8 Punch her harder! (1/2)

On a sunny day next to a busy intersection stood two highschoolers.

”Uh Shiro... why are you here dressed like that?” Asked Issei as he was in casual clothes waiting for his date. It's been 3 years since he began his training and although he hasn't gone bald or become strong enough to casually punch mountains. His body has toned up and is without any body fat. Although it's normally hidden behind baggy clothing he definitly looks better than in canon.

”Look, I told you that your girl is obviously a fallen angel. I even went to check on her for you! what kind of sensei would I be if I didn't care for my student” responded Shiro as he was disguised as a mexican mariachi band player equipped with a guitar. His hair was dyed black to avoid standing out unfortunately his attire already did the job of failing to look inconspicuous. He wore an oversized sombrero and an obviously fake mustache. His colorful poncho covered his chest and his tight pants accented his legs.

”She is obviously going to attempt to kill you at the end of your date. Now I'm not saying not to have a fun time on your date, but I want you to be ready at the end for a fight. I won't interfere, consider it training, I'll be watching not too far away.” continued Shiro as he knew how this went in the anime but after all the spars that he's done with Issei the past 3 years, Issei should atleast be able to fight on even ground against a low-tier grunt like Raynare

”But why would she want to kill me!? She looks so sweet and cute and her 'Oppai' are great!” Issei couldn't understand how such great oppai would want to harm him

”Oh right, I forgot to tell you before but you have something called a sacred gear inside you. I tried to awaken it for you in the past but it looks like it needs more stimulation. We'll work on it in the future but for now focus on your date and don't forget to be on guard when she asks you a question at the end of your date!” yelled Shiro as he disappeared sensing the fallen angel getting closer

For the past 6 years since i've been in this world I have worked on one thing besides training Issei and corrupting Ophis.... Drawing. I realized I needed a proper source of income since the money from the congratulatory gift from ROB would only last so long. The house itself was paid for until I hit 17 so I tried to draw Manga from my past life. The results were terrible since I was horrible at drawing. But I didn't let that get to me since I had time I practiced nearly every day until I got better!

My backup plan was to open up a food shack and sell food from the system but I didn't want to resort to that as it would involve me personally manning the store.

After all those years and art CLASSES that I had to pay for, I can finally say that I am pretty good at drawing now. Now I just need to wait until my editors get back to me on if my manga will be popular or not.

”Ah yes, I'll take a banana parfait” I told the waitress as I ignored the weird looks I got from the randoms.

Looking over at Issei as he was completely enamored by his date's oppai I can't help but mentally sigh ”Atleast he isn't nervous despite being told his dates planning on killing him.” I just shook my head as I focused on my parfait.

Dear god, this tastes bland! Maybe it's because my taste buds have been set to a higher standard from the system food but surely it couldn't be that bad. I just left the money on the table as I went outside ahead of the couple to not arouse suspicion, and to wash my mouth of that sorry excuse for a frozen dessert. By Gabriel's perfect tits the system has ruined me.

Indulging in his new found kink of voyeurism, Shiro listens to the couple's conversation next to the fountain.

The disguised fallen angel breaks off skipping from her date to move closer to the water fountain.

”Can I ask you a question? she asks with her hands behind her back attempting to look cute.

”Hm?” was Issei's reply as he tensed up a little remembering his conversation with Shiro earlier

She just smiled ”In honor of our first date, there's something i'd like you to do. To commemorate this special moment” she said taking small steps closer to the future harem king

”Sure, you can ask me for anything at all” he replied hoping it'd be a kiss

”mmh.... would you die for me?” She said raising her narrowed eyes with a menacing smile.

Only to immediately be greeted by an uppercut that sends her flying into the fountain.

”AARRGGH YOU BASTARD!” Raynare shrieked as she began transforming into her original appearance.

”But how are you still awake!? I decked you with everything I had!” Issei was dumbfounded that didn't knock her out but looking closely he may have dislocated her jaw

”PUNCH HER HARDER!” Came the yell of his teacher's voice from a tree

”WHO'S THERE!?” Raynare immediately tried to locate the hidden observer as she finished her transformation.

Hearing the sound of a stomp right next to her she turned her head to the sight of Issei already bringing another fist to her face

”Stay down already!” He said as he knocked her aside with a right hook

This was not how Raynare imagined her day going