Part 2 (1/1)
”Believe in me, do good for my sake,” gives to morality a sectarian stamp, or taint, which is bound to corrupt it. Morality is born of liberty. Christianity is the religion of absolutism, in which Jesus or G.o.d is everything, and man a mere puppet. Christianity denies to man the right to reason. He must only obey. There is no morality where there is no liberty. By his doctrine of an impending catastrophe, a future h.e.l.l, and by his promises of fabulous wealth and glory beyond--Jesus helped to disturb and distort the judgment of the weak and the fearful, preventing thereby the cultivation of sane thoughts of life. The morality of Jesus was the morality of panic.
And what do we offer in place of supernaturalism, whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Brahmanism, or any other ”ism”? In place of magic or miracle, we offer science; in place of ”belief,” we offer knowledge--the open light of day and the unhampered interchange of human love and thought. In place of Christ or G.o.d--both absent, and neither dependent upon anything we can do for him--we offer Humanity, forever at our side, and in daily need of our bravest service and most unstinted love.