Part 35 (1/2)
Kingsley found interesting how Amy and Arno had interchanged roles. She always saw problems, but now proposed solutions; he, the reverse. Even now Arno stood in the softly pelting rain and just stared at them. No doubt the man would come back to himself, but when?
Moments moved by. Nothing. ”I'll help organize some of the specialists,” he said to move matters along.
”Ah, okay.” Arno did not move.
”I should think you would need to instruct your lieutenants.”
”Quite soon.”
With Amy, he found Arno's bevy of next-in-command types and got them at least moving in roughly the same direction. Arno slowly came to resemble himself again. Within an hour, something like a convoy departed to wind its way up the Saddle Road. At the last moment, Arno summoned up with his bureaucratic magic wand a fleet of limousines. Into these sleek black Lincoln Continentals they wedged, not wanting to ride in the backs of trucks. Prudently Arno had kept the limos on the island since the threat of a presidential visit had loomed, then receded, weeks before. Amid slas.h.i.+ng lightning, they wallowed off into gray, thick rain.
Arno insisted that Kingsley and Amy ride with him, and though Kingsley wanted nothing more than to lean back and nod off, Arno chose this moment to demand a summary of the ”scientific situation.”
”What do you think the Eater will do next?”
Kingsley was tempted to retreat to his now-standard aliens-are-alien argument, but this newly revived Arno did not seem in the mood to accept that and let him sleep. He leaned forward, summoning up energies he did not until a moment before know that he had. An aide handed him a gin and tonic with crackling cold ice, fresh from the limo bar. This incongruity disarmed him momentarily and he took a sip. What the h.e.l.l, it was calories. At least Amy was beside him. He needed her much more than the drink, but it, too, was comforting. He dimly noted that his drink hand was trembling and wondered abstractly why.
”It's concerned. Not perhaps desperate; we can't flatter ourselves with entertaining that notion. But concerned, since it is wasting its most vital resource-the hot, fluid, ionized ma.s.s that is compressed by gravitational gradients into the disk that orbits it.”
Arno was a difficult audience because he knew just enough to ask questions. ”It didn't use that to burn Was.h.i.+ngton. Or to shotgun that s.h.i.+p.”
”In a way it did,” Kingsley said. ”The jets it creates, the gravel it used to poke holes in that s.h.i.+p-they come ultimately from the infalling energy and ma.s.s in its disk.”
Arno frowned. ”It's got a lot in that disk. h.e.l.l, I could see it glowing in the sky. Back when I could see the sky, I mean.”
”Indeed. Yet ma.s.s is a scarce resource for it now, as it has expended a great deal decelerating on its approach to us. To be sure, it retrieved some in our upper atmosphere. Amy has estimated that it could catch in the range of several tens of tons per minute with the expanded field region it has flowered forth. Integrating that over its cruise around the Earth in several shallow orbits, one gets a substantial ma.s.s. But still a good deal less than it needs. And therefore desires desires, for I suspect it experiences its most basic needs as a hunger. Desire is a more rarefied way to put it. This thing is best regarded as an extremely sophisticated, moving appet.i.te with more experience than any civilization could possibly have. And of a different kind, as well, one we can explore only by working out the most basic constraints upon it.”
This extended blurt Arno greeted with his patented skeptical gaze. He took so long to say anything that Kingsley wondered whether the man was slipping back into his earlier semicatatonia. Then he looked at one of his lieutenants, wedged into the far end of the limo with a security type, and said, ”We got any new intelligence on this?”
”Nosir. Nothing works works.”
”No lines to DoD?”
”The airborne White House?”
”Nosir, it hit us pretty bad.”
”Well then.” Arno seemed to have decided something, for he now gazed stolidly at Kingsley across the short separation of the limousine's center well. ”What you got?”
”Our strategy, if it deserves such a name, is simple. The one thing it must have to move on with is matter. Our first maneuver is to explode canisters of barium near it. Barium ionizes easily in the solar ultraviolet. The plasma is disagreeable to the Eater, so it will move away.”
”Herding it, I remember that.”
”But it needs ma.s.s, so we suspect-”
”Hope,” Amy put in. ”A more honest word.”
”Quite. We hope that it will move toward the most readily available, substantial ma.s.s in its vicinity.”
”Right, the moon.”
”Yet by the logic we settled upon long ago, when we first understood its nature, the Eater cannot simply plunge into the moon. That would strip it of its magnetic fields-and thus its mind. Suicide.”
”So it grazes the moon. Orbits in, real close.” Arno nodded. Kingsley could see he was reconstructing this, as if his memory were disarranged.
”And that is where we use matter again-the key to destroying it, as well.”
”Antimatter,” Arno said. He clung to the word.
”The antimatter Channing carries is lodged in cylindrical, highly magnetic traps. If she can eject the contents at the innermost edge of the Eater's own ma.s.s deposit-the accreting ma.s.s in its disk-that will disrupt the magnetic fields that are anch.o.r.ed there.”
”Its greatest energy density lies there.”
”So annihilating the ma.s.s that ties those fields,” Amy put in, ”might give the Eater a lobotomy.”
Arno's mouth sketched a skeptical curve. ”But not kill it.”
”There is a possibility,” she went on, balancing an orange juice on her knee. ”She could drop some antimatter-positrons and antiprotons-into the rim of the black hole itself. There are huge magnetic fields moored there.”
”And that would kill it?” Arno asked.
”It would allow the two poles, north and south, of the black hole itself to unite.” She grinned triumphantly.
Arno frowned. ”They would then, well, what?”
”Annihilate. North and south are opposite poles, and they would cancel each other out. Poof Poof!-all the energy in the hole's magnetic storage turns to free energy.” Amy beamed.
He felt a rush of emotion, mostly pride. This was her idea and she was justly proud. Kingsley had not even suspected such a thing could occur, but she had shown it in several detailed calculations.
”And what happens to this Channing simulation?” Arno asked.
Amy sobered. ”The tidal forces, the torques-this close to the hole, they're tremendous.”
Trying to be helpful, Kingsley added, ”The trick for it, for her, is to angle in so that the whirlpool of s.p.a.ce-time can pick her up. That centrifugal action can counter the inward stresses. It's the only way she could get close enough to carry this out.”
Amy went on as Arno struggled to understand. It would all be much easier if they had the vast graphic displays of the Center, of course. Science was now mostly a matter of understanding the pictures shown, not the principles underlying them.
Kingsley sat back and reflected, the gin and tonic helping nicely. The great trouble with understanding this black hole lay in a simple fact: calculations were nearly all about the equilibrium. Average properties, energy theorems and the like. So what did one really know? He had watched a generation of theorists wrestle with the same problems.