Part 7 (1/2)

Composite family. Compositae.

”Rich dry soil from the Mississippi and Gulf States through Texas to Mexico.” (Coulter). In rich soils, lowlands and woodlands; honey yield very abundant, depending upon seasons; fine quality of honey.


SNEEZE WEED. BITTER WEED. Helenium tenuifolium Nutt.

Composite family. Compositae.

”River bottoms, etc., extending from the Gulf and Mississippi States to Western Texas.” (Coulter). College: abundant on open woodland prairies and plains of Eastern Texas. Honey yield good in favorable seasons; pollen; honey golden yellow, heavy body but very bitter, as if 50 per cent quinine and some pepper was added. June to October.*

MARIGOLD. Gaillardia Foug.

Composite family. Compositae.

”Extending from plains of Arkansas and Louisiana through Texas to those of Arizona and Mexico.” (Coulter). Hunter: waysides and prairies. Honey yield of good quality, dark amber colored. A main yielder of surplus. May, June.*

BLUE THISTLE. Cnicus altissimus Willd.

Composite family. Compositae.

”Borders of woods and open ground. Common in the Atlantic States and extending into Texas.” (Coulter). Hunter: scattered over open prairies; honey yield unimportant; some pollen. July, August.* ”Bees working heavily on it in June, 1907 along Guadalupe River, New Braunfels, Texas, where some of the pastures were literally covered with it.” (E. Scholl).

AMERICAN KNAPWEED. Centaurea Americana Nutt.

Composite family. Compositae.

”Extending from the plains of Arkansas and Louisiana through Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico.” (Coulter). Hunter: open prairies and pastures. Not important. July, August.*

DANDELION. Taraxac.u.m officinale Weber.

Composite family. Compositae.

”Common everywhere; an introduction from Europe.” (Coulter). See A. B. C. of Bee Culture. February.*

MARIGOLD. Tagetes patalus L.

Composite family. Compositae.

Cultivated in flower gardens; honey yield not important; bees only occasionally visiting it. July.*

NARROW-LEAFED IRON WOOD. b.u.melia angustifolia Nutt.

Appodilla family. Sapotaceae.

”Valley of the lower Rio Grande.” (Coulter). Specimen sent from the Nueces River. (Cotulla). June.*

MEXICAN PERSIMMON. Diospyros Texana Scheele.

Ebony family. Ebenaceae.