Part 17 (1/2)
'It holds the destiny of Aquilonia,' said Hadrathus with conviction 'I will sendi to be hampered by priests on his quest, however skilled in esoteric arts 'This is a task for a fighting o alone First to Poitain, where I'll leave Albiona with Trocero Then to Kordava, and to the sea beyond, if necessary Itout Tarascus' order, he'll have so an outbound shi+p at this time of the year'
'And if you find the Heart,' cried Hadrathus, 'I will prepare the way for your conquest Before you return to Aquilonia I will spread the word through secret channels that you live and are returning with a er than Xaltotun's I will have men ready to rise on your return
They will rise, if they have assurance that they will be protected from the black arts of Xaltotun
'And I will aid you on your journey'
He rose and struck a gong
'A secret tunnel leads from beneath this teo to Poitain on a pilgrim's boat None will dare molest you'
'As you will' With a definite purpose in y 'Only let it be done swiftly'
In thenot slowly elsewhere in the city A breathlesshi hiarbled story of a bloody prison break and the escape of a lovely captive He bore also the news that Count Thespius, to whom the execution of Albiona's sentence had been entrusted, was dying and begging for a ith Valerius before he passed
Hurriedly cloaking hi ways, and came to a chamber where Thespius lay There was no doubt that the count was dying; bloody froth bubbled froasp His severed arm had been bound to stop the flow of blood, but even without that, the gash in his side wasman, Valerius swore softly
'By Mitra, I had believed that only one man ever lived who could strike such a blow'
'Valerius!' gasped the dying ?' ejaculated the other
'I swear by Mitra!' gurgled Thespius, gagging on the blood that gushed to his lips 'It was he who carried off Albiona! He is not dead--no phantom come back from hell to haunt us He is flesh and blood, and more terrible than ever The alley behind the tower is full of dead men
Beware, Valerius--he has co shudder shook the blood-sure, and Count Thespius went limp
Valerius frowned down at the deadswiftly to the door, cast it open suddenly
The uardsmen stood several paces down the corridor Valerius ht have indicated satisfaction
'Have all the gates been closed?' he deuards at each Let no one enter or leave the city without strictest investigation Setthe quarters A very valuable prisoner has escaped, with the aid of an Aquilonian rebel Did any of you recognize the liiant, clad in the black garb of the executioner, whose naked body we found in an eerous man,' said Valerius 'Take no chances with him You all know the Countess Albiona Search for her, and if you find her, kill her and her companion instantly Do not try to take the to his palace chamber, Valerius summoned before hiaunt, of yellowish skin, and immobile countenances They were very si black robes beneath which their sandaled feet were just visible Their features were shadowed by their hoods They stood before Valerius with their hands in their wide sleeves; their arms folded
Valerius looked at thes he had encounteredin the Khitan jungles,' he said abruptly, 'exiles frodoh, in your abominable way One more service I require, and then I set you free of your oath
'Conan the Ci of Aquilonia, still lives, in spite of Xaltotun's sorcery--or perhaps because of it I know not The dark mind of that resurrected devil is too devious and subtle for a mortal man to fathom But while Conan lives I am not safe The people accepted ht he was dead Let hi under my feet in revolution before I can lift my hand
'Perhaps my allies mean to use him to replace me, if they decide I have served my purpose I do not know I do know that this planet is too ss of Aquilonia Seek the Cimmerian Use your uncanny talents to ferret him out wherever he hides or runs He has many friends in Tarantia He had aid when he carried off Albiona It took more than one hter in the alley outside the tower But no more Take your staffs and strike his trail Where that trail will lead you, I know not But find him! And when you find hiether, and still unspeaking, turned and padded noiselessly from the chamber