Part 9 (1/2)

69. He did homage, and he kissed the ground at their feet.

70. He bowed down, stood up, and spake unto them [saying]:

71. ”[O ye G.o.ds], Anshar your son hath charged me,

72. ”The intention of his heart he hath made me to know in this wise:--

73. ”Mother Tiamat who gave us birth hath sown these things,

74. ”She hath set in order her a.s.sembly, she rageth furiously.

75. ”All the G.o.ds have joined themselves to her.

76. ”They march by her side together with those whom ye have created,

77. ”They formed a band and went forth to battle to help Tiamat.

78. ”They were exceedingly wroth, they made plans by day and by night without ceasing.

79. ”They offered battle, foaming and raging.

80. ”They set the battle in array, they uttered cries of defiance.

81. ”Ummu-Khubur, who formed all things,

82. ”Set up the unrivalled weapon, she sp.a.w.ned huge serpents,

83. ”Sharp of tooth, pitiless in attack (?)

84. ”She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood,

85. ”Grim, monstrous serpents, arrayed in terror,

86. ”She decked them with brightness, she fas.h.i.+oned them in exalted forms,

87. ”So that fright and horror might overcome him that looked upon them,

88. ”So that their bodies might rear up, and no man resist their attack.

89. ”She set up the Viper, and the Snake, and the G.o.d Lakhamu,

90. ”The Whirlwind, the Ravening Dog, the Scorpion-man,

91. ”The Storm-wind, the Fish-man, the Horned Beast,

92. ”They carried the Weapon which spared not, nor flinched from the battle.

93. ”Most mighty were Tiamat's allies, they could not be resisted.

94. ”Thus she caused Eleven [monsters] of this kind to come into being.