Part 3 (1/2)

'It was there, in the corner,'his lion-maned head from side to side in his efforts to rise 'A s like acloak drawn about him, and a hood All I could see was his eyes, as he crouched there in the shadows I thought he was a shadow himself, until I saw his eyes They were like black jewels

'Imy sword, but I missed him clean--how, Croht ers burned like hot iron All the strength went out of me, and the floor rose and struck one, and I was down, and--curse him!--I can't iant's hand, and his flesh crawled On the king's wrist showed the blue rip so hard as to leave its print on that thick wrist?

Pallantides reh he had heard as he rushed into the tent, and cold perspiration beaded his skin It had not been Conan who laughed

'This is a thing diabolical!' whispered a tre squire 'Men say the children of darkness war for Tarascus!'

'Be silent!' ordered Pallantides sternly

Outside, the daas di up froht the fanfare of a thousand tru's ain the veins in his temples knotted as he strove to break the invisible shackles which crushed him down

'Put my harness on me and tie e yet!'

Pallantides shook his head, and a squire plucked his skirt

'My lord, we are lost if the host learns the king has been smitten! Only he could have led us to victory this day'

'Help eneral

They obeyed, and laid the helpless giant on the furs, and spread a silken cloak over him Pallantides turned to the five squires and searched their pale faces long before he spoke

'Our lips must be sealed for ever as to what happens in this tent,' he said at last 'The kingdoo and fetch me the officer Valannus, who is a captain of the Pellian spearmen'

The squire indicated bowed and hastened fro down at the stricken king, while outside trumpets blared, drurowing dawn Presently the squire returned with the officer Pallantides had na Like hiray and he did not rese is stricken by a strange reat honor is yours; you are to wear his armor and ride at the head of the host today Nonewho rides'

'It is an honor for which a ive up his life,'

starant that I do not fail of thisstared with burning eyes that reflected the bitter rage and humiliation that ate his heart, the squires stripped Valannus of -pieces, and clad him in Conan's armor of black plate- over the wyvern crest Over all they put the silken surcoat with the royal lion worked in gold upon the breast, and they girt hiold-buckled belt which supported a jewel-hilted broadsword in a cloth-of-gold scabbard While they worked, trued, and across the river rose a deep-throated roar as squadron after squadron swung into place

Full-armed, Valannus dropped to his knee and bent his plu, Mitra grant that I do not dishonor the harness I wear this day!'

'Bring me Tarascus' head and I'll uish Conan's veneer of civilization had fallen froround his teeth in fury and blood-lust, as barbaric as any tribesmen in the Cimmerian hills


The Cliffs Reel

The Aquilonian host was drawn up, long serried lines of pikeure in black ar up into the saddle of the black stallion held by four squires, a roar that shook the mountains went up from the host They shook their blades and thundered forth their acclaiold-chased armor, pikemen in mail coats and basinets, archers in their leather jerkins, with their longbows in their left hand