Part 7 (1/2)

114. He approached and took up his place before Anshar.

115. Anshar looked upon him and his heart was filled with gladness.

116. He (i.e., Anshar) kissed his (Marduk's) lips, and his (Anshar's) fear was removed. [Then Marduk said]

117. ”My father, let not the opening of thy mouth be closed,[1]

[Footnote 1: i.e., ”let what thou sayest prevail.”]

118. ”I will go, I will make to take place all that is in thy heart.

119. ”Anshar, let not the opening of thy mouth be closed,

120. ”I will go, I will make to take place all that is in thy heart.”

[Anshar says to Marduk]

121. ”What man is the cause of the battle which made thee go forth

122. ”... Tiamat, who is a woman, pursueth thee with weapons.

123. ”Rejoice our [hearts] and make us glad.

124. ”Thou thyself shalt soon trample upon the neck of Tiamat,

125. ”Rejoice our [hearts] and make us glad.

126. ”Thou thyself shalt soon trample upon the neck of Tiamat.

127. ”My son, who dost comprehend everything,

128. ”Cast deep sleep upon Tiamat with thy holy spell.

129. ”Betake thyself to thy march with all speed.

130. ”...”

131. The Lord [Marduk] rejoiced at the word of his father,

132. His heart leaped with joy, to his father he spake, [saying],

133. ”O Lord of the G.o.ds, Overlord of the Great G.o.ds,

134. ”Should I as your avenger

135. ”Slay Tiamat and bestow life upon you,

136. ”Summon a meeting, proclaim and magnify my position,