was already across the room latching onto the red head's leg
”Is it true!? I can get a harem and do anything I want with them?” Issei asked with stars in his eyes
Rias found herself amused ”Yes, but you will have to start out as a low class peerage and eventually promote to high class before you can have your own peerage”
”Would it be okay if I wanted to touch their oppai too!?” asked the future harem king with a slightly lewd face
”Yes Issei, they would be part of your peerage so they would have to listen to you” Called out Shiro who at some point took a seat on the couch next to his fellow sombrero-mustache wearing compatriot
”OOOHHHH, Gremory senpai! please accept me into your peerage!” he exclaimed as he was still latched to her leg
”Well alright, but from now on you should call me buchou as you will have to join the Occult Research club” Rias smiled happy to get a new addition to her peerage
meanwhile Shirone and Kuroka were found intensely staring at the disguised Shinigami who started to get uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze they were giving him. The moment Kuroka got closer to sniff Shiro he jumped
”Ah well, it was nice meeting everyone. Take care of my student and Issei I'll be going on a trip for a week or two so good luck with your devil-hood!” he grabbed the snack munching loli and promptly disappeared
The two nekoshous exchanged glances.
”It was definitely him” Kuroka said with a sly smile
”But who was that girl he was with?” Shirone found herself asking since the moment Ophis took a seat on the couch they exchanged a look with sparks between them
”Nya~ is my little sister jealous? Don't worry he still smells like a virgin” teased Kuroka
”Nee-san...” Shirone buried her face trying to hide her blush
Kiba noticing the interaction between the sisters