Part 29 (1/2)
'_For Mrs. Jane Ellen, at Mr. Hargrave's, near Temple-bar, London._'
COWPER--Though it is directed to Mrs. Jane Ellen, it begins in the inside 'Sir,' and it is dated the 5th March next before the 13th.
HATSELL, BARON--What March was it?
MR. MARSHALL--I kept no account of the time, but I am very positive, by the contents, that Mr. Cowper shewed me this letter and I read it, but by my now remembrance, it should be longer since than March last.
COWPER--It was March last. That which will set Mr. Marshall's memory to rights is this other letter, which I received at the Rainbow, when he was by, and he read it; and it importuning me to a matter of this kind, I did produce it to my brother and him; they both knew of it; and both read it, and that will refresh his memory concerning the date of the other.
MR. MARSHALL--My lord, I was in the coffee-house with Mr.
Cowper when he received this letter; and he afterwards shewed it to Mr. William Cowper, at the Covent-garden tavern, when I was by.
CLERK OF ARRAIGNS--This is dated the 9th of March, and directed to Mrs. Jane Ellen, at Mr. Hargrave's.
'_March 9._
I writ to you by Sunday's post, which I hope you have received; however, as a confirmation, I will a.s.sure you I know of no inconveniency that can attend your cohabiting with me, unless the grand jury should thereupon find a bill against me; but I won't fly for it, for come life, come death, I am resolved never to desert you; therefore according to your appointment I will expect you and till then I shall only tell you, that I am
'Yours,' etc.
'_For Mrs. Jane Ellen, at Mr. Hargrave's, near Temple-bar, London._'
COWPER--If your lords.h.i.+p please, I will further prove this letter by my brother.
_William Cowper_ said that about a year and a half since, when Mrs.
Stout was in London, his brother came to his chamber in the Temple, and told him that he had received a letter from Mrs. Stout, saying that she intended to visit him in his chamber that day. His brother told the witness that because of her connection with Marshall, as well as for other reasons, he would not receive her there; and it was arranged that as she intended first to dine with their father at his house in Hatton Garden, where the witness was then living, he should take the opportunity for casually remarking that the prisoner was that day gone to Deptford, as he in fact intended to do. This plan was carried out, with the result that Mrs. Stout left the room fainting. The witness then went on to give an account of how his brother showed him the last letter mentioned, at the Covent Garden Tavern--
Saith he, the occasion of my shewing it, is not to expose a woman's weakness, but I would not willingly lie under too many obligations, nor engage too far; nor on the other hand would I be at an unnecessary expence for a lodging.
It was accordingly arranged that the witness should write to Barefoot to dispose of his lodgings, as Cowper had already related.
I said I would write the next day, being; but when I should have writ, it was very late, and I was weary, being then tied down to the business of parliament; and partly for that reason, and partly in point of discretion, which I had upon my second thoughts, that it would be better for my brother to be at Mr. Barefoot's, which is near the court, and in the market place, I did neglect writing; and though I thought of it about eleven o'clock, yet, as I said, partly for one reason, and partly for another, I did not write that time.'
_Beale_ was then called to prove the hand-writing of the letters, and the jury declared themselves satisfied.
HATSELL, BARON--I believe you may ask her mother, she will tell you whether it be her daughter's hand.
MRS. STOUT--How should I know! I know she was no such person; her hand may be counterfeited.
HATSELL, BARON--But if it were written in her more sober stile, what would you say then?
MRS. STOUT--I shan't say it to be her hand unless I saw her write it.
MR. STOUT--It is like my sister's hand.
HATSELL, BARON--Do you believe it to be her hand?